When life gives you lemons, its a sign. Be sour.

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Danny held himself still with his legs as his dad turned a corner sharply. He turned to check that the screeching cars they'd left behind hadn't ended up in a crash. "As much as I love your driving." He turned to the man next to him. "I'd love it even more if you didn't cause a car accident."

"Don't you worry about a thing, Danno! I have it under control. I'll get you to school in a pickle and that photographic scum will not catch us."

"The paparazzi knows where I go to school," the boy mentioned drily, "but thanks for driving me."

"Here we are!"

The RV stopped with a screech and Danny took a moment to stare at the building. He took a breath and grabbed his backpack from between his legs.

"And if anyone bothers you, you just tell them. Your mother would tell you to pinch their arm hard but she's had to learn the hard way that people complain too much. Learn it from me, Danny, just be yourself and they will probably leave you alone. Teens your age only bother people who are like them. Fake friends, they are."

"Dad." Danny fidgeted with his backpack. "I don't know if I can do this actually."

Jack smiled at his son, leaning on the steering wheel. "Do what. There's nothing you have to do."

"I- I just wanted to go out and see what the town was like and what school is like and I don't wanna stay all the time at home and school's the only place they'll kick the paparazzi out, but there's all the kids and what if they expect me to be all this...heroic."

"Danny," he interrupted, "you don't have to do anything. They shouldn't expect you to do anything and there's nothing you have to prove. You're amazing, no matter what they say." He nudged the boy on the shoulder with a grin. "Just be yourself!"

Danny threw his hands up. "But I don't know who I am!"

"You don't have to know! You are you." He snorted. "Babies aren't handed a list of personalities when they are born. They just are." He clicked the door open for Danny. "Now go out there and don't let anyone tell you who you are."

Danny looked outside at the growing crowd of kids. He turned back to his grinning dad and hugged him. "Ok." He smiled and let go. "You'll pick me up right."

"Righto!" The man seemed even more enthusiastic now. "See you after school. Call if you need me to pick you up earlier. Have fun!"

Danny waved gently as his father backed up. The teens were giving the RV a wide range as he screeched away. The boy adjusted his backpack and speedwalked to school. He wanted to get there before he was mobbed.

Some students were already walking over to him and a few asked him why he was at school so early and how he was feeling.

Danny tried to answer a bit as he walked to the front doors. He paused in the entrance and looked at the few kids around him. "Wait. Can someone tell me where the principal's office is?"

Before he could even finish his question they were pushing and guiding him through a path he wouldn't remember later.

"Aren't you guys going to be late?"

"Yeah but I don't care," a guy waved his question away. "Well, we still have like ten minutes but it wouldn't be the first time I came in late. A lot can happen on your way to school. That's why I try to come earlier."

Danny didn't know how to respond to that. He let them stand outside as he knocked on the principal's door. He entered at their calling and stood in the doorway.

"Hey. I'm-"

"Mr. Fenton oh!" The woman seemed surprised even though Danny's parents had called. "You're early."

Danny nodded but didn't say anything. Did she expect him to give a reason to why he's ten minutes early??

She cleared her throat and fished out some papers, ignoring the kids lingering at the door. "We've come to an agreement, as you know, and talked over the conditions of your education and behaviour in school."

She paused to look at him and he nodded. They'd talked in depth about the rules she'd sent in her email so Danny knew what she expected of him.

"I've spoken to your teachers over your conditions. If they don't respect your decisions you may speak to me about it. But if I hear anything about you disrespecting anyone there will be consequences."

"Yes, I know, ma'am. Wouldn't dream of it."

Her face softened and she almost smiled as she handed him his papers. "Here is some information of yesterday's classes. I trust you've studied the other papers I sent over so you could be a little up to date with the lessons."

Danny grimaced with his face. "I did read through them. But if it's concerning my memory, I've learned to not rely much on that."

The principal winced, thinking she'd stumbled upon a touchy subject, but frowned when she saw his playful smile. "Of course not," she played along, "In that case: please report if you have anymore problems. You have the school app on your phone, don't you? You'll see your schedule there. Please go on your way." She leaned to the side and scowled at the teens at the door. "And make sure to not be late."

Danny waved and closed the door, leaving her to her work. He tucked the papers under his arm as he fished for his phone. He looked up and sighed, seeing the kids had stayed.

"She has a soft spot for you, man," one boy announced.

Danny hummed as he scrolled for his schedule and frowned at the number of his class.

"Of course she does," another rolled his eyes. "He will probably be every teacher's pet."

They followed Danny as he searched the hallways for his classroom.

"Are you kidding. Have you seen his attendance?"

"Hey, Danny?" A kid whose name he did not know addressed him and he raised his eyebrows. "You'll still go out to fight ghosts right?"

Danny stopped in the middle of the hallway, students that were filling the hallways moved around him. "I eh. I don't know." He continued walking to escape the groups' shocked stares and to not block the pathway anymore. "Do ghosts really attack this place? Why would they do that?"

