Chapter 5: New Roommates?

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A/n:Eyo readers! Wow. I'm up to chapter 5 already. I'm now writing this story on quotev also. So if you have quotev and see this story, it most likely would be me. My name on quotev is 'My world is my Mind'. So now, let go on to the chapter.

•~Natalie's P.O.V~•
Nick, Y/n, and I were on our way to my brother's apartment. I was a little worried. Both on how Arthur will react and how Y/n will react. Arthur wasn't too happy about Nick living with us. Maybe it was because Nick was a guy. Arthur always was the overprotective brother type. But I'm not really sure. And Y/n. I'm glad we're friends now but Arthur tends to drive people away.

Arthur was popular in school. He had both looks and smarts. Mother wanted him to stay back home so he would learn evil but Arthur said he would come here and get revenge. Something happened in Arthur's life that I don't really know. My family is complicated. So was Nick's.

"Nat. We're here." Nick told me. I notice that I was still walking. I walked back to them and headed up the stairs. I took the keys out of my pocket and unlock the door.

"I'm home." I said, putting my stuff down near the door.
Usually, Arthur would answer and enter the living room, but there was no reply.

"Arthur?" I called again. Still no reply.

"He must be out. Oh well. We can just homework." We all sat down at the dining table. Sometimes I wonder, how did Arthur afford this place?

"Hey guys. Let's go inside and work on the project." I heard voices from outside.

'It must be Arthur. Hmm... maybe we should prank him.'

I looked over at Nick who already knew what to do. I grabbed Y/n arm. She flinched but notice what we were going to do.

We hid behind the couch. Arthur was opening the door very slowly. I was at one concert of the couch while Nick was at the other. Y/n was in the middle looking above the couch. Nick and I lifted the rug. There was a rope peeking out from the wood flooring. At the same time, when the opened, we pulled the rope and a chain reaction was set off.

"Hello-GAH!" Arthur was splashed with a bucket of water.

You see, the rope was laid under the floor and up the wall. The bucket was between the upstairs floor and ceiling. Nick and I set this up a while back. Two ropes kept the bucket balanced and straight. When the reaction was set off, a pair of scissors cut one of the ropes. This causes the bucket to be unbalance and drop all of the water. (I do not recommend trying this unless you are a professional and committed prankster.)

We all looked at the front door. There standing was a soaking wet Arthur and two friends of his. One laughing, the other shocked.

"NATALIE!" Arthur was angry. Nick couldn't hold it in anymore and fell to the floor laughing. I joined him along with Y/n.

I saw Arthur heading to the bathroom, grabbing a towel.
We all stand up. I clear my throat with a cough.

"Hello *cough* Arthur." I tried to hold back my laughter. The white button down shirt was dripping water, falling to the floor. So he will have to mop that up, along with the front. He deserved it. He once waited for me to come home and throw a bucket of whip cream and water.

Such a waste of whip cream.

"I'll get you back for this." Arthur said, drying his hair with the towel.

"I'm sure you will, Brother."
Arthur's friends enters the apartment. One of his friends was a girl. She had medium dark brown hair with hazel-gray eyes. The other one was a guy with spiked dark blonde hair and had hazel-green eyes. They both wore rectangular-framed glasses. The boy's was colored dark purple and the girl's was midnight blue.

"Hey Abigail, William. Why don't you guys wait on while I go change?" He glared at me when he said change.

"And we'll be in my room." I grabbed Nick's and Y/n's arm and ran to my room.

•~Y/n's P.O.V~•
I was dragged over to a room with Nick by Natalie.
I'm mostly betting that this is Natalie's room. She was one of those girl that were in the middle about the two main girl stereotypes. Girly girl and tomboy.

But enough about that. So that was Natalie's brother? I think I saw him in our class today but he was somewhere at the top in the middle section.

"That was awesome!" Nick exclaimed, sitting on a black bean bag near a bed.

"And we made it out safe this time." Natalie joked. She sat on her bed and I did as well next to her.

The room was quite small and I felt bad that Nat still had to live with her brother. I started thinking. Maybe she doesn't have to live with him. Maybe they can both live with me at my house. It was pretty big and it would be nice to have people that I enjoy being with there. I should ask.

