Chapter 8: I Ship It!

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A/n: Eyo peoples! I can't believe I'm on chapter eight, already. I'm proud of myself. Any who, let's get on with the writing!

•~Soul's P.O.V~•
I saw Y/n in the entrance of the school. She was fighting with Stein. She looked so cool. I heard that she actually manage to beat him. But, I think Stein just forfeited. Something happened because I looked at away for one second and Stein ended up on the floor. Eh, I'm not gonna think for too much.

Maka and I went to the class and sat in our regular seats. "Y/n seems pretty strong, don't you think, Soul?" Maka asked. "Yeah, she's cool." I said, looking straight forward. I didn't want to admit it, but, I actually do like Y/n. But, she probably won't like me back. I did kiss her the first day we met. For anything, that might of been her first kiss. I doubt it, though. She's awesome, honestly. And, she seems pretty friendly with those two transfer students that came here five months ago. I can't help but feel jealous. Nick, I think is what the guy's name is. The way he just smiles at her that makes her smile. I want to make her happy like that. I should try talking to her. "Yeah. Today, after-school!" I thought out loud.

I slammed my fist on my desk and stood up. I, then, remembered that class has started a while ago. Everyone was staring at me. "Is there a problem, Soul?" Stein said, looking at me. I cleared my throat. "N-No, sir. Sorry." I said, sitting back down. "Ok, then. Don't disrupt my class again or you'll stay with me after-school." He said. I nodded.

"Are you ok, Soul?" Maka asked me with a worried expression. "You've been acting weird since, well, since Y/n..." She stopped her sentence and thought to her self for a while. "Got here. Wait, could you? The way you've been acting. You like Y/-!" Maka loud words were interrupted by Stein's thrown scalpel stabbed the wooden board behind us. "Soul, Maka. See me after class." Stein said with a stern voice. "Y-Yes, sir." We stuttered. I heard someone giggle from the sides. I looked over and saw Y/n, smiling. The girl next to her was giggling, quietly. 'Y/n. Her smile. It's... adorable... Great. Now, I have to stay after class with Stein.

•~Y/n's P.o.v~•

Heh. Soul got called out by Stein. Him and Maka. Natalie was trying to control her giggling. "Calm yourself, Nat. Or else, it would be you, too." Nick smirked. Natalie quickly quiet down. I sighed and looked at my paper. Since I'm new and unique to the rest of the class, I had to study on kishins. I didn't want to go to this school, but, now I actually want to do good here. I had a paper that had some old kishins that were a threat on common day. Of course, they're dead now. Sadly. Stopping my train of thought, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Natalie. "Hey, Y/n. You okay?" She asked. "Yeah. Just... thinking." I said, doodling on my paper.

"Well, get of your daydream(You called?) And let's go get lunch!" Natalie said. I looked around the room, confused. I guess I was so focused on my work I didn't realized that the bell rang. Students were leaving the class. Well, except for Maka and Soul. "Alright. Let's go." I said, grabbing my papers. "Forgetting something?" I turned to see Nick, holding my bag."Oh right. Thanks, Nick." I said, taking the bag. I put my papers in the bag and closed it. We were walking out, but, I stopped when I heard the two partners arguing about something. I giggled at their little feud. They notice me and stopped. Maka shyly waved and Soul blushed lightly, looking down at the floor. I left the room and ran up with Nick and Natalie. I began to think back in class. When Maka got called out, it sounded like she was about to say my name. But, she might of been saying anyone's name.

So, Soul likes some who sounds like (Insert your name cut off). Useful information... sort of. We made either to the lunch room and sat at the table from yesterday. "So, what are you gonna wear for your date with Kid!?" Natalie exclaimed. "W-What date!? I told you, It's just so I can learn more about the reaper. Nothing lovey-dovey about it." I blushed deeply. I really hope no one else heard that. I scanned the room to make sure no one was staring at us because of Nat. I saw Kid, looking down at his table. His face was shaded with a light pink. Please, tell me he didn't hear us! "Hey, I'll go get us lunch. You two ladies stay here." Nick said. He walk away, leaving me with Natalie. "Soooo, are you sure you don't like him?" Natalie asked, pulling me by the shoulders. "Yes, I'm sure. So, don't get the idea." I crossed my arms and turned away. "Aww, what a shame. I'll still ship it. Although, Evans seems good for you, too." "Evans? Who's that?" I asked. The name sounds familiar but I can't remember what face to match it to. "Oh, you don't know? Evans is Soul. His name is Soul 'Eater' Evans." She gestured quotation marks on eater "I like calling him Evans rather than Soul." She said. "Oh. Oh! Him! No, no way in hell would I ever like that guy." I stated. She smirked. "Oh really? Did you already encounter Mr. Evans? I wonder, by your reaction, how this encounter went. So curious~" She giggled. "But, I won't bother you. You seems to have a lot on your plate right now." "Thanks. I hope this school doesn't get too boring. I want to do something fun!" I sighed.