"Because they're evil?"

Danny and the others turned to look at the boy with differentiating looks of offense.

"Dude, not cool."

"Yeah. What the heck."

"Sorry sorry."

Danny rolled his eyes and stopped in front of his classroom. "Besides, I don't even know how to use my ghost powers. Shouldn't you guys go to class?"

"You don't what?!"

"Go to class." Danny stepped in the classroom and sat down on a random seat.

The students that had been following him stared at him through the entrance and gestured wildly. He scowled and made shooing motions until they finally pouted and left. The halfa looked around the room at the classroom.

A lot of kids were there already and were staring at his seat in the corner of the room. Danny could tell they wanted to talk to him so he quickly set to opening his backpack to seem busy.

The boy froze when he'd unzipped the bag. The little blob ghost from his fridge was sitting comfortably in between his textbooks. "What are you doing here?"

The blob opened its red glowing eyes and peered up at him.

"You can't follow me to school."

It crooned a bit in fear and buried itself deeper in, making Danny feel bad. He reached out and touched it, sending a reassuring wave to calm it down. "It's fine. I'll just have to ask the principal wether they can let you come along. Just don't cause trouble." He hoped they would let it come. It's presence was very nice and he felt less lonely with it.

"Who are you talking to?"

Danny looked up to see a few kids around him. The blob ghost meanwhile slid over his hand and snuggled up under his chin. Danny giggled as it tickled his neck.

"What is that?"

"What is it doing here?"

"It's not dangerous is it?"

"Is it your pet?"

Danny shrugged at them. "It's a ghost, obviously. It just followed me to school and it's not my pet." He said as the blob curled over his shoulder and purred on his chest.

One of the kids wordlessly lifted their phone and took a picture.

They were distracted by the teacher entering the classroom. "Alright. Everyone to their seats." She set her bag on the desk and took out a folder before looking up. "Today we're continuing with the book so-"

Danny looked up from his frowning at his books as he tried to find the one for this class to see what had made her pause. She was staring at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. He raised an eyebrow.

She jumped a bit and straightened. "Oh! Mr. Phantom I mean Fenton! What a surprise. Welcome to Biology! How are you feeling?"

"...fine." He paused as his eyes flitted around the room awkwardly. "Thank you."

She nodded nervously. "We hadn't expected you for another week for sure. Do you need anything? Or do you have everything?"

Danny shook his head. "No, it's fine. We planned things with the principal already. She should've sent you an email on the agreement."

"Yes, she did. Your free passes so you can go and fight ghosts or just to skip class when it gets boring, right?" She winked and giggled. "I bet the other kids are jealous?"

Danny knew she was nervous and just desperatingly trying to relate to him and make him like her but that did not make her putting the other students down any better. His shoulders tensed a bit and he took a breath as he answered. "I won't abuse my freedom. I think I'll have enough trouble trying to keep up with the classes without me skipping unnecessarily. And no one needs to be jealous of me. There's nothing to be jealous of." He didn't want others to think he was privileged in any way. "Anyways. I'm here to learn so please, you can just ignore me and do whatever you usually do."

The teacher seemed taken aback and she laughed nervously. "Of course of course. I- well this is biology. And uh what page were we on?"

"43 miss," a student deadpanned and a few others snickered.

The teacher looked at her own book. "Ah of course. We were learning about blood circulation. But I don't suppose you have to learn that, huh Mr. Fenton?" She laughed and Danny sighed.

"I don't know. I'm still human from what I've heard."

"Oh. Do ghosts have beating hearts too?"

"Miss if have questions about ghosts you can ask my parents. I came here to learn of human biology. If you can't teach the class when I'm here then I'll just leave. If I'm not learning anything in your class I'm wasting my time."

There was a short shocked silence and then a few kids in the back went "ooooooooh buuurn" quietly.

The teacher laughed nervously, trying to salvage the situation. "Oh you're right. Of course. Let's- students, calm down- let's get started. Open your books."

Danny slumped into his seat, really hoping not all his teachers would be as flustered and nervous around him. Treating him like a celebrity. He wondered how they treated him before the accident that erased his memories.

The blob nudged him under his chin, attracting the attention of the teacher. She stared for a few seconds before jerking and going back to typing into her computer. Danny sighed.

A few more classes later showed the halfa that not all the teachers would treat him like a celebrity.

And he wasn't sure he was grateful for that. Couldn't there just be one that treated him like a normal human? Even if he wasn't one?

Mrs. Wilckie from Literature had pretended she had new seating arrangements but all she did was put Danny in the farthest corner of the room and randomly scatter four other students. She was tense the entire lesson and jumped slightly every time he appeared in her view. She was scared shitless of him.

Mr. Geagner from Geography made it perfectly clear Danny wouldn't get free passes in his class and any missed assignments would not be tolerated. He'd said he'd be treated like every other student in his class and would be expected to act like every other student in his class. "All students have extracurricular activities after school," was what he said. Blobby, as Danny started calling the blob ghost, hissed quietly at him and Mr. Geagner made sure to comment on how pets weren't allowed in school. Danny reminded him that Blobby wasn't a pet.

