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  I walked down the empty dirty streets till I stopped in front of the familiar place i always came. Taking my earplugs off I stared up the building then proceeded to enter, the bell rang as soon as i stepped in. I threw my backpack under the counter and raced into the kitchen area and smiled to myself, i sneaked behind the woman who was baking and embraced her in a hug..

The woman shrieked but smiled when she saw that it was just me, "Allison! What a surprise you came back early."

"Mom, we had so much fun at school today!" I began telling her everything that happened to me while she laughed and continued baking. Running back to one of the many empty tables i took my homework out and began working on it. Instead of doing my homework i decided to draw on a white sheet of paper my family, my teacher has always told me i'm excellent at drawing people, so i did hoping my mom would like it.

I began sketching each of us and shading the necessary parts when i raced back to my mom, "Look what I did." smiling wide i handed it to her.

Her green eyes stared down at the paper in her hands, i saw a tear running down her pale cheek. "This is beautiful sweetie. I'm sure your father is going to love it. Now go and get rid of your uniform, We're all going for dinner tonight. Besides I also called your little friend so you two can have fun."

I blushed when mom mentioned my best friend so i obeyed "Okay." slowly walking up to remove my skirt when a loud knock on the door was heard. There was silence then the loud knock again. Mom came rushing out and quickly stood by my side and gripped my shoulders tight when the door handle began to move.

"Allison. Do not come out until I tell you too." i stared up at the mom confused at why she was suddenly talking like that.


"Do as I tell you!" she said now gripping both my shoulders with tears falling down her face. "I love you and whatever you do..don't come out." my mother hugged me and quickly pushed me away so i'd hide. I went to her room and hid under the bed and as soon as I did the door was pushed open with a big thud onto the floor.

"Do you have what we asked?" the quiet yet strong voice was heard from the hallway I was in. "I-I don't..but I promise to you that i will give it to you sooner." my mom's gentle voice replied to the unfamiliar man. A second later I heard my mom yelling, then she began to beg the man over and over again then.


I shut my mouth and tried to not make a single noise. "Search around the house!" the man shouted and i saw a dozen of men walk in and looking around. I waited a few minutes and they were gone, slowly and quietly i got out of my hiding spot and started walking to where my mom was. "...Mom?" i called out to her.

There was only silence. I walked closer and closer and I stood still and my vision got blurry when I saw her on the ground and the wall behind her covered in blood, blood continued to drip down from her forehead while her green empty eyes stared back at me. To my right was a bag and when i peeked to look at it..it was my father's head.


From the corner of my eye I saw a flame, i turned my head and saw that she had placed my birthday cake. I fell down to the floor and tried reaching out to my mom when, "Hey. I heard something in there!" i gasped and quickly hid under a table when five men entered once again. Their footsteps grew heavier once they got closer. There's no time to cry right now. I turned around and searched the small box and took out the item out of it.

I fully stood up and pointed my gun at the first man who had his back to me. I pointed it t his head and pulled the trigger. The loud sound made the other four come rushing to where I was, they each their guns at me. I ran and slid down onto the floor and got a knife and stabbed one of them on the leg, feet and crotch.

That one immediately fell. I grabbed his gun and started firing at the remaining three. I cried out when one bullet hit my shoulder, i grabbed the guys arm,twisted it backwards,stepped on his feet and with the other one kicked his face, then aimed my gun at him and the wall was covered in his blood. I panted and stared down at my uniform covered in blood and my hair messy but then loud footsteps could be heard again.

I ran to the kitchen and peeked to see another man holding a larger gun in his hands. "Fuck! Who did this to my men?!" angrily he shouted. The man was furious, he began to throw things all over the room then slowly he stepped to where I was.

"I can hear your breathing." i nervously swallowed and right when he was lowering his head to see me. I grabbed a pot of boiling water and threw it on his face, the man shouted out for me but i couldn't take a look at his face. If i did i would've gotten killed for not running. I ran with only my backpack and enough money for myself while dodging and running past the many cars and bikes that were after me.

I arrived at an empty warehouse got rid of my clothes,washed my face and cut off my long hair. I shakily stared up at the small mirror and stared at myself, my brown eyes tired from crying. I broke down and slid down the floor and hugged my legs together.


San Francisco, 1986

"Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?"

I continued my way down the streets while humming the song i was listening to and kicking a few pebbles in my way. My thoughts kept repeating of what happened to me back then.

