Chapter 3 Getting A Present

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Chapter 3 Getting A Present

Emily's p.o.v.

I cant believe that Shane bought me a plane ticket so we can see each other again i cant wait to see him i better start packing my bags i have two luggage and a backpack thats all i'll be taking.

i started getting some of my clothes inside and other important things tomorrow ill be dying my hair my best friend is gonna go with me just to make me company i just cant wait for tomorrow.

********** Next Morning ********

I was already up i just finished taking a shower i put on some boots,skinny blue jeans,a purple t shirt with my jacket and scarf.

i called Joel he's my best friend i really love him not in that way hes just my friend he's really funny to be with i met him a week before i moved here i got on my black honda and drived to macdonalds he was gonna be there we would have a snack and then leave for the salon.


I arrived and parked the car and went inside the restaurant and saw joel on his phone.

"hey Joel." i said as i arrived to his table.

"hi Emily how have you been girl." he said as he hugged me.

"its been great do you want something Joel?. i mean to eat?."i said to him

"yeah can you bring me a big mac." i nodded and went to place my order i arrived with his meal and mine i saw that it was crazy raining today.

"Joel you wont believe who texted me last night"


"Shane Dawson." i said excited and stomping my feet on the ground.

"no fucking way are you serious?!." he shouted.

"im not kidding!."i said we both began to squeal as everyone just kept looking at us.

"so give me details"he said interested on this topic now.

"well i forgot to tell you that shane and i were highschool buddies and i sended him a letter to see if he reminded who i was and he did so we were texting and we both wanted to see each other then he told me that he bought me a ticket to see him" 

"oh my god i cant believe it when are you leaving?."

"in three days." i said as i ate my fries.

"dont be such a pig!" he said.

"what why." i said with my mouth full.

"its disgusting." joel said.

"well you need to get used to it then" i said to joel as he continued on his phone.

"well im happy for you that youll see shane again so how long are you planning to stay there?" joel said still on his phone.

"im not sure but i know that ill be back and maybe we can go together"

"that would be awesome"

"okay lets go to the hair salon" and with that we left.


"okay so you want me to help you go shopping later with you?" joel asked me for like the third time.

"yes Joel please i want to go nice and give shane a present" i said as i sat on the chair as the lady came and began to dye my hair.

"like what?" joel asked looking at me.

"i saw a few days ago at hot topic that there was a pikachu hoodie i know how he likes pokemon" joel nodded and continued to text.

i decided to dye my hair a dark brown with pink streaks i looked at my phone and saw a text from shane hey whats up? shane texted.

"well not much just chillin what about you? i pressed send and a message came quick "nothin just planning on a video maybe when you come you can help me"

i smiled and texted.

"i'd be honored to work with you shane lee yaw!!"

"hey quit it and i dont go by lee yaw anymore XD"

"aww come on its cute but i guess that dawson is even cuter" i sent the message wait a minute am i flirting no and i already sended the message i groaned.

"stay still." said the lady as i sank on the chair.

"uh sorry" i said as i adjusted to the seat again.

"stop it you you'll make me blush gurl and i dont wanna cry cause im on my period." i laughed so hard and joel just stared at me like i was crazy.

"what so funny?" joel asked i showed him the message he also began to cry as he fell to the floor almost making his glasses fall.

"shane is so funny you guys will make a cute couple" 

"shut up Joel" i said as i returned to the texting.

"ok ill stop shananay XD) i pressed send.

"ha ha ill text you later okay bye."

"see ya." i pressed send and now i was bored.


the hair stylist did a great job with my hair so now i had dark brown hair with pink highlights well fushia and wavy in the meantime while its straight again i was running with joel down to my car it was raining so joel had a spare jacket and used it to cover my head i began to scream as the pouring rain fell even heavier every second.

"come on Emily open the car!!!" joel yelled as he was getting a lot wet than i was almost there!" i said i opened the door and sat on the driver seat and joel came rushing through the same door and he was crushing me on top.