"So, uh, Natalie, Nick. This place seems a little crowed with all of you guys here. Ever thought of getting a place in your own?" I ask. They both turned their heads to face each other. After a few second, they nodded and turned back to me.

"Yeah. I guess we have thought about it. But we really don't have the money to get a place." Nick said, leaning back in the bean bag.

"And I don't think Arthur would let me live on my own. He's a pretty protective brother." Natalie said, laying down on the bed.

"Well what if you live with me? I do have plenty of space at home."

"Are you sure you want us to live with you? Natalie can be quite a pain." Nick gestured to Natalie.

"Like, you're any better, Nick"  Natalie replied to Nick's comment.

"Yes I'm sure. It would be nice to have someone around in my house."

"Ok then. We agree to go with you. But what about Arthur?" Natalie asked.
Oh right. Arthur. Hm... Ooh I got it.

"I'll deal with him. Let go talk to Arthur."

They both nodded and followed me to the living room. We saw Arthur and his friends sitting on the couch, talking about a mission in Europe. They didn't realize we were standing there until Nick gave a small cough.

"Oh Natalie, who's your friend?" Arthur stood up from the couch.

"Oh um. Th-this is Y/n. She's n-new in school and WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME SO MANY QUESTIONS?! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Natalie started to panic.

"Um.... Ok.... Nick, what did you do to my sister?"

"Why do you assumed I did something?"
Oh no. This is how an argument started.

Arthur glared at Nick. But Nick just didn't care. Arthur got closer to us. Natalie just looked worried and me. Well I was just annoyed
"Because you alway star-"

"Ok wait not to be rude or anything but before something gets started, can I talk first?" I interrupted.
They nodded and I sighed.

"Ok. So first, Hi I'm Y/n. You must be Arthur. Natalie told nothing about other than your name. Now that we got names down, I can negotiate. So, since this apartment is small for three, would it be fine is they moved in with me in my house?" I said, professionally. Arthur looked a little shock on how I was so straight forward. Natalie put on a worried smile. Nick was just as shock as Arthur. I'm pretty interest in his answer.

His friends were sitting on the whispering to each other. The boy who I'm guessing is named 'William', whispered something to the girl, 'Abigail'. I'm not sure what he said to her, but it her blush.

I was still waiting for Arthur's response. He was thinking about it for awhile now.

"Um, look Y/n. Are sure you want them to live with you?"

"Yes. I, believe it or not, live in a big house. Most of the time I'm alone. So that's why I want some friends to live with me."

"Well..." Arthur thought about it more, rubbing the back of this neck.

Nick and Natalie look at each
other again, like last time. They nodded and looked back at Arthur.

"Please!" They said in unison. They put on face full of pity. Honestly, they looked adorable.

"I-I guess it would be fine. You are getting older. You should go and be independent, lily."

'Lily?' The boy questioned in my head.
'Idiot. He means Natalie. Lie is lily.' The girl responded

"So we get to go?" Natalie asked, with a smile.
"Yes. Just don't cause any trouble. Now, go pack."

"Yay!" Natalie skipped off to her room.
"Aw. Look at that, you care about our independence." Nick said

"No. I care about Natalie. I just want you out of my house."

"Well then." Nick walked off to a room next to Natalie's.

Arthur pulled me aside in to the kitchen.
"So, uh Y/n. You're gonna be living with Natalie for now on?"
I nodded. He then started telling me on if there was any problems with either Nick or Natalie, to tell him. He seems like a good brother. Letting her sister go but still making sure she well in the world.

Now that I started to notice, Arthur looked a lot like Natalie. He had the same light brown hair, except his hair was short, and purple eyes. He dressed alright. A white button shirt with gray jeans.

"We're ready." I looked over and saw Nick and Natalie with big backpacks.

"Ok. Let's go." I said heading for the door. They followed me. Arthur said one last goodbye and closed the door. We headed for my house.

I guess these guys really might be my friends....

A/N: YESI HAVE FINISHED CHAPTER FIVESorry for the long wait. But at least it's finished now. Also, sorry for no Soul Eater characters or trills. But don't worry. There will be plenty of that later. But for now, PLOT! Well I got to sleep now. Big science competition tomorrow. Bye ~DaydreamerIris

Finished: February 26 2016. 11:05 pm

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