All of that shit happened eight years ago. The first few months I lived on my own, sleeping in safe but really shitty places, ate from stealing people or finding leftovers in the garbage, this is not the life I wanted at all. I held onto my backpack and spotted two guys over at a dark alley way, well here it goes. I focused my eyes down to the ground while passing them but that didn't stop them from calling at me.

"Hey you!"

I stopped and looked over my shoulders to see one of them smiling while the other one began to unbutton his pants. Disgusting bastard. "No one gets pass us without getting what we want." they both laughed while i stood still.

"Get her." one of them told the other.

I groaned when one of them pressed my face against the wall, "Alright hold her still." i smirked to myself, i grabbed hold of my switchblade and stabbed the guy who was holding me in his eye.

"Holy shit!" the pantless man cursed and stared at me wide eyes. I smiled and opened my guitar case, "Didn't you say you wanted to have fun?" i held onto my weapon while making over to him.

"No! Please don't kill me, i won't tell anyone!" i gripped onto the neck of my guitar and swinged it over his neck, his head flying and landing on the floor. "This is for getting in my way and for them." i recognized those two men. Not only did they try to rape me but they worked for the guy who killed my parents. They also killed my uncle and my aunt who i started living with. I've lost my entire family. The only one who I don't even know if he's even alive is my older brother and I plan to find him, whatever it takes to do I will.


"Shit!" I cried due to the burning pain from my wounds, i pushed my shirt down and wiped my tears away. I changed into some dark blue ripped jeans, a long sleeved stripped shirt,combat boots and dark brown leather jacket and finished drying up my pink hair. I gotta leave before it's too late. I ignored the stares I got from some people while walking down the busy streets in search of food.

"I'm so fucking hungry..now who can I steal from?" i stopped and starting looking around. I saw two teens talking to one another while one of them had a piece of untouched chicken and corn. Bingo. I looked around and slowly started to walk towards her, reached for the two things and began running when one of them shouted for someone to stop me. I desperately held onto my chicken and started eating while running.

I heard loud footsteps and turned around to see a girl in a leather jacket running at me full speed, "Oh, shit!" it was my turn to run faster. I didn't think they'd notice me from all these people running around and partying the streets for day of the dead.

"Stop that girl!" one girl exclaimed when I grabbed a pole from her hands and smiled ready to hit the girl following me. The girl dodged it to my surprise which made me lose my guard, but i was quick and swung my leg at her, which she dodged, we began to fight till a few police officers ran over and i kicked her stomach and made her stumble over the cops. I started running again but caught a glimpse of someone with green hair.

I brushed that off and began running to someplace else that wasn't filled with people. Behind me i heard a bike which only caused me to run faster, the girl suddenly appeared in front of me and again we started to fight.

She threw some punches and kicks, some which i dodged and some didn't, i scratched, almost stabbed her but did punch her cheek. More footsteps approached us but I didn't pay attention, "You're an awful fighter, where did you learn to fight so badly?" i sarcastically told her. She wasn't having any of that. The asian girl only got angrier when i kicked her in the stomach and we both stood up straight.


That voice. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. I turned my head to the left and saw a guy rocking a green mohawk,his mismatched eyes staring at my brown ones. My eyes lit up when I realized it was my childhood friend.

"Billy." I stared at him then heard the girl who I was fighting with getting closer, throwing me a punch and I was out.


I heard voices..talking around me. I groaned which caused their attention and stopped talking, someone walked over and took the bag of cloth from my face, slowly I opened my eyes and groaned at the huge headache I have. "Shit.."

" Don't look like no psychopath to me." I heard the black guy talk first while inspecting me "Can't judge a book by its cover."

"But you can judge one by its smell." the asian girl said to which i got angry and trashed around the seat I was held in. "Oh, She's cute." the mexican girl wearing a red dress mumbled. I looked at each of them then my eyes landed on him.

"Billy! Billy what the hell are you doing here?!" worried yet excited I ask him.

Everyone turned to look at him, "You know this girl?" the dark skinned guy asked confused if we did. Billy was about to respond but the other guy spoke up quickly "Cuz if you do, then you'd be a fucking idiot. This little ass bitch hasn't learned any of her lessons from doing what she's done-"

I begin to laugh at his words which caused him to focus on me once more, Oh yeah?..untie me and we'll figure thing's out." he started walking over to me till Billy stood in front of me.

