I'm a Little Creeped Out Now

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Steve didn't do public appearances as Captain America very often, because they usually became nothing more than hectic autograph lines and embarrassing screams of 'I love you, Steve!' that didn't allow him to enjoy the moment. But children's hospitals were always the one thing that didn't get refused; he had a huge heart for kids anyway, but kids that were facing challenges like some that he was about to visit melted him immediately.

"Okay, Mr. Rogers, we've brought everyone able to leave their rooms into this area here," the nurse waved her hand to a large waiting room filled with laughter and squeals of anticipation. "When you're done, if you would like, we have a few more children who can't leave their rooms but would love for you to just stop by for even a quick wave."

"Yes, ma'am, of course. I'm all yours for the day, so you just tell me where you want me." He flashed that irresistible smile at the poor woman, who was clearly not prepared for such a sight in person. He put his hand on her arm and you could see her knees wobble just slightly at his touch. "Lead the way."

You grabbed his other hand and pulled slightly for him to lean down to you as you walked. "You do that on purpose, don't you?" you whispered.

"I have no idea what you mean, doll," he whispered back with a wink and that smile again. "But it sure did work on you."

You simply shook your head and made your way to the group of kids, but paused to look down the hall when you were distracted by another large group at the other end. "Are there more visitors today?"

"Oh, yes, we have groups all over the hospital today. We like to make it an event for everyone so that no one feels left out on other floors. It's a big day for the kids and for us too." She pushed the door open and smiled, holding her hand out for Steve to see, "but you have the most excited group by far, Mr. Rogers."

"He's here!" One of the little boys, who had to be no more than four years old, ran up to Steve and wrapped his arms around his leg. "He's real! He's really Cap'n Ameerca!"

"Oh my god, that was so cute," you sighed, feeling a lump building in your throat as you watched child after child rush up to him, eager to get a moment with their hero. He had brought in boxes of tiny shields just like his, and signed every one of them until his arm ached.

"Could we get a group photo with you, Mr. Rogers?" the nurse asked, handing you the camera so that she could be a part of it too, pushing through the group to stand next to him. You smiled and nodded, waiting for the group to organize around him. When she wrapped her arms around your boyfriend you found it amusing more than anything, seeing the hint of discomfort in his eyes as you snapped several shots.

"Okay everyone, time to say goodbye to the Captain!" The nurse ushered the children towards the exit and another group of staff walked them to their respective rooms. You wrapped your arm through Steve's and pulled close to him, taking a small amount of satisfaction in the moment in front of her.

That's right, you got a smile and a picture, but I get to take him home.


Standing outside of the rooms for kids that were in isolation and couldn't join the group, you helped Steve put the protective gown on over his suit and took the shield for safe keeping. "Remember, keep the mask on, even if they ask you to remove it."

"Got it."

"Don't touch anything without your gloves on."


"Don't cry in front of them."

"Ha," he scoffed, "no deal, sweetheart."

"Yeah, I know," you agreed, finishing the final tie and tapping him on the arm. "Okay, Cap. Off you go."

Steve entered the first room, but with the door shut all you could do was guard the shield and wait. It was okay with you, however, knowing that what he was seeing on the other side of it would have you in tears in moments.

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

You turned to see a man walking up the hall to join you, looking a bit embarrassed with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. He wasn't in a uniform and you didn't see a nametag, but he was too well dressed to be an average visitor.

"Hi, can I help you?" you asked with a courteous smile, gripping the shield a bit tighter.

"Um," he mumbled, running his hand through his hair, "can I ask, is that Captain America in there?"

Your posture relaxed at his genuine tone and concern that he might be imposing. "Yes, it sure is." You leaned over a bit as if to share a secret, giving him a small smile, "would you like to meet him?"

The man let out a loud sigh of relief that he wouldn't have to ask for this himself, and the words spilled out quickly. "If he wouldn't mind. I don't want to interfere with his visits. I promise I'll only be a minute."

You turned when you heard Steve approach the door and saw it start to open. "Sure, he can take a minute before he goes to the next room, okay?" As he exited you helped him remove the gown so that he could wash his hands and prepare for the next visit. "Honey, there's someone out here who would like to meet you," you whispered. "He looks pretty excited."

Steve leaned back and peeked around the corner to see, quickly straightening and looking at you. "I think I know who that is. He must be working with one of the other visiting groups." He shook the water from his hands and grabbed a towel, still drying them as he approached the other man.

"Hey, I'm Steve." He threw the towel in the garbage and held out his hand, "good to meet you."

The other man quickly pulled his hands from his pockets and took Steve's in both of his, "Hi, I'm Chris," he said with a hint of nervousness in his voice, eagerly shaking Steve's hand. "Wow, It's really an honor to meet you. Really."

"You look familiar." Steve studied the man's face and glanced back at you for help. You shrugged your shoulders and mouthed 'I don't know', but he turned back quickly when the realization struck him. "Hey, you played Johnny Storm in that one movie not so long ago, right? You were really good."

"Thanks, yeah that was me. Actually," he paused, pulling his hand back and returning them both to his pockets, "I was just hired to play...you."

"Oh, right," Steve nodded, "I forgot those were gonna be starting soon. Do you have any questions while you have me..." his voice trailed off as he turned to look at you, standing completely motionless and staring at the two of them. "(Y/N)?"

"The likeness is uncanny," you whispered, your eyes wide as you watched them. "I didn't notice it until you were standing next to each other."

The two men looked at each other for a moment, then back to you. "I don't see it," they said in unison, making the similarity that much more striking and obvious.

"I'm not freaked out," you mumbled, trying to reassure yourself. "No, this isn't creepy at all."

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