♕ | alone

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A/N: so this update was going to be out around an hour ago but wattpad crashed. i had 600 words written and i was almost finished with this fucking chapter but guess what? wattpad got rid of 500+ words. so now i'm pissed off. send all your fucking complaints to wattpad because i can't do jack shit when this decides to crash and delete all my shit! do you know how fucking difficult it is to work on shit, have it deleted and try and rewrite it without the moti-fucking-vation you had before? i have no motivation to even write this fucking chapter. might be overboard as fuck but i'm genuinely fucking pissed. it's early and i don't want to fuck with this shit. so originally this was gonna be more interesting. but fuck that, because i can't fucking rewrite 500+ words with the same shit as before. so this is completely different (and much shorter) than what i fucking wanted. fuck this.
. . .

     Not a bird would dare to chirp in this part of the forest. It was the darkest, the coldest part of the woods. Where anyone could hear the woods whispering incoherent things. Dare I say, it could drive someone mad.

Hearing things and not being able to understand what the voices are saying, I mean. It's eerie. A curious thing. Oddly, it doesn't quite bother me as much as it does most people. Then again, maybe that's just me. I grew up so close to this place.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair and crossing my legs, clicking the end of the mechanical pencil I held a few times before I began writing again. Just about the sounds- or lack there of,- and sights of the woods. It's nice to look back on the shit I write sometimes, but I do so despise the pit-like feeling in my chest that follows suit to it. It makes me rather uncomfortable.

A distant sound of something I can't quite place brought me out of my thoughts. I tucked my journal and pencil away into the bag I'd carried and rose to my feet, just listening.

     I took that as a bad sign, standing up. I glanced around, the forest completely unchanged, and I began walking back toward home in the same direction I had come from.

     After at least fifteen minutes of walking, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I was within signal range once again, I suppose.

     Extracting my phone from it's place in my pocket, I read the screen. 'hey... you alive? you haven't been answering my texts or anything.' I didn't need to read the name to know that it was Ricky. He worries too much sometimes.

     Typing my reply, I sent back, 'been out in the woods. no signal, sorry :( did you need something? i'm on my way home.'

     It took a moment for Ricky to reply. He isn't the technology type. Well, he likes computers.. but, phones aren't his forte. He types like a grandma.

     'don't worry about it, josh came by to help out. we got a fuckload of books back to shelf. we've got it all under control if you wanna just head home? you could use the rest.'

     I chuckled and shook my head. He needs the rest more than I do. 'i'll be over in 25. ask josh if he can stick around, and then go home. whatever isn't done, i'll take care of.' I texted, following up with 'i insist.' before he could reply with any shit about wanting to work. He works himself much too hard. At least, that's what I think.

     He didn't text back for a few minutes, finally sending back, 'ugh fine. but next time, i'm doing it!!'

     I just rolled my eyes and chuckled, pocketing my phone once more and zipping my sweatshirt up as I walked along. The air was quite chilly, but then again, it was only expected given the season. It hadn't snowed yet, surprisingly. December is just around the corner, and I'm sure Christmas will sneak right up on me.

     Every now and then, I'd peer over my shoulder. I just had a bad feeling when it came to walking home. I always felt like I was being followed.

     I forced myself to keep walking at a moderate pace, though. If anyone or anything is indeed following me, I want to seem like I'm not afraid. Believe me, I'd love to break out into a dead sprint and run the distance to the library, but I'm not a pussy. At least, I don't think I am. So I'll continue to walk.

     Once I reached the forest's edge, I heaved a sigh of relief in knowing that the feeling of being followed or watched had faded. Smoothing out my sweatshirt, I took a deep breath and started the walk to the library itself, which was only just the distance if a football field or two away.

     Not a long walk at all.

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