♕ | wolf

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     "I'm a little disappointed you didn't figure it out," Vinny said. He was practically in a backbend position over the back of the couch, shirt raised up- or, down, I suppose.

     Regardless, from where I was sitting, I could see three nasty looking scars that must have started at his collarbone and went all the way down to his hip. I was curious, but I figured it'd be rude to ask.

     "But it's also kinda nice since I must be a pretty convincing human." He grinned a lopsided grin, and I guess I'd never noticed how sharp some of his teeth are. Ryan was laying on the couch, and he reached a hand up and traced the middle scar of the three on Vinny's torso. Apparently, he's damn ticklish. I'm almost a hundred percent sure he snorted when he jerked away with a giggle and fell over the edge of the couch. "Don't do that-" He whined dramatically.

     "Sorry," Ryan said lightheartedly, not really meaning it. "Can I ask how you got hurt..?"

     It's like he knows what I'm thinking.

     Vinny shrugged. "Sure. I'm not shy." He chimed. "I got in a fight a couple years ago with a few other wolves and it didn't end too nicely," He said with a sad little smile. "I'm not dead, though! That'd take a silver bullet." He said cheerfully, kicking his legs up over the arm of the couch.

     I shifted around in the chair I was sat in, turning the page of the book I was reading. "What are you thinking about?" Vinny inquired, tipping his head in my direction. "You know, none of us are gonna bite you- well.. Mike might.. or Angelo..- that's not the point. We don't mind if you're curious about us. And we aren't easily offended, so shoot." He paused to rethink what he said. "Don't actually shoot, obviously." He grinned again.

     I chuckled. Werewolf or not, he's still Vinny. The same annoying fuck who always bears me in any video games we play, I might add. The same little shit that slacks off at his job all the time but, miraculously, still has it. The same Vinny who- for reasons that are now obvious,- hates chocolate with a fiery passion.

     "What's it like?" I asked. A boring question, I know.

     "Pretty okay. Still haven't mastered the whole full moon thing.." He trailed off, and I quirked an eyebrow. "Care to elaborate..?" "Most of us wolves can learn to control ourselves on full moons, but I just.. can't. It sucks- I'll go to sleep and wake up in a puddle of blood fifteen miles down the road, not remembering anything.." He paused. "I wonder if that's how girls feel? Minus the 'fifteen miles down the road' and not remembering.." He said, talking mostly to himself, then. "It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to worry about other wolves. I don't wanna hurt them, but they might wanna hurt me." He shrugged it off, stretching.

     Ryan frowned a little. "I'm sorry," He said, ears low and tail curled. "It must be awful not knowing what could have happened."

     Vinny closed his eyes. "It's like a really bad hangover, except I'm bloody and muddy and gross in the middle of nowhere." He laughed, sitting up. "What's it like being a kitsune?" He asked, sounding amused.

     Ryan stretched his arms up above his head, saying, "Boring. I don't do much. Didn't," he corrected, "do much. I get to bother Chris now, don't I?" He said, sending one of those heart-obliterating smiles my way. It took a lot not to 'aww' and snap a gazillion photos of him.

     "Yes," I chuckled, "You do."

     Ryan hopped off of the couch and made his way over to me. He pushed my arms up and wriggled into my lap, snuggling up to my chest and just making himself comfortable.

     Vinny gave a pout. "He gets cuddles and I don't?" He joked with a sharp gasp, being as dramatic as humanly- or.. werewolf-ly..?- possible. "What am I, chopped liver?"

     I snickered and shook my head. "File a complaint with Ryan, not me," I teased.

     Vinny just stuck his tongue out at me. He got up, stretching before proclaiming, "I'm gonna raid your kitchen," before strolling off. I rolled my eyes. "Good luck with that," I called, "There's not much."

     I couldn't hear what he called back, but it was most likely a snarky response of some sort, anyway. Knowing Vinny, it wouldn't surprise me if he said something dumb like "that's what she said."

     Whatever he did say made Ryan giggle, though, which was pretty cute..

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