Fighting blackwatch and a little confrontation.

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Y/N: I kept walking back to beacon and half way I reverted back to myself after getting far enough from the blackwatch base, I kept walking until I saw a bullhead land and JNPR, RWBY, glynda and ozpin come out of it.

Y/N: unless the next thing out of yang's mouth is A "thank you for opening ruby's eyes to the truth," we've got a serious fucking problem.... why are you all here?


Y/N: oh I did more than That, I killed everything there.

They all had shocked faces except for ruby and Blake, I was about to keep waking until I heard another bullhead land behind me and atlas troops popped out along with a that looked a bit like Weiss, and an old guy who I recognised as ironwood.

Weiss: winter?!

Winter: hello sister.

Ozpin: ironwood? Why are you here?

Ironwood: I'm here for Mr Mercer.

Blake: why? Are you planning to experiment on him? Cause so help me oum I'll-

Y/N: calm down Blakey it's alright, (looks at ironwood and winter) it's been a while you 2, how's things?

Ironwood: quite well.

Winter: everything's fine, although I meet need your assistance in some assignments in the future.

Weiss: whoa, whoa, wait, hold the phone, hold on a minute, wait a second, you met them before?

Y/N: yep.

Blake: but didn't you say that they'd hunt you, your dad and uncle like blackwatch?

Y/N: that's what I thought as Well, but it turns out that dad and ironwood worked together 2 years after he saw me and they were and still are on good terms and when I came to vale, ironwood sent winter to pick me up and then we had a conversation on a few things and then I started helping atlas from time to time, mostly by pretending to be my dad and killing blackwatch.

Ozpin: well, now that, that's all sorted, we need you to return to beacon and talk about what you did.

Ironwood: not so fast oz, we need the kid to help us.

Then an argument was happening and I buffered it all out as I couldn't be bothered to listen to this shit, I got a message on my scroll and I looked to see it was from father Guerra, it said, "I need you to go to a blackwatch research base and collect some information, it contains the location on a certain infected that is known as the hydra, Head over there and take care of it," I see the coordinates he sent me and look at the others to see they are too focused on their argument, even RWBY, JNPR and winter got involved, I turn around and start running to where I need to go.


I landed on a roof and used my hunting pulse to find someone that's not being watched, I found a guy in a blue biohazard suit, I glided to a nearby building and turned my right arm into a whipfist and impaled the biohazard guy and brought him to me and consumed him, I turned into the biohazard guy and then got a call from father Guerra.

Y/N: hello?

Guerra: Y/N, it's me, listen, when you get to a computer I'm going to walk you through it.

Y/N: Ok, give me a minute to find one.

I then jumped off the roof and was about to walk into the complex until I saw a scanner.

Y/N (in head): oooo, a handscanner.

I put my hand through the scanner and I was allowed access to the complex, I walked in and saw a lot of blackwatch scientists and soldiers, I acted natural and walked to a monitor and accessed it.

Y/N: (whisper) Ok, I'm at a console.

Guerra: Ok, look for a key that says alt and-

Y/N: (whisper yells) alt?! There's no fucking alt!! I've got a yellow key that and a fucking red one, what the fuck is thi-

Guerra: Y/N j-just calm down Ok? There should be a blue key on the bottom right press that and move the mouse and to the top left and click a folder and it should give you what you need.

Y/N: (whispers) hmmm, ok.... everything's cleared up..... alright got the location, I'm heading there.

Guerra: don't forget to log off.

Y/N: (whispers) Yeah, yeah.

I started making my way out until I heard the intercom.

Intercom: monitor #574B6 has not been logged off, can the previous user return to the monitor and log themselves off?

Y/N: fuck it, I hate computers.

I left the complex and biobombed someone so I can leave without any trouble, once it was done, I ran to the next facility to take care of the hydra.


When I got there, I landed on the ground and turned into a scientist and walked in and started walking into the testing room, when I got in, I walking down the stairs and saw what the hydra looked like, it looked a fucking intestine with spikes on its head and looked like it was subdued but that didn't last long as it started getting a bit crazy, probably from knowing I was here, it then killed all the scientists and looked at me and I reverted to my normal self and popped my hammerfists and jumped at it and punched it in the face making it fall but it then got up and swiped at me and sent me into a wall, blackwatch soldiers came in and aimed at me.

Y/N: why the fuck are you gonna shoot me?!?! Shoot the floppy clown penis!!!