Mr. Lancer the English teacher pretty much ignored him the entire lesson, which Danny was grateful for. Except for the many concerned glances thrown his way. He actually stopped him after class to chide him about putting himself in such dangerous situations. Danny didn't say anything, only agreed, but didn't promise anything either. It was amazing how everyone just collectively forgot that Danny had no memory of what he did before. It was like he was being scolded for something someone else did.

And now that he's started on this rant; all those rules the principal had set...as if they fully expected him to continue being a vigilante. Didn't he have enough on his plate already? Didn't they think he was already going through too much?

His final class before lunch was History with Mr. Job. And he was already dreading it. A few kids had stopped him in the hallways to warn him of how the teacher had ranted about a ghost getting an education and they advised that it'd be better if he skipped the class. Danny and Blobby exchanged glances. The blob ghost went invisible (at least to the human eye) at Danny's request. He knew it'd be hard enough without bringing an actual ghost to class.

The moment he stepped in he could feel the steely gaze of the bearded, short teacher behind his desk.

Don't make eye contact. He'll see it as a threat. Avoid his eyes at all costs. Just get a seat. Not in the back. I'm not giving in to him. Not in the front. I'll be in direct line of his rage. Middle seats were perfect neutral ground. This was his first day in all classes. It would determine the rest of the year. His mom had told him that first impressions were the most important.

"Good morning, Mr. Fenton. Come to learn about the history of the living?"

Danny paused, he wasn't sure whether to should ignore him or answer the question. "Yes."

Students snickered and his frown deepened. "You've come to the right class then, I suppose. No, sit at the front. So I can keep an eye on you."

Danny sighed mentally and dragged his backpack to the front, careful to not jostle Blobby too much.

The teacher sat up straighter and gestured at him. "Stand up over here."

The boy paused. What was this teacher playing at? He stood up and stood in front of the desk warily, Mr. Job standing up and looking down at him. "I'll get to the point, mr. Fenton. I don't appreciate you deceiving everyone. I have no qualms believing that had the Guys In White not shot you down, you'd have kept up all your lies."

I'm starting to think I had the right idea, Danny thought to himself.

"And I know there's more you're hiding and lying about so let it be clear that I do not trust you."

"Crystal." Danny said in monotone. This teacher literally couldn't make it any clearer that he dispised Danny's guts.

Mr. Job scowled. "You're in my class. You'll refer to me with nothing but respect."

A spike of anger went through Danny. "With all due respect, sir. You're my teacher, not a drill sargeant."

There. Now he'd gone and antagonized the man. Great.

Mr. Job was angry now. "Back to your seat. You've wasted enough of my time."

Danny turned around silently but couldn't resist the eyeroll when his back was turned.

"The only reason I'm even letting you in here, is because of the school so watch yourself."

Now was when the ghost boy ignored him and concentrated on the buzzing eminating from his backpack. Probably Blobby.

One of the kids next to his seat raised his hand for a high-five, a big grin on his face. Danny just raised his eyebrows at him with a confused expression. What was there to celebrate. He and his teacher had just gotten into a fight. Nothing to be happy about here.

"Sir," a kid said with hesitation clear in her voice. "You do know he's Danny Phantom right?"

Mr. Job snapped towards the girl. "So? He's a ghost. He's not to be trusted. And you'd do well not to."

Danny could feel the bristling from the students around and wished he knew how to use his powers so he could disappear.

"He's probably saved your ass a lot of times." A kid in the back of the class half stood from his seat.

"That's all instincts. Ghost are driven by nothing but instincts. Like animals. The world would be better without them."

"The world'd be better without pricks like you," a teen muttered somewhere on the right of Danny and he prayed the teacher hadn't heard her. The student that high fived her definitely did.

Anger was steadily rising in the class and someone in the back piped up with controlled rage.

"He could easily send you through the wall."

"Mr. Baxter!"

It was quiet for a moment as the teacher looked at his class. His eyes moved from Danny to the kid in the back. "Is that a threat?"

"No!" Danny shook his head fervently and swirled around in his seat to face the rest of the class and the kid who had made the last comment. "Shut up."

"What but he's-"

"Enough." He stared at them a bit more to make sure there were no more protests and turned back to open his book. He looked at the teacher expectantly.

Mr. Job frowned at him. "Right. We've spent too much time already. That means extra homework. Get your books everyone."

Nobody complained, out loud at least. The last half hour of class was tense.

The end of school couldn't come fast enough.

I'm cry.

IDK how long it has taken but it's too long. No I'm not dead.

I have three jobs now and also had the hardest writer's block ever.

I'm also not feeling like myself lately. I'm kinda out of my comfort zone. Let's just say there's a boy and there's never been a boy before...in any sense. if you get what I mean.

I won't take long this time I promise.

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