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Keith walked off a transport ship as he and Shiro landed at the space port to find the ship and crew they'd venture with for many months, to find treasure planet.

Keith looked around with a bag over his shoulder and inhaled the fresh air rather than the three hours he spent in the metal tank full of people. He waited for a moment as Shiro pulled himself from the crowd with his own backpack trying not to hit anyone.

"Wait up Keith," Shiro walked to him quickly as Keith groaned to himself a little.

"Try pushing, it gets you further in crowds," Keith told him flatly.

"Hey wait," Shiro pulled him back before Keith could escape. "This trip is not only for... special reasons... but it also a great experience for us brothers to be brothers again, no Adam, no school, no cops,"

"Let's just find the ship first," Keith pursed his lips walking off to find directions. Shiro sighed crossing his arms, he hated how distant the two have gotten over the years. Maybe since he's had to be more of a dad than a brother when he was eighteen, no longer getting Keith into trouble at his side but instead getting him out of the trouble he got into on his own.

Shiro walked over as two alien men told Keith where the ship was, saying he couldn't miss it after turning right. Keith thanked them and glanced back as Shiro caught up, he kept walking.

"It's the outfit isn't it? Old vest of mine, should went with what Adam said and just went with a tee shirt and my jacket," Shiro walked over as he was wearing a black vest and a black long sleeve under as one was short due to his prothetic arm.

Keith stopped shortly and Shiro stopped behind him as they found the ship finally and Keith looked at it impressed as shiros jaw dropped.

"Now that's a ship," Keith smirked as there was a large ship with giant flags tied down and blue paint slick along the sides with different kinds of wood, as they could see it perfectly due to it floating in the air like many others.

"This is it, the A.A. Legacy," Shiro smiled as well.

As the went to walk around and board the ship, they saw a tall slim but muscular man wearing a dark blue coat with creamy white pants and black boots, as his long white hair was slicked back and long, he had light purple skin and pointed ears. He was shouting commands walking around the ship as he inspected it while the crew worked.

Keith walked around impressed but tripped into a short boy that seemed to young to even be here, his light brown hair was short as he had found glasses and pale skin, he looked like a earthling. He had a green shirt tucked in with pants that gave his skinny legs no figure while they ended at his knees and had tall boots.

"Watch it asshole," he scoffed picking up the cargo he dropped as Keith tried to help but the young boy's glare warned him to knock it off.

"Not causing trouble are we mr. Gunderson?" The captain walked over narrowing his eyes.

"No sir, just fresh meat," the boy spat at Keith's boots and walked off now annoyed.

"Pay no mind to mr. Gunderson," he told them with a straight face.

"Thank you captain, everything in tip top shape?" Shiro held out his hand as the man held both of his behind his back.

"Aye, but I'm not the captain, the captain is aloft," the man motioned to a woman above as she walked along the skinny rails in tall heeled black boots as she wore black pants and a light pink long coat with her long white hair down her back. The man whistled for her attention and she turned to them. She jumped off the railing and used a rope to swing down as she flipped up and landed on her feet.

"Altean..." Keith breathed to himself seeing her pink markings on her dark skinned face with bright blue eyes and lavender pupils.

"Mr. Lotor I have check this miserable ship from stem to stone and as usual..." she trailed off as Lotor straightened up a little on respect. "It's spotless, can you do nothing wrong?"

Lotor chuckled at his friend as they both shared a similar accent.

"You flatter captain," Lotor nodded at her smuggly. Allura turned and paused seeing the two men.

"Dr. Shirogane i presume?" She smirked at Shiro as he stuttered a little awkwardly as she held out her hand to be shaken.

"Doctors-I uh- Doctor is such a strong term, just call me Shiro," he smiled nervously holding his hand out for her.

"Are you a doctor or not?" Allura raised an eye brow.

"I-I am in astronomy and-" "then Dr. Shirogane, I will talk to you as such,"

"Alright I guess that's fine," Shiro gulped as he gave up arguing.

"You've met my first officer mr. Lotor, dependable, brave, strong and intelligent," Allura motioned to Lotor as he shook his head at her.

"Please princess," he teased.

"Shut up Lotor you know I don't mean a word of it you snake," she hit his chest and turned back to the men.

"Excuse me," Shiro cleared his throat. "I'd hate to interrupt this lovely banter but may I introduce you to Keith Kogane,"

"Keith's the one that found the trea-" Shiro was cut off when Allura grabbed his cheeks to stop him from talking and looked around at the crew.

"Doctor please," she hissed glancing back. "I'd like a word with you in my office,"


The four walked to alluras quarters as captain with Lotor closing the door behind them as his sword showed in the sunlight as he narrowed his eyes at the two strangers. Suspicious of them.

"Doctor, to blabber, to run your mouth about a treasure map around this particular crew you hired, demonstrates a level of the ineptitude, the boarder of the imbecilic," Allura looked at Shiro unamused as she stood in front of him. "And I mean that in a very caring way,"

"Imbecilic?" Shiro blinked offended.

"May I see the map please?" She asked calmly holding out her hand.

Shiro looked at Keith as the boy shrugged softly and Shiro nodded as well. Keith tossed the sphere map to her. Allura caught it at ease and looked at it interested with a hum.

"Fascinating," She mused a little but went to keep the map in a safe with a key of her own.

"Mr. Kogane, in the future you will address me as captain or ma'am, do you understand?" Allura asked as she placed the ball in a drawer in the safe and closed it.

"Not princess?" Keith asked dryly as he glanced at Lotor.

"Unlike you, Lotor has earned such formality, do you understand?" Allura locked the safe. She waited then looked at Keith narrowing her eyes.

"Yes ma'am," Keith sighed finally and she nodded.

"That will do," she said. "Gentlemen this will be locked under key and you will not speak a word of it, and Doctor," Allura walked close to Shiro, passed his bubble and leaned forward.

"Zip your quiznexing howling. Screamer. In the most respectful way," she smiled warningly and went to her desk being him.

"Captain I assure you-" "let me make this as monosyllabic as possible... I don't give a damn of this crew you of course hired as I said before," Allura cut him off once again.

"They're... how did I put it the s'morning Lotor? I said something quite good?" She smirked at the other man as Lotor was at her side.

"A ludicrous parceling driveling galoot princess," Lotor replied calmly.

"There you go, poetry," Allura winked smiling.

"Now see here," Shiro placed his robotic hand on the table but Allura stood before he could continue.

"Doctor id love to chat, tea, cake, the whole shebang but I have a ship to launch and you have your hair to fix up," Allura smiled flicking some hair from his eyes as it's been bothering her.

"I have a fiancé, I won't stand with your flirts, despite you thinking your better than me," Shiro snapped.

"I'm not flirting Doctor, probably cause I am better than you, I have many other things to worry about than your looks and non existent charms," Allura said flatly.


"Yes. Oh. Mr Lotor please escort these two simpletons to the galley straight away, young Kogane will be working with our cook, mr blue," Allura glanced over at Keith with a sigh standing up. Keith looked at them horrified as he finally listened when his name was mentioned.

"Wait wait the cook?"

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