on e ; w he n th in g s go w ro n g

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'Ladybug!' The akumatised villain spoke, seeming pleasantly surprised by the heroes' appearance. 'So glad to see you again. Did you not get enough beating the first time 'round?'

'Hello? I'm here too, you know.' Chat pouted, upset about being left out.

'Chat Noir, stick to the plan!' Ladybug yelled before she took off running, but really, they both knew that what she meant was, 'Chat Noir, don't get distracted!'

The red masked hero let out a deep sigh as she came to a stop behind the akumatised villain named Thankstaker. Today had been a bad enough day for the dark blue haired girl. First, she was sent to the headmaster's office because of Chloe, then she lost her school backpack, and now the current akuma attack had interrupted her time with Adrien. Could this day get any worse?

Throwing each other a short nod, the two heroes ran simultaneously towards the villain. Ladybug threw her yo-yo at Thanksgiving, aiming for her arms, while Chat Noir attacked the legs, hoping to trip the akumatised girl.

Thankstaker avoided Chat's attack easily, while Ladybug managed to tie both her hands up, tugging the string down firmly before yelling to her partner. 'Chat Noir, now!'

'Cataclysm!' the blond hero yelled out as he activated his special miraculous power. His right hand emitting dark particles, he threw his open palm towards the envelope Thankstaker had been holding tightly onto.

Thankstaher yanked harshly on the string of Ladybug's yo-yo bounding her hands together, managing to haul Ladybug forward, causing the red masked hero to drop her lucky charm, which had been a pair of scissors. Instead of the envelope, Chat's gloved hand landed on the yo-yo's string. The two heroes stared in horror as the yo-yo blackened and crumbled away. Ladybug's weapon was gone.

Thankstaker let out a small triumphant laugh before kicking the two stunned heroes away from her and each other.

'M'lady!' Chat Noir called out worriedly towards his partner, who was now unable to defend herself.

The red masked hero scrambled to get back up after being knocked down, but she struggled, unable to pull herself up. The lack of sleep accumulating over the past few months really chose a terrible time to catch up to her.

'You have no idea how tormenting it is?! Being unable to see, to hear, nor walk your whole life?! Yet you!! You are all taking your ability to do so for granted!' Thankstaker growled out venomously. 'I'll make sure all this ungratefulness end today!!!' She screamed, shooting a dark ball of energy from the bracelet around her wrists, at Ladybug, who was still crouched down on the ground, shaking as she tried to stand up.

'Ladybug!!' Chat Noir screamed as he ran towards the two, villain and hero, but was far from making it in time.

The red masked hero could have dodged the attack, if only she had moved half a second earlier, but she barely managed to budge before the attack reached her, hitting her in the head and knocking her backwards. She landed on the concrete with a pained grunt.

Chat Noir rushed to his partner's side, eye wide open and his movements frantic. 'Ladybug? M'lady? Please... at least say something!'

'It's no use, you stupid cat!' Thankstaker laughed maniacally, convinced that she had won this fight.'

'What did you do?' Chat's voice was low, and vaguely assembled a growl.

'You find out soon enough, cat.' Thankstaker shrugged as she sneered, raising her arm with the bracelet up. 'Because I'm about to do the same thing to you!' She shot another couple of the purple balls of energy at the duo.

The black masked hero used his baton to deflect the attacks, glaring at the akumatised villain before running away from the scene with Ladybug in his arms, hoping to take the red masked hero to somewhere safer to recover before anything else, for better or for worse, happened.

on e ;
w he n th in g s go w ro n g

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