♕ | crash course

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A/N: quick thing. published a new story called De La Mort. unpublishedabunchofotherstuff.. anyway, it's poly. gonna be fucking with theory and trying to make you think; putting proverbs and quotes at the end of chapters. it'll probably be like a less shit version of Reversed (who even remembers that ol' thing anyway?)

here's a filler- sorry for being so.. gone. i'll try and get a real update up tomorrow.

"Consider this your crash course in all thongs supernatural," Ricky said, kicking his feet up on my coffee table. He always did that- I stopped bugging him about it when he lived with me for awhile a few years back. "You can see me because I'm letting you. You specifically. I could walk outside and your neighbors would be none the wiser," He said, sounding amused.

"I came from the Westernmost side of Hell. A shitty little place called Apolly. A hole in the wall; lots of arachnid demons. My dad was called Abaddon, my mom was called Lilith." He paused, and I spoke up.

"Wasn't Abaddon like.. The Destroyer, or some shit? And wasn't Lilith an succubus..?" I quizzed. He snickered. "Yep. And I'm the odd little result. Not as scary as my father, not as.. eh.. sex infatuated.. as my mother. Boring old me." He told me. I just nodded a bit.

"Any questions?" He asked.

"Do you like.. feed on souls or whatever?" I asked. He scrunched his nose up and shrugged. "I guess I could, but I mean.. Lasagna sounds just as good." He said.

"How's the sex drive?" I teased him, letting Ryan wriggle his way into my lap and make himself comfortable there. Ricky snickered. "Highest on Sundays," He said casually.

"What's it like? I mean, being a demon?" I added finally, scratching lightly behind Ryan's ears. Ricky just shrugged. "I don't have anything to compare to, you weirdo. It's normal for me." He stated.

I chuckled. I guess it was sort of a stupid question to ask, anyway. "Right." I nodded.

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