Did You Finger Gun?

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"Kirishima, talk to me about blow jobs."

Few things could make Kirishima stop eating, but apparently that sentence was one of them. He lowered his chicken drumstick to his plate and blinked a couple of times before saying, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Blow jobs," Kaminari tilted his head quizzically, and narrowed his eyes, "You do, do them, right?"

They were the only two left that night at their dining table after Sato had finished up and there wasn't anyone close enough to hear them. Kirishima's face had turned a light shade of red. "Of course I do," he grumbled.

Undeterred, Kaminari continued. "Okay, good. Well I wanna blow Hitoshi but I also don't wanna zap his dick off with my quirk if I accidentally get too into it and lose control." He shrugged as if it were the most nonchalant conversation he could be having.

Kirishima huffed a laugh at the absurdity but nodded in understanding, he'd had his own fair share of troubles with his quirk getting out of hand when he was worked up.

"So I was wondering about your quirk and well, your teeth and how you don't, I guess, bite his dick off?"

Kirishima snorted, trust his bro to come right out and ask. "Practise. I nearly did the first time. Kat wouldn't let me near his junk for a month after that. Not that I blame him," he said with a sheepish grin, his teeth poking into his bottom lip.

Kaminari tried not to laugh, he really did, but it just burst out of him and he keeled over at the image Kirishima's story had conjured. A very angry Bakugou protectively covering himself any time Kirishima came near. He calmed down enough to be able to ask, "Any ideas on how I can avoid that same scenario?"

Kirishima thought for a minute. "Well it's your quirk that's the problem, yeah? Isn't there like some sort of barrier that your electricity can't penetrate?"

Kaminari didn't even make a joke at his bro's use of the word penetrate, that's how serious he was about this. He drummed his fingers against the table thoughtfully. "Like an insulator. Of course. Electricity doesn't flow through wood or glass or plastic or rubber," he mused.


Both of their heads snapped up and their eyes met. "Rubber! Does that include latex?"

"Yeah, I assume so," Kaminari replied.

Kirishima laughed, a rueful smile taking over his face. "If only there was some sort of latex barrier that was designed to fit over a c-"

"Shut up," Kaminari groused but he couldn't believe how simple it was. How had he not thought of that?

Then realisation struck him. "That means I have to buy condoms," Kaminari said in alarm. "Kirishima, I can't do that. That means I'd have to actually go into a store and pick them and the person on the register would, would-"

"Would what, bro? Think you're responsibly sleeping with the person you love?"

Kirishima knew the second the word was out of his mouth that he'd fucked up. Kaminari's eyes widened in panic and his teeth clacked as he snapped his jaw shut.

Whoops. The L word obviously hadn't come up yet. Kirishima went to reassure him when some of the girls from their class came back down the stairs and he stopped.

Kaminari stood from the table to take his plate to the dishwasher. He looked back at Kiri with a faux scandalised look. "Sleeping with? As in having sex? Heck, we're not there yet!"

Kirishima shook his head at his friend as he stood.

The next day after class, Kaminari and Kirishima had their workbooks open on the table as they waded their way through confusing math problem after confusing math problem. The word sin was going to have to work very hard to redeem itself after this.

Kirishima paused to make sure no one was watching them. "Here," he whispered as he reached into his pocket and sneakily passed him a small square of foil.

"What's this?" Kaminari asked as he reached for it and turned it over in his fingers. His eyes went wide as he realised what it was.

"Kiri! You don't just go around handing this shit to people!" Kaminari gasped as he hastily stuffed the single condom into his pencil case and out of sight.

Kirishima just chuckled with a, "You're welcome." He leaned back in the chair. "Did you know you can get flavoured ones? You should get those!"

Kaminari nearly jumped out of his chair when Mina landed in the seat next to him. "Flavoured what?" She asked.

"Slushies!" He burst out a little too loudly and Kirishima tried to hide his wince. "Slushies," he repeated quieter, "From the store on the corner in the mall, they have heaps now, Kiri was just telling me."

"Huh? Everyone knows that. How did you not know that?" Mina looked at him quizzically. "Man now I feel like a slushy," she declared dramatically.

"I could go for a slushy and I'm so done with math," Kirishima sighed. "We have an hour before curfew and it'll only take like half to get there and back?"

Since as second years they had permission to leave campus for short trips, Kaminari agreed.

"Screw it," he laughed as he shut his workbook, "Let's go."

After they made their way to the mall and got slushies, Kirishima subtly pointed toward the drugstore on their way out. "Hey, Meens? Can you wait here for us for a minute? I have to grab something," Kirishima said and steered Kaminari into the store.

Mina shrugged and dropped into a chair to wait. A few minutes later, she was joined by a very red faced Kaminari and a boisterously laughing Kirishima. "What have you two been doing?" She asked.

Kirishima looked at Kaminari to see if he was allowed to tell her but he dissolved into laughter again.

Kaminari shoved at his arm and opened his bag so Mina could see inside and she gasped when she saw the contents. She looked between the two of them waiting for the story.

"You should have been there!" Kirshima managed to say. "Our poor boy froze when the cashier said 'have a good night'."

Kaminari groaned. "I know it's a perfectly polite thing to say but it hits different when you have a box of condoms and a bottle of lube in your hands!"

Mina burst out laughing. "Oh, babe. Did you finger gun?"

"He finger gunned," Kirishima confirmed.

"I panicked."

"Jesus, Denki."

"I. Panicked."

Mina gave him a commiserating look but her amusement was written all over her face. "You're a disaster."

"Yes, well this isn't news to any of us," he said as he shoved the bag under his arm. "Can we please go back now? I've had enough mortification for one day."

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