"Forgive my students.They forget that viciousness serves only to make them look weak." an older man stepped in with a teacup in his hands. I glared at him but remained silenced.

"Billy, if you'd be so kind." Billy turned around, we met eyes and he smirked and untied me with his switch blade. He walked back up to the rest while the man took a seat in front of me, carefully i ran my hands up to my forehead to see that i was bleeding a bit and had a cut on my lip. Fuck.

The man asked the first question, "Are you satisfied with your life?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Me? Yeah. Of course." i sarcastically said. "I eat trash every single day, I sleep in piss,shit and the cold. Everything according to my plan."

The asian girl stepped forward "Speak to Master Lin with respect."

I rolled my eyes and leaned back on the seat, "Who the fuck are you people?"

"What's important is that we know who you are, Allison. And that we know what you've done. You're a killer. Few value this particular proficiency, but I do. What if I told you there's a home for people like you? A school where you'd be surrounded by your peers."

Confused I stared at the man. Who the fuck is he and the rest if them. Has Billy joined some kind of shitty weird ass cult?

"I'm offering you a chance to harness that fire inside you. Everything you do isn't right and you must learn from it. To master the deadly arts."

"The deadly arts, yeah right..That, umm that sounds great and all but I don't have time to join this freak show of yours." I stood up and passed the group.

That bitch stole my wallet." i heard the guy behind me exclaim. I smirked and counted down the few bills he had. The more I walked further from the place the more my heart began to ache, it's been many years since I last saw him, now he's gone once more. I sniffed and wiped my tears so no one can look at me funny. I made it up to a building and stood by the edge and stared down at everything below me.

I fucked it up big time. I have no one left in my life....

"Allison I came to talk-Whoa whoa get the hell away from the edge!" with tears in my eyes i turned around and tried to not laugh.

"You i-idiot! I wasn't going to kill myself. You know how much I hate heights, i would prefer the safer option..to hang myself." i tease but tell him truthfully. Billy's expression softens when he realizes I wasn't planning to jump.

"It's nice to see you again Billy. I like what you did to your hair." I tell my friend so the atmosphere doesn't seem so tense."

"Thanks..you look nice too. I thought i'd never seen you again after what happened to you." he says carefully choosing his words. I smile and stepped away from the edge and closer to him. "Trust me. I would've done anything to help you if-"

"That's alright..we were both pretty young back then."

I smile at him and he smiled back and opens his arms. I blush and with my eyes focused in the ground I walk over to him and hugged him back when he did. "I'm so glad to have my friend back." i close my eyes and held him closer as i cried.

We got out of the building and I began to follow Billy to wherever he was leading me. I desperately held onto my backpack and guitar case while following my friend. We made it closer to a butcher shop, Master Lin has a basic code of conduct. There is one thing you cannot do. Give up our location, and we will kill you. Like, full-on "Conan the Barbarian" style. Like, you will be eviscerated. Lin's family has been eviscerating people for centuries." I stared confused yet a bit scared at Billy.

"You're just teasing me aren't you?" i ask and he shakes his head. "Sorry to disappoint you but it's all true."

"Got a worldwide rep to maintain. The rest of the rules are simple." The asian girl says and Billy quickly cuts her.

"No disobedience, no drugs, and no sex." he says the last part and winks making me blush from head to toe.

"Don't worry. We find ways around the last one." the mexican girl tells me. I stare around the place .i was before in disgust at the pieces of meet hanging from the ceiling.

"Well, hopefully not in here."

We all stay silent and the mexican girl stops what she was doing and stands closer to me, "Since you're new here and to not make things uncomfortable for us all. I'll introduce myself. Hello my name is Maria." we shook hands and they introduced themselves to me, except the asian girl who kicked my ass.

Better do this now than never. "I'm sorry for..kicking you earlier and punching you. You really are a better fighter than I am." i apologize. She stays silent but meets my eyes and shakes hands with me.

"Sorry for making you pass out. I'm Saya." she forces a small smile on her lips but frowns again. I do the same and turn to look at everyone. "It's nice to meet you all then, my name is Allison..but my friends call me Alice." I glance over to Billy and he gives me a thumbs up.

"Well Alice..Welcome to King's Dominion."

The second Billy and Saya welcome me. The door behind Saya opens and I see a shady guy dressed in a dark cloak. I stare at everyone then at the guy...shit I just joined a cult.   


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