𝟙𝟝. I Want Her Back...

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Tord soon walked to her door, he looked at her with a soft smile before he opened the door and left shutting them door behind him.

Toms pov

I'm getting sick of this. I'm getting sick of waiting. I want y/n back and not with that bastard, Who knows what all bad he has done to her. I was just getting lost in my thoughts, all these thoughts bribing me to an anxiety about her.

"Tom..?" I heard a voice and quickly looked to see who it was who entered my room. It was Edd. "Are you ok? After Mr. Davis left you have been acting weird." Edd says walking up to me. "I'm just worried about her. I'm scared of what that commie would do to her, I don't want him to hurt her" I said. "I understand that Tom... but knowing Tord, he won't be too cruel.."

"Too cruel? So he is going to do bad things no matter what! What are we so post to do Edd? She could be dead right now already!!-" "Tom stop!! We are doing the best we could to find a way to safely get her back. What has gotten into you Tom?? Why do we have to argue all the time about this?-" "it's because you don't care as much as I do Edd!!" I snapped back at him. I began to tear up, "you don't understand how much I care about her, how much she meant to me, you don't get it..." i quiet down and looked away trying to stop myself from crying a little bit. But it was hard not to.

I heard Edd sigh and sit next to me. "For the love of god Edd don't hug me-" Edd already wrapped his arms around me tightly. He didn't say anything though. I stayed silent too. There was a long awkward silence. But I didn't bother trying to say anything. I didn't want to say anything anyways.

Edds pov

I've never seen Tom cry before. Well, this was more like a few tears then a whole pool of tears. But I felt really bad. I wish I could do more to help him, I'm very worried about y/n as much as he is. But it's too dangerous to go.

I sighed softly as the awkward silents wasn't helping anyone with anything. I soon tried to break the silents. "Hey Tom.... I'm sorry.... I know how much she means to you and I get that... but... you need to understand that it's way to dangerous to go to where ever Tord is with only the three of us. Four if you want to include Mr. Davis. You've even heard Mr. Davis say it himself about Tord and where he is at."


"I've been in red leaders base before and it's not safe at all. It's very dangerous, even for my men," Mr. Davis explained to them.

"Why? Do they use pictures of me to blind people with my beauty?" Matt says putting his hands on his cheeks smiling.

"No matt. They probably cover a punish room wall to wall with your face to torture whoever the fuck is in there." Tom says rolling his eyes.

"Tom be nice-" "no Edd. I won't be nice when someone is being incredibly stupid-"

Mr. Davis clears his throat to stop the two. "As I was saying. It will take a bit for my men to find a weak spot at the base. And that weak spot will be able to be used to get in." Mr. Davis finished.

End of flashback
Still edds pov

"I doesn't fucking matter Edd. She could be gone already. Don't you realize that??" Tom suddenly snapped me. I flinched back and sighed. "Tom you can't be jumping into conclusion already if you don't have the evidence to support that claim."

"Edd please just leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for anything right now." Tom says as he ran his hand through his hair.

I looked at Tom for a moment as I tried to think of something. "I know I don't say this often. But... want to go out and get a drink?" I suggested. I don't drink, I just can't handle alcohol. I'm surprised Matt could though.

I saw toms expression lighten up. "Fine... but I'm not paying this time.." he says. I gave him a soft smile and pats his back, "fine there on me. But you have to give yourself a limit, I'm not about to waist anymore then £38.73 pounds on you taking too many shots" I said.

"Don't worry Edd. I actually don't feel like getting waisted tonight. I don't want to deal with the hangover on top of all my stress," I was surprised to hear Tom say that; But at least I'm going to be able to save some money. "Alright, I'll go tell Matt and we can head out in 20" I said standing up.

I walked to his door and opened it, "if you ever need someone to talk to, always remember that I'm here for you Tom," I said with a smile. Tom gave me a smile back and gave a slight nod. That made me happy and as I left his room. I don't get why but when Tom smiles it makes everything better since I always see him with a frown.

He used to smile a lot.. but that was before he became an adult. Everything changed. I wonder why?

I know this is a really short chapter and I'm really sorry about it.

It's just that the past two months things have been really hard on me and I've been focused on other things then this story. This story was the last thing on my mind.

I'm also sorry that I haven't posted in two months, like I said before I wasn't focused on this story. I can't promise that next update will be soon but it will eventually be back to normal schedule.

So sorry again, but thanks for reading! -LB

Btw, that last part was a little peek at my new story I'm coming up with

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