♕ | questions

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     Ricky was already putting books back in their proper places when I wandered into the library this morning. I think he wakes up earlier than he needs to. It wouldn't surprise me if he only woke up to spend some time with his girlfriend before parting ways for work- they really are adorable together, and a blind man could see that.

     "Good morning," He greeted me, not taking his eyes off of what he was doing. Rick's a nice guy, but he takes his work very seriously. He's a fairly experienced multitasker, however, so he has no problem talking while working, but he doesn't usually bother to make eye contact; and I'm alright with that.

     "Morning," I replied with a hum as I took a sip from the coffee in my free hand. "You're early," I said blatantly. He shrugged. "Jaime and I went for coffee before she went to work," He said. I glanced at him, grinning at that mushy-gushy dreamy look he got on his face at the mention of his girlfriend.

     "Someone's happy today," I mused, setting my coffee down and sliding my messenger bag off of my shoulder. "Uh-huh.." He murmured, snapping out of his daze. "Do you think it'd be dumb to take her on a date to the museum..?" He asked softly. He's such a nerd.. It suits him, though.

     I shook my head and waved a hand. "Nah. I'm sure it'll be fine," I said. I'm great at advice.. That's the lie I tell myself, anyway. Truth be told, I'm about as helpful as a rock when it comes to relationship advice. I'm a magnet for whores and overall shitty girlfriends, or so it seems. I like to consider myself pansexual; maybe a boyfriend would be better than a girlfriend. How bad could it be?

     "I hope so.." Ricky said, his voice causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "I wanna make her happy, but.. but like.. y'know.. not.. I dunno.. I don't wanna be that boyfriend that's too clingy.. Am I too clingy..?" He asked, mostly just talking to himself by then.

     I had to roll my eyes. "No, you're not too clingy. You're fine." I stated, and he smiled a little. "Thanks.." He said with a sigh.

     "No problem, Romeo," I replied, walking past him to straighten out a shelf that had gotten a bit messy, probably from those damned high school kids that swing by to study but only manage to fuck the whole place up. Christ, I sound like one of those cliche old dudes that shakes their fist and yells at people to get off his lawn.

     I don't yell at people to get off my lawn- I do, however, find it pretty hilarious to scare the fuck out of them. Either way..

     "Hey, I was wondering if you could handle the place by yourself for a few hours this after noon?" I said casually as I pushed a few books up straight.

     "Sure thing. Why?" He asked, glancing at me before turning back to the book in his hand. I sighed. "Paying my grandma a visit." I said, and he quirked an eyebrow. "The grandma your brother and sister think is batshit insane?" He asked, and I chuckled as I nodded. "Yeah, that one." I said, "I think I might've seen.. something.. in the woods," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

     "Yeah?" Ricky asked with a slight grin. "What did you see, Cerulli?" He asked. Though he sounds sarcastic at times, I know damn well he believes in that sort of thing. He doesn't talk about it much, but his sister went missing in those woods when she came to visit a few years back.. He was so convinced it was dark fairies, or some other creatures..

     "I.. Truthfully..? I dunno. It was almost like.. some sort of person, camouflaged to resemble the forest.. It was weird- you had to be there to understand.." I sighed, and he just nodded. "Take your time later." He said calmly, disappearing off down one of the other isles.

     Sighing to myself, I headed back to my desk and sat down, taking a sip of my coffee and logging into my computer. I heard the soft pitter patter of rain against the window, indicating an oncoming storm. Scranton weather was always all over the place, especially this time of year. Hopefully the roads aren't too awful this afternoon.

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     The room was quiet, but I'd only expect as much from an old folks home. "So what did you want to know about, Christopher?" My grandma asked me, the clicking of knitting needles quiet and steady.

     "Do ah.. Do you happen to know about any.. chameleon-ish creatures..? In the woods..?" I asked quietly.

     The clicking of the knitting needles stopped briefly before continuing again, and she closed her eyes for a moment. "I think you might have a fox on your hands, Christopher." She said.

     I frowned in confusion. "It wasn't an animal.." I murmured. She just chuckled. "A kitsune, Christopher. A fox." She told me. What type of fox would be able to camouflage itself like that..? A spirit..? I had too many questions to babble on about, though..

     "Is it dangerous, or..?" I trailed off. She shook her head. "No, no. They tend to be tricksters, though.." There was a pause, and then she spoke up again. "Just be careful, dear." She told me.

     I nodded a bit, biting my lip lightly. Maybe I'd do my own research on the creatures, just to see what I could find out. "Will I see it again..?" I ask. My grandmother glanced up at me briefly. "If you're lucky, and if it likes you enough.." She said.

     As wary as I am of any sort of creature, I can't help but be curious. Part of me didn't want to be met with it again- but part of me truly did want to see that creature again, and see what it really looked like behind all of that damn invisibility.

A/N: i'm going to be changing a few things about kitsune, but oh well. no big deal, huh?

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