♕ | comfortable

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     It's been so rainy these past few days, but the truth is, I think it's pretty comfortable. I've taken time out of most of my evening this weeks to put a record on, open the window and just lay in bed. It's nice to relax once and awhile.

     I can't seem to stop thinking about the forest, though. I'm so obligated to march myself out there regardless of time, weather or otherwise. Maybe I'm worried about that fox, but then again, there might not even be one.

     Heaving a sigh, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and walked across my room, reseting the needle as the record I'd been listening to had come to an end. I ran a hand through my hair and looked down at the floor.

     It was probably about five minutes or so that I stood there before shaking my head and crawling back into bed, laying on my side and gazing out the window. The rain was still going, and the wind blew the black curtains inward. I kept the light on that night, mostly just because as I had grown comfortable in the position I was laying in and had no desire to un-comfy-fy myself to turn the damn light off.

     So, that was how I fell asleep.

     When morning came around, I rushed in stretching and getting out of bed to ready myself for the day. It was only mid-shower that I realized that I had the day off, wanting to kick myself for scrambling out of bed so hurriedly.

     Now knowing I had no reason to hurry, I finished my shower and got dressed, making my way downstairs to the kitchen. After the coffee pot was up and running, I looked for anything I could make. Nothing; of course.

     I, being the wonderful adult I am, tend to be that guy who does his grocery shopping last minute after there's really nothing left to work with otherwise. I guess I'm skipping breakfast, then. Which is fine, I mean, I'll live. I just need to go get groceries today.

     Oh well. No big deal. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

     After I'd had my caffeine, I set out, forest bound. I did stop at some corner shop, though, just grabbing a few granola bars and a bottle of water for good measure. I wonder if a fox would like granola.. I don't think wild animals are too picky.

     The store clerk was chatty, but I didn't mind much. After that, then I set out for the woods.

- - -

     I sat where I usually do, listening to the occasional chirping of birds. Reading through my grandma's journal kept me busy, and I'd been nibbling at the same damn granola bar for almost an hour. Skipping breakfast, you'd think I would have been at least a little hungry. I suppose that's not the case, though.

     Ten pages of the journal and half a bottle of water later, I was falling asleep. I didn't really think much of it. Why would I? I mean, it's the woods. It isn't like I have to worry about any bear attacks or anything- we don't really have any bears around here, luckily enough.

     I just let myself fall asleep. Ricky's always nagging me about needing to take a day for myself and just relax, get a good amount of sleep, what have you. He acts like a mother, I swear. I don't mind much, though. He means well.

     I'm not quite sure how long I slept, but I woke up with that feeling.. You know, the one you get wen you wake up at three in the morning feeling like someone's staring at you? Or that feeling where you're folding laundry or something and your back is to the hallway (which mind you, has the light off), and you just subconsciously imagine some demon thing walking along the ceiling, backwards, with it's head upside down and it's arms on the wrong way?

     Maybe that's graphic, maybe I'm just a nervous person, or maybe I'm just a scaredy-cat or something. The world may never know.

     But anyway, that was how I was feeling. I opened my eyes slowly, sitting up a bit and snapping the journal closed, which was followed up by a squeak, almost resembling the sound a dog would make if it were startled. I froze up. "Anyone there? I wont hurt you. Promise," I tried. I probably seemed like such a fool.

     There was no response other than the subtle shift of leaves, like someone had stepped on them.

     "Come on," I said, breaking a piece off of the granola bar I still hadn't finished, holding it out. "I know you're there, now. You gave yourself away.. My name's Chris." I stated, trying to keep a calm, collected tone. It's harder than it seems, alright?

     There was nothing, for a moment. The leaves shifted again, and I heard a very soft voice. "Ryan," It said. I still couldn't see anyone at first, but someone- Ryan, I assume,- took the piece of the granola bar out of my hand. I'm mostly just in awe at the fact that a fox spirit can talk.

     Slowly, I started to see him. And I'd be lying to myself if I said that I didn't happen to like what I saw.

A/N: eyyy finally posting........

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