♕ | wards

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Devin's wards couldn't last forever, that much was obvious. He'd been quick in responding to Ricky summoning him, and even quicker to flail his arms in an upward motion, raising four hazy yellow walls of magic around the perimeter of the playground. Ryan had stopped his spluttering and whimpering once the wards were up, but as I mentioned before- they couldn't last forever.

Making an uncomfortable sound that I could only relate to the noise someone would make if something they made was destroyed, and walked to Vinny in a hasty manor, already looking rather sickly.

He flicked his wrist at Ryan, and my little fox was dead asleep in seconds. Devin's focus was on Vinny, who was still bleeding in spite of the wards and in spite of unconsciousness. "Ricky," Devin said unhappily. "You're going to need another witch."

Ricky looked as if Devin had slapped him, and I was rather surprised myself. Wide eyed, Ricky nearly squeaked when he spoke. "Ashley is preoccupied- you're the only one around, and-" "And I don't care." Devin almost snorted. He slid an arm under Vinny's knees, the other behind his shoulders as he scooped him up off of the ground. "Vinny needs my help right now. So, the fate of the world," he said, probably exaggerating just a bit, "is going to have to wait." He stated.

Ricky's jaw went slack.

"Just-" Devin trailed off, holding Vinny to him defensively. "I don't know. Teach Chris some magic- can't you handle it yourself?" Devin muttered. "I'm not a witch! Neither is Chris!" Ricky snit. "That's not my problem right now. Vinny is my problem. You might have to call Mags instead," He Devin offered.

I had no clue what was going on, so I just kept my mouth shut and pulled Ryan into my lap. Poor thing.. his fingers were twitching a bit, and he'd whimper once and awhile like a sleeping puppy or something.

     "Is he gonna be alright? Vinny I mean. Ryan seems okay," Ricky sighed, looking terribly stressed. I glanced up. "I don't know," Devin said simply. "Ryan is already better off. Vinny's been out here too long.. If I'd known there was wolfsbane, I would have come out here myself," He said, eyes lingering on Vinny's fingertips, which, rather than looking dipped in black paint, looked scorched. The veins of his wrist looked like they were black, but I couldn't quite tell. I just know that Devin looked upset, and thad wasn't a very good sign.

     "I'll stay," I spoke up. "Ricky, you can take Ryan to Ashley's place. Make sure Vinny's alright. The world isn't ending right this second, okay..? I can handle things here. If anything weird happens, I'll call you." I said.

     Ricky scrunched his nose up at me briefly, restlessness in his eyes. "I know you want to help," he said, expression softening. "But lets be honest; if anything supernatural is happening here, I don't think you'd know it. I hate to sound harsh but it's true. I'll stay, you go with Devin. Once things are taken care of," he sighed, "I need you to get anyone able to agree to fight with me if it's necessary. Ryan and Vinny can't do it, so we're already down a few. You can ask Spencer if you'd like, but he's.. not in the most stable of conditions. You understand, I'm sure.." He mumbled.

     I sighed. I hate it when he's right.

     I nodded, and before I could even get the word 'yes' out of my mouth, the wards were cracking and Devin groaned, opening a portal directly beneath us.

     I made an uncomfortable sound and held Ryan to my chest. My back slamming against the floor of Devin's apartment knocked the wind out of me for a moment, and I gasped sharply when I could breath again.

     Under the circumstances, Devin has every right to be a moody bitch.

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