Okie Dokie Jokie

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So, I had no idea where I could post it. Then, I decided it would be here (because, let's be honest, this shot, which I wrote, is the most popular of my English stories).

I was tagged by the-killing-j0k3 (thank you! <3). I tag:

















1. You must post all rules.

2. You must tag 15 people.

3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.

4. You must answer the 13 questions given to you.

5. You must create 13 more questions to ask others/those you tag.

6. You cannot say you don't do tags. :>

7. You must finish in a week, or the creator has full power to remind you (hey, it's okay!).

8. Be creative with the title.


1. I turn 18 this spring (I still feel like a kid).

2. I can't wait to see Suicide Squad! First, I worried about Leto's Joker, but now I'm positive he creates a very good character! Of course, Heath's Joker will never stop being the love of my life.

3. I met a friend on Wattpad about a year ago. She's become one of the most important people in my life, haven't you, bat4man? :')

4. I cry so easily. During watching movies, listening to music, reading books/stories or when I'm just sad. Pretty irritating usually.

5. I hate my town. I wanna go far away from here asap!

6. I'm always so stressed because of school or when I think about my future.

7. I live in Poland, so I speak Polish (no way!). Polish language is hard af.

8. My favourite Joker fan fiction is definitely Ace of Spades! It's a pure masterpiece and reading this story enlarged my English vocabulary! <3

9. I feel like sleeping and I'm tired. All. The. Time.

10. I'd love to visit the USA and live in New York.

11. I'm an agnostic. Also, I don't mind any religions and sexual orientations etc. If you're a good person and respect me, I'll respect you!

12. My Instagram is itsallforfunj (check it out if you want, you can see my beautiful face... >.<) and my Tumblr is hellogodhatesusall. So yeah, feel free to follow me or something!

13. Joker is my favourite villain ever! I've always loved intelligent psychopaths...

QUESTIONS FROM the-killing-j0k3

1. Favourite word?

"Gorgeous"! If you pronounce this word, it sounds so... gorgeous (smart, I know). :')

2. Cats or dogs?


3. Biggest fear? Why?

Death of the people I love! Yes, I can't think about it!

4. Favourite movie? Why?

The Dark Knight obviously. I'm sure I don't have to tell you why. >>Because Heath, that's why.<<

5. Favourite quote? (from a celebrity, story, song, fanfic, etc.)

"A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open." Frank Zappa

Definitely this one!!

6. Showers or baths?

It depends... Sometimes I like to take a bath, sometimes I take a shower. Ok, showers mostly!

7. Character you hate the most? (Joffrey is still valid.)

Like most people, I fucking hate this bitch Umbridge.

8. Favourite song? If you can't choose, then favourite singer/artist/band or even soundtrack.

Recently, Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become has been my favourite song. >You can see the video above.< Because it's about Joker! Really, I feel like that every time I listen to this song and watch that perfect video. About his feelings, the person he is and that he can't control it. Awww. *_____* Check it out.

9. Marry, fuck, kill: Joker, Riddler, Two-Face.

Oh, so I can fuck only one of them, marry only one of them and kill only one of them, right? ;___;

Marry: Eddie; Fuck: Joker; Kill: Two-Face

10. Why'd the chicken cross the road?

No idea, why don't you ask him yourself?

11. If you could marry/be in a relationship with any character for the rest of time, who would it be?

Oh, Joker, Joker and Joker! :') Even if he killed me, always Joker!

12. Favourite scent?

Coffee, rose, gasoline (yeah) and hot chocolate.

13. If you had a superpower, what would it be? Why?

I'd live in fictional universes! Like DC (because Gotham and... some people who live there :>) or Middle-earth for some time... Jesus, it would be awesome!! <3


1. Favourite hobby?

2. How old are you?

3. Favourite superhero and villain? Why?

4. Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

5. Favourite colour?

6. What would you like to do in the future?

7. Favourite DC movie?

8. Biggest dream?

9. Favourite story on Wattpad?

10. A famous person you'd like to meet? Why?

11. The most touching scene from a movie?

12. Favourite season of the year?

13. You've been on Wattpad since...?

Again, thanks for tagging me! Have a fantastic day/night/whatever!


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