"If fun is what you want, I have something in mind." Nick said, coming back with two trays. "But, let's eat first. No excitement shall start on an empty stomach." He put the two trays down on the table and sat next to Natalie. "Where's your tray, Nick?" I asked. "I'll share with Natalie. You can have your own tray." He said, putting the tray between him and Nat. "That doesn't seem fair. Here, take me tray, Nick. I'm not that hungry, anyways." I pushed my tray to him. "Well, I'm not that hungry, either. So, I'll share with Natalie since you already feed us at home." Natalie was in the middle of this. She was the one who was actually hungry and couldn't take food bring pushed in and out of her sight anymore. "I'll take a tray!" She took a tray and the other between Nick and I. "And, you'll share. Jeez, it's food, for leek sake. (Heh, my own little reference.) " She sighed, beginning to eat. "Leeks?" I mumbled in confusion.

I, awkwardly, took the apple on the tray and Nick looked over. "Don't be shy. Go on and take what you want. I'll do the same. Natalie just made this awkward. I'm fine with sharing if you are." He smiled. I smiled back as a kind response.

~Natalie's P.o.v~

As I ate, I looked over at Nick and Y/n since I heard my name. I was about complain to Nick for pinning blame on me until, "-I'm fine with sharing if you are." Nick said. My eyes lit up. Y/n smiled at him. Could this be? Can it? My friends? I mentally gasped. IS THIS A NEW SHIP? I smiled to myself and used my arms to cover my smile so the two won't look at me weird. I began to giggle, quietly, thinking of a ship name. Hmm, Nick and Y/n... It's a nice couple, but, I feel like Evans would be a better match. Wait, I could ask Nick!- No, I can't . Telling him about ships might ruin his. Aww, why is Y/n so shippable? "Nat?" Nick broke me out of my thoughts. "You okay? You've been squirming and giggling. Do I need to take you to the infirmary, agai-" "No! Not Professor Stein! Never again!" I exclaimed. "I see Natalie has had a negative experience with Stein. What happened?" Y/n smirked. "

~Kid's P.o.v~•

I looked over at Y/n who was sitting with her friends she made on the first day. The girl was fidgeting around while the boy and Y/n laughed. It looked like they were eating from the same plate. What is he to her? The girl spotted me staring and smirked. I quickly looked back at Liz and Patty. "Excuse me." I heard the say. I turned back and she was standing in front of me. "Hmm..." She hummed, her eyes scanning me. "Kid, right?" She asked. I nodded. She walked to the other side of me. Suddenly, she grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the cafeteria. Due to the chaos going on in there, no one probably noticed.

"Death the Kid." She said. She walked around me in a circle. "Son of Lord Death." She continued. "Yes, yes. That's true. What do you want?" I asked. "Now, now. No need to be so rude. I'm a friend of Y/n and you-" She paused to point at me. She smiled and her eyes sparkled. "Like her!" She sang. "Why else would you ask her on a date?" She asked. "D-Date?" I stuttered. I did over hear them talking about how we would meet on Friday. But, she considered... a date? "D-Did, uh, Y/n called it a date?" My voice squeaked from my nervousness. "Well, no. But, come on~ It has to be date, right?" She said. Could this be a date? She doesn't consider it as one. Wait? Why should I care? I don't like her, right? Maybe.... I do? "No. All I'm doing is going to talk with Y/n and go some places, I think." I said. "So, you don't have feelings for her?" I shook my head. "Okay, then. You wouldn't mind me telling you that Y/n is dating my friend." She smirked. "I'm Natalie, by the way. If you forgot my name." "Dating? Friend?" "Yeah. She's dated Nick and came here to visit him. So, I just was wondering why you guys are going somewhere on Friday." She said, mischievously. "I... I didn't know." I said. If I've known... I wouldn't have gotten these feelings for her. Did she manipulate my emotions?

Natalie bursted into laughter. I looked her, shocked and confused. "I-I'm sorry. The look on your face was priceless. Thinking about them, dating. You must really like her." She continued laughing. "Wait, what do you mean?" She took a breath from her laughter. "They're not dating, buddy. Never have. And-" She came closer to me. "-Never will." She seemed serious. She backed off and smiled. "So, don't worry about them. But, what I would worry about is Mr. Evans and the assassin. Looks like they're trying to go for her, too. So, it seems you have advantage in the game with your little date." She giggled. Does she mean Soul and BlackStar? "Well, I think your friends might be looking for you. It was nice meeting you in person. If you need help with Y/n, I'm rooting for you." She turned and walked away. Rooting for me?

~Natalie's P.o.v~

I turned away and put on a dull face. Sure, I'm rooting for you. But, I got other people to worry about. Dating? Please. Nick would never date any girl of this school. I won't let him. OF course, he will find someone one day. And, I really hope it isn't me...

A/n: Oh my leeks! This book is alive! Eyo readers, sorry for the long... LONG wait. I've been procrastinating and sort of lost touch with the book but I'm back. And, I am committed! So, hey ya go! Again, sorry for leaving you alone in the dark with this story. But, I'm back now. Looks like Natalie has some secrets about Nick. Stay tuned! ~Daydreamer_Iris

Published On: October 23rd 2016 2:23 PM On PC

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