They didn't have time to react as the hydra killed some of them and then it shot a tendril at one and ate him, I was getting annoyed so I jumped at it again and punched it over and over and after about 3 minutes I jumped off it and switched my hammerfists to claws and lunged at it and scratched it's neck and then impaled it and jumped up while having my claw still inside it, cutting it in half and then jumped down and kicked it and consumed as much of it as I could and then felt a surge of power and I saw my hands switching to tendrils and I saw they were a bit darker with red marks, I saw some blackwatch troops come in and I decided to test my new little upgrade I shot a tendril which latched onto one guy and then it dragged onto more and crushed them together and they blew up.

Y/N: so I can turn whoever I want into a biobomb from long range? Sweet! Well it also saves me the time as well.

I started walking up the stairs and left the room, once I did, i saw about 20 blackwatch soldiers, 3 Orion soldiers, 2 helicopters, and 2 tanks all aiming at me, I used my heat vision to see if there was anymore and I saw a group on a roof and assumed it was oz and the others I look back at the others and give a devilish smirk.

Blackwatch soldier: it's Y/N Mercer!! Ope-

I didn't let him finish as I shot a tendril at a random soldier which latched onto the others soldiers and crushed them together and made one big biobomb which grabbed onto the helicopters and the Orion soldiers and pulled them together and killed them, the only thing left was the tanks that looked like they were barely functioning, I turn my right hand into a blade and then lunged at the tank on the right and cut the top part off and then killed the guys inside, I look at the other on the left which shot at me sending me through a wall, I get up and dust myself off and start walking up to the tank and then jump and do a little spin while in mid air and then slice the tank in half, I then turn around and jump to the building everyone was at.

Y/N: you can talk to me in a min, I need to make a call.

I grab my scroll and call father Guerra.

Y/N: it's done.

Father: good job Y/N, I'll let you know if I need anything else.

Y/N: take care.

I hang up and look back at the others.

Y/N: alright, you can yell at me now.


Ironwood: nice job kid.

Y/N: thanks, (looks at glynda) I don't see why I should, they had a Goddamm infected in that lab, I simply went in there, killed it, got an upgrade and killed those guys.

Yang: you could've gotten hurt!

Y/N: and why do you care? Last I checked, I was hurt constantly and you never did anything to help me.

She looked down with a sad expression.

Ozpin: do you know what the consequences of what your actions can cause?

Y/N: don't know, don't care, I'm going to keep hitting blackwatch until they learn their fucking lesson, it's simple as that.

Winter: you never cease to impress.

Y/N: what can I say, killing blackwatch runs in the family.

Glynda: ironwood, you shouldn't be influencing him.

Ironwood: why not?

Weiss: because what he's doing is too dangerous.

They then started having another argument and I was just listening to it, it was getting to a point where I was getting more and more pissed by this and I had enough.


They all stopped and looked at me.

Y/N: did you all forget I'm right here?! It's my life! I decide what I do and don't do! And I feel like killing blackwatch because they are all gonna kill the world one day and I know this because I've seen my father's memories! Also you're all acting like I'm not here! It's like being neglected all over again! Why can't people stop fucking being assholes when it somehow involves me?!?!

I didn't let them have enough time to say anything as I jumped and glided back to beacon.


I landed at the gates and started walking around, I eventually decided to sit down on bench and looked at the fountain in front of me and began to think.

Blake: Y/N?

I turn to see everyone, minus ironwood and winter, they probably had a mission or something to do, I turn my head back and look back at the fountain.

Y/N: what do you all want?

Blake: We just want to-

Y/N: apologise? Don't worry about it, what's done is done, it's best to move on from that.

As I say that, I turn to see them nodding but I could see yang's face in anger.

Yang: so you forgive us for that.... but can't forgive me and ruby for what happened when we were kids?!

Y/N: I don't see how that's surprising, did you forget how long you and that wretched family tortured me for?! I still have fucking nightmares about it!!! You should try and think about the shit that you say before saying it because the answer will always be obvious.

I saw yang's eyes go red and she charged at me and attempted to hit me but I caught her hand, everyone was shocked at what she did but I wasn't....

Y/N: you'll never change Yang, you'll always be that else fucking child.

I punch her in the stomach with enough force to make her cough blood, I then pulled my hood up and went to my dorm to end this somewhat shitty day, when I got there, I was about to close my door when I saw Blake and remembered she hates ruby and yang because of what they did, we then got changed and went slowly drifted off to sleep.

Y/N (in head): they'll never learn from their mistakes.

A/N: well guys, you took down some blackwatch guys, fought a hydra and got an upgrade, and yang tried to punch You but you took care of it, I just wanna say quickly that I apologise for not updating lately, I've been a bit exhausted lately and very busy so there might be times where it'll take a little longer for me, to get another chapter up, I hope you all understand, anyways thanks for reading "prototype - fighting blackwatch and a little confrontation," and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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