♕ || flame

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I had scooted Ryan off of my lap so I could stand. My poor little fox must be exhausted- he's been sleeping for quite awhile. I think Vinny is probably twice as exhausted, though- hell, I'll be surprised if I see him awake before tomorrow.

"I don't know how long we've got to teach you things," Mags said, "so we'll start with what would be useful in any sort of battle, because if demons overthrow Pennsylvania and the world, you'll want to know how to keep yourself and your boyfriend alive. Hypothetically, if-" "Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said, quirking an eyebrow. "Boyfriend?" I questioned.

Mags looked confused. "Is that not something people have around here, or..?" He trailed off, waving a finger in Ryan's direction. "That one. He's not your boyfriend, then? I would have pegged you as the type to go for the cute ones. I suppose I shouldn't assume- my apologies, Christopher," he said.

I shrugged it off. I guess it's not unreasonable to think I was with Ryan- I just care a lot about him, that's all.. "It's no problem. And, you can call me Chris." I noted. He gave a nod. "Alright. Chris," he said, clapping his hands together. "Demons," he said, going on casually with the previous conversation, "aren't fireproof. Shockingly. So that is going to help you a lot. You'll be better off trying to use an exorcism, though, to send them back. As long as none of your demon friends are in earshot, they'll be safe. Otherwise it's back to Hell they go." He said. "An exorcism can be memorized- you can do that some other time. Killing demons is what the fire is for. Luckily, fire is an easy thing to learn."

I bit my lip. "I've never done any of this. I can't even do that clairvoyance shit on purpose," I said. Mags shrugged. "Takes time and energy. Fire isn't that difficult, all you really have to do is think. I can't tell you what to think about, because different thoughts work for different people. Personally, all it takes for me is thinking almost of lighting a match." He held his left hand out, a little fire burning at the tip of his index finger. "Not very difficult."

Easy for you to say, I thought. You've been at this longer than me. I looked at my hand, trying to think of something fire related. How hard could it be..?

     I tried, but nothing seemed to work. Mags had made it look so freakishly easy.

     He leaned back against the counter. "Don't force it. If you don't feel anything," Mags said, "don't force it."

     I groaned. How did I go from a librarian to someone who's trying to catch up on a life full of magic and weird shit that he missed out on? How the hell am I supposed to save anyone? How am I going to live up to whatever expectations anyo-

     "Oh, well, that worked," Mags sounded cheerful. I broke away from my thoughts only to realize the flame dancing tips of my fingers. I did it, apparently.

     "I-.. guess so, yeah," I trailed off. Mags flashed a grin and stuck his hand out to shake. When I grabbed his hand, I felt the same way I'd felt before I got into Spencer's memories.

     This should be fucking wonderful.

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