♕ | burning

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A/N: just so you're all aware, only two more chapters until part one of this story is over! idk if i'll have a break between then and starting part two, ahah. anyway. in regards to new stories! what do you guys want to see?

     I pet Ryan's hair soothingly, trying to keep him settled down. He said his head was hurting, but I think Vinny's situation was making him uncomfortable. I felt horrible not being able to do much, and Devin seemed stressed out.

     Muttering and pacing, Devin looked about ready to explode. He'd swiped everything off of the kitchen island, and that was where he'd set Vinny down. It was something foreign to me, at least, to see Vinny so sickly.

     He was shifting restlessly, shaking. Whenever he'd make a noise, whenever his fingers would twitch, I'd look up half expecting him to sit up, feeling accomplished with having fooled us or something. It never happened, though.

"His allergies shouldn't be this bad!" Devin snapped, "He takes medication for it,-" "Supernatural creatures have allergy medication?" I piped up. Devin scoffed, looking nearly offended. "Of course we do. Just look at Angelo- he likes garlic bread, after all. And Ricky doesn't burn if people flick holy water at him or whatever," he muttered.

I didn't know garlic and holy water were allergies. Then again, I'm still new to this supernatural bullshit.

Devin grabbed Vinny's hands, examining his fingers and wrists, which appeared burnt, charred to black. "This isn't good. Werewolves shouldn't be so badly fucked by wolfsbane- it's meant to ward them off, not kill them," he said.

"Are you telling me he's dying-..?" I spoke up, voice quiet. I couldn't stand the thought of anyone dying. Vinny definitely doesn't deserve to die. And he's young. That's not fair. He can't die.

"I don't want to tell you he's dying," Devin said unhappily. He rubbed his eyes, taking a breath. "He's going to be fine," he said, sounding incredibly unsure.

Vinny's fingers twitched again, and Devin let go of his hands. "This can't be anything from wolfsbane." He said, pausing a moment. He set his jaw, starting to search Vinny's pockets, grumbling to himself about shoddy hexes and dark magic. Distractions.

Devin growled. "I'm going to kill a bitch. I'm actually going to fucking kill someone," he seethed. "The fuck are you babbling about?" I said, sounding more irritable than I'd like to admit. I'm just sick of never knowing what's going on.

Glaring at me with purple irises and fingertips sparking lilac, Devin spoke up. "He's been hexed. Probably one of Oz's fuckwad witches- we're being ganged up on." He snarled, "And whoever hexed him was smart about where they did it, and where they put the fucking thing they hexed him with. Somewhere they knew I wouldn't find it. Somewhere only Vinny must know about- somewhere he's been.." He trailed off, resting a hand on Vinny's chest. "He's burning up."

     "He has a fever?"

     "No," Devin grumbled, pointing to Vinny's hands. "He's burning up. Literally. Whoever hexed him must have some shit against him, because this is 'slow and painful death' in a nutshell. Imagine being in a coma," he said, "but still being conscious. On top of that, imagine burning alive slowly, feeling agonizing pain, but not being able to scream. Once the burning gets to his heart, he's dead," Devin paused. He ran his fingers through Vinny's hair slowly in repetitive motions, humming. "Don't be afraid, love. I know it hurts, but I'm going to get you all fixed up. Whoever did this to you is going to die a slow, horrible death. I'll hex them just like they hexed you- I'll make it even worse," he spoke softly.

     Ryan had fallen asleep at this point, so I set him on the sofa. "Go search his apartment, please.." Devin murmured. "Hex bags are a bunch of little herbs and talismans and other shit wrapped in cloth and bound in leather- if we can find that and burn it. I'm going to try and create a spell to counter it, but burning the hex bag is the best option. We don't have a whole lot of time," Devin said, looking to Vinny's burnt hands, and wincing at the sight.

     He tossed me a lighter, looking at me with pleading eyes. "I can't lose him, Chris. I can't lose anyone else- I've lived too long to keep losing the people I care about. I can't keep watching the people I love die- you understand, don't you..?" He murmured.

     I pursed my lips. "He's not going to die." I replied bluntly, "Look after Ryan for me." I added before swiftly heading for the door. I'm not going to let Vinny die. I'm not going to let anyone die.

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