I Win

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"To the bride and groom!" Chris called out over the crowd as he finished his speech.

"To the bride and groom!"

You leaned over and gave Steve what you believed to be at least the hundredth kiss since you arrived at the reception, laughing to yourselves when the group surrounding you still found it entertaining. "After this I'm not gonna want to kiss you for at least...a month."

"A month?" he scoffed, holding his chest in mock hurt.

"Maybe a week."

When his expression didn't shift, you shrugged your shoulders and grabbed the front of his suit coat and pulled him in for another. "Fine. You win."

"Baby, I always win," he whispered in a low growl, turning his head to kiss an exposed area on your neck. "I got you, didn't I?"

"Get a room," Jeremy barked from his table next to you, "nobody wants to see that!"

"Oh, but you all can force us to kiss each other for hours on end as long as it suits your amusement?" you scolded, but it quickly turned into squeals when Steve began to make it even more of a scene for Renner's benefit, nibbling at your ear.

"Get in there, Cap! Don't listen to him! He's just pissed because his date cancelled!"

Steve laughed openly against your skin, leaving a final kiss before turning to Chris with a point in his direction, "you broke my concentration, kid. I had her right where I wanted her. I'm not above knocking you on your ass again."


"Oh, man, she used your full name," Jeremy coughed under his breath with a small whistle, "you're definitely married."


The next task before you could finally change out of the monstrosity of a wedding dress and into your reception dress was to cut the massive cake that Pepper insisted on ordering for you. It was true that the guest list was equally as massive, but you could easily see having this cake for three meals a day for the next two weeks with what she had purchased. You were waiting for Steve to join you, still caught up in conversation with Paul and Don, when Natasha slid up next to you to hand you a knife as long as your arm.

"Romanoff, why do I feel like this isn't from the kitchen?"

"Don't know why you would think that," she replied, almost nervously straightening the table cloth under the cake stand to avoid looking your way.


"What? It's clean! All you said was to get you the biggest knife I could find." She turned and waved to Scarlett, wanting to be anywhere but next to an angry bride with an enormous weapon in her hand. "Next time be more specific."

"Hey, (Y/N)," Maria whispered from her table next to you, "listen, we've got a pretty big wager going on if you're gonna smash Steve. Do you think you will?"

"I can't do that! That's terrible!"

She grabbed your arm and pulled you down closer to her, glancing around to ensure that no one was listening. "Listen, we're up to three grand, but Cobie and I agreed that if you do this, we'll throw in a grand just for you." You waited for a second, considering what you could do with the extra cash on your honeymoon, and if Steve would really even be upset. Maybe it was worth the risk.

"Let's do this."


"She's gonna get it up your nose, Cap. She's shorter than you. You're gonna be sneezing sugar boogers for days."

"Nice imagery, Bob, thanks," Steve coughed with a choke on his drink.

"I'm just looking out for ya. Those girls over there look like they're up to no good," he said, nodding his head towards you. "I should know, one of them is my wife."

Steve stood quietly for a moment, taking the last swallow of his drink as he watched you talking to Maria, still holding a massive knife that honestly made him just a little nervous. He set the glass down on the bar with a determined slam and stood straight, pulling his jacket down tight and straightening his tie. "Don't you worry, fellas. I've got this."

Sebastian jumped forward and grabbed Steve's arm before he could take a step away, his eyes as wide as his grin. "No, Steve. You're not..."

"If she makes a move that I think is suspicious, you're damn right I am."

Each man left behind looked to each other with surprise and wordless understanding, quickly beginning to slam large bills on the bar top and calling out their bets.


Cutting the cake was a tedious job, having to stop for pictures before you even came close to eating any of it. Your back was pressed against your new husband as he leaned down next to your ear with a posed smile on his chiseled face. "How much do they have riding on this?" he whispered.

"If I do it, I get a grand from Hill," you whispered back through your smile at the photographer.

"Evans just told me I can get two. You up for it? It's a nice chunk of change for the honeymoon."

"Are you serious?"

"Are you ever gonna wear that dress again?" he smirked.


"Then baby, I'm dead serious."

"Okay," you sighed, grabbing your piece of cake and turning to hand him his. "Just don't get it in my hair."

"Deal. Stay out of my nose."

You each held up your cake, your arms intertwined as if to feed each other, but you paused and heard a collective gasp from the two groups on either side of you. Steve gave you a wink and pulled his arm away. As quickly as you could, you slammed the cake between your hands and smeared it down both sides of his face and onto his neck, trying to avoid the tux. He wasn't so kind, slamming the cake between his hands as you did, but leaving a trail of cake from your neck, down your chest, and into your dress.

The crowd roared with laughter and applause, both teams throwing money around their groups as they snapped pictures and captured it all on video.

"So, do you still want some?" you laughed, grabbing a new piece of cake for Steve and holding it out in offering.

"Sure, I suppose we should," he chuckled, trying to wipe the frosting from his skin. "Stark paid enough for it."

With a sweet smile you took a step closer to him, holding it out until he was just about to take it from you. "Here you go, darling," you smirked, quickly pulling at his waist band and pushing the dessert down the front of his pants.

"Oh my god, she didn't!" Pepper gasped, standing on her chair to get as many shots as she could of the moment. "Oh, shit, that's gonna be hard to clean up..."


After the dinner was cleared away and the two of you were able to change into clean clothes, all that was left was the dance. It had gone on for hours and the crowd was beginning to thin, leaving only a few of the cast and their counterparts to close out the party. The final song had begun, with Steve almost holding you up against him as you danced, willing your body to stay awake just a little longer.

"Excuse me," Chris interrupted, "but I never got a turn. Is it okay if I cut in?"

"Sure," Steve smiled, gently giving your hand to him. Just before Chris was able to take it, Steve paused to give him a stern look of warning. "Mine."

"Yes, sir."

Chris wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you in, swaying together quietly and silently as Steve said goodbye to a few more guests. He glanced over to the Captain and back to you before finally saying something. "He's really lucky."

"I know."

He stopped and leaned his head back, laughing loud enough to be heard over the music that filled the room. He wiped a tear from his eye and gave you a quick spin, "and right there is why. You're one of a kind, you know that?"

"Careful, Evans. You still have stitches from the first hit," you smiled. "And this time I'll punch you myself."

"Hey, I know better than to fuck around with you two. I've learned my lesson. It's just a compliment, I promise."

"Well then, thank you. He's lucky to have you as a friend." You paused for a beat when he dipped you back, quickly regaining your equilibrium as he raised you back up. "Still creeps me out how much you look alike though."

"Why do you think I keep the beard?"

"Because you hate to shave?"

"Smartass," he grumbled, "yeah there's that...but also the whole Cap thing."

The song ended and Chris gave you one final spin, finishing with a hug and a quick kiss on your cheek. He grabbed your hand and walked you to Steve, giving you to him with a small salute. "Your wife, sir. I was in no way inappropriate nor did I think of anything unbecoming of a lady."

"Mmm hmm," Steve mumbled, eyeing him suspiciously. "I think you just gave yourself away. But hey, it's okay, I can't really blame you."

"Alright, you two," Chris deflected, "I'm gonna grab Seb and get outta here. We've got an early flight. You're coming out for my birthday party next month right? Everyone's invited."

"Kid, we wouldn't miss it."

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