"Joel get down!" i said as i helped him get to the seat beside me i closed the car door and began the engine but did drove yet i turned on the heat joel just kept glaring at me.

"what?" i asked.

"im wet." was all he said.

"im sorry joel thats why i turned on the heater so you can get warm." i said as he began to clean his glasses.

"okay okay can we just get this over with?" he asked i nodded and started driving.


"okay so let me get this straight shane loved pikachu so your buying him a hoodie that costs 40 dollars" joel said as he looked at the price tab on the hoodie.

"yes joel besides shane spent more than 40 dollars on the ticket he at least deserves a gift." i said as i looked at some band t shirts.

"well you can be his present instead." joel muttered.

"what?!" i asked.

"oh nothing." he said as he went to look at other things i huffed and continued to look.

************ A Few Hours Later*******

okay so i bought shane the pikachu hoodie and i also buy'd one for me so we can match and i also got his a pikachu plush toy i know that he'll love it so.right now im eating with joel still in the mall i was eating a burger from wendys and joel was eating subway we just sat back and watch the music videos that were on the plasma screens then a song came up from blink 182 which was adams song and i freaked out i jumped from the seat and began to sing Joel laughed and pulled me down to sit i continued to sing from my seat the song finished and i saw that joel was recording me.

"well this is what happens when Emily here sees a blink 182 video. when shes in a mall" said joel as he turned of his phone.

we continued to eat and i finished first than Joel.

and i told Joel that ill be back as i started walking to the store that was infront of me which was claire's i was getting somethings and paid for them i finished.

and saw that Joel was outside the store.

"hey Emily i think theres a new store and your going to love it" he said as he grabbed my hand and i followed him.

"which store is it?" i asked as we came to the electric stairs.

"oh you'll see" Joel said smiling i nodded as we came to the fourth floor i looked up ahead at a corner and screamed.

"oh my god a hello kitty store!! lets go!!" i told joe i grabbed his hand and went running with him trying to catch up we entered the store i grabbed a basket and started filling the basket with candies,pencils,notebooks,plushes and other things joel came behind me.

"hey you went to fast i came running and i yelled for you" he said trying to catch his breathe.

"oh Joel" i said.

and i saw that here shopping in the same store was heather see heather has been friends with me were not that close but i know her pretty well and joel has had a huge crush on her ever since he saw her sometimes he would only talk about her for hours the worst thing is that Joel is a bit shy and wont confess his feelings for her.

"hey Joel look whos there" i said pointing to him Joel looked up and saw who it was he hid behind a bunch of hello kitty plushes filled with candies.

"come on Joel just talk to heather Joel didnt answer me i sighed and continued to grab some things i saw heather and some three other girls behind her heather was like the popular kid at school even though i didnt cared.

so one day she decided to talk to me and we got to know each other she came up to me she asked me how ive been doing and stuff like that i heard a scream behind me and i saw that heather screamed cause she was seeing some stuffed hello kitty dolls and Joel was behind them.

"h-hi heather how have you been ?" Joel asked to heather she groaned.

"hello Joel ive been great" heather said as she continued to see some other things see heather was i must admit pretty she had really long light brown hair and dark green eyes she liked pop songs and those awful artists like britney spears,madonna and other crappy artists even justin bieber.

while Joel had long medium hair dark brown wears glasses and he's tall he really has a perveted mind i continued to watch Joel possibly trying to flirt with heather while she ignored him.


I had a load of bags to carry "you know that heather will never like you right?" i asked joel as we walked down the exit of the store .

"yeah i know maybe i should just forget about her and move on" he said i nodded.

"its for the best know what im really happy that you decided to forget about your obsession with heather im glad for you man" i turned around and didnt see Joel.

"Joel?" i said talking to myself i saw joel running with a bag "hey heather you forgot this!!" he yelled as i watched him run after heather.

"what the fuck!?"i groaned.

"i cant believed that joel kinda helped her with the two bags she has while i have four!." i i decided to go to the car and wait for Joel to come back.

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