lesson learned

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CW: Daiki is a dick // found family(?? does this still count as found ??)

The seven-year-old drags his feet, too anxious to return home at a quicker pace. His left foot has a yellow sock with Thomas the Tank Engine prints (his brand new socks that before today were his favorite.) and his right foot has the other sock and a red converse shoe. The little boy has no idea where the left shoe could be.

His khakis, which were clean and free of wrinkles when he first left the house this morning, are covered in mostly grass stains, but there were other stains that the boy had no intention of smelling or looking at.

His shirt, thankfully, is relatively clean --not counting the mud stain in the center of his shirt.

He walks up to his house. An older woman stands on the porch fuming quietly until then, "What the hell happened to your clothes? And where the fuck is your other shoe.?"

The boy mumbles something under his breath. Whatever he said must've angered her greatly because she gets off the porch entirely. The seven-year-old quickly runs up to her, wrapping his arms around her, not minding her attitude. After a while, he feels her shift.

"I'm not buying shoes just for Daiki to steal them every week, Blake. You know that, right?" She hugs him tighter, not giving the boy (Blake) the chance to sneak into the house.

Blake shakes his head, trying not to cry. He hated to disappoint LJ, his new caregiver after his biological parents gave him up. He's only been with LJ for four months, but he's probably disappointed her more time than he can count.

LJ gently shakes him out of his thoughts. "Wasn't he supposed to apologize to you? In front of his parents and y'all's teacher?"

"He did..." Blake nods timidly before shrinking into LJ's chest as he continued. "I told him I forgave him... like your 'sposed to."

LJ sighs. She leans away from the seven-year-old and grabs him by the shoulder, semi-forcing him into the house. "Sit down at the kitchen table, kay?" Blake nods and LJ is once again reminded of the way her dark skin contrasts to her son's pale skin.

She watches Blake sit down at the wooden table, fidgeting with his fingers. "Daiki's the one who cut your shirt last week?"

A nod.

"Teacher make him say sorry?"

Another nod, confused this time. LJ makes no move to explain herself.

"What'd you say?"

Blake hesitates, "...I forgive him? I don't get it, mama."

"You don't need to get it right now. Was it Daiki who took your new shoes on Monday too?" Blake nods, brows furrowed as he tries to find LJ's thought process.

"He apologize?" A nod. "And your response?"

"I forgive him."

LJ fakes a thoughtful hum. "Interesting. Listen, baby, and listen real good okay?"

Blake nods appreciatively, thankful to be let in the loop. LJ stands up, making her way into the kitchen to start dinner. "It sounds to me like you keep forgiving him, causing him to believe he can keep bullying you." She turns back around to find Blake gaping open-mouthed, silent tears falling down his face.

"It's my fault?" he asks in awe. LJ quickly puts a stop to that train wreck of an idea. She rushes over to him and pulls his dirtied body into another hug, trying her best to chase off any of his anxieties.

"Of course it's not, love. I was not saying that. I was saying you needed to find something else to say when people apologize. I am so sorry, baby, I would never say it was your fault."

It's true. Blake does know that, he's not sure why he immediately jumped to the conclusion LJ blamed him. She's never blamed him once since he started coming home with bruises and missing shoes.

He hugs her tighter, an anxiety attack quickly building its way but he tries to force it down. "Like what..?"

"Try, 'I accept your apology, but I can't forgive you right now'."

"Kay. ...thanks, mama."

"You're welcome, Blake."

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