Down below

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"That woman, that prissy- ugh this is why I rather marry a man than some woman like that," Shiro complained as they walked down the stairs to under the ship where the kitchen and dinning area was with wooden tables around.

"It's my map, and she's having me bust tables?" Keith scoffed following him but they both where shoved forward by Lotor.

"I will not stand with another cross word of our captain, there's no finer officer in this or any galaxy," Lotor stated sternly as they heard whistling from the kitchen.

Keith looked ahead with narrowing his purple eyes as he saw a tall slim figure that seemed young, it was a man but he was chopping up some foot on the side as he was out of the light.

"Mr blue," Lotor called as the young man, possible boy, looked over curiously.

"Hey Lotor, What brings you down here to my humble galley?" A boy's voice replied as he wiped his hands down on his white apron around his waist as he turned to them.

He had tan skin with dark brown hair and icy blue roots peaking, as his ears where pointed. He wasn't altean as he had no marks but he wasn't like Keith and Shiro either. But then he heard gears and some machinery. The boy was missing his right leg as he could see from his brown pants and between his boot was a silver metal. Keith gulped seeing he was missing his arm from the elbow down as he wore a white long sleeve with the sleeves pushed up and a few buttons of his shirt where undone. He had a stupid grin across his young face as he saw the new people.

A cyborg.

Keith felt alarmed as he stared at the boy's prosthetics, it wasn't something new to him but it's what the man, iverson, warned him off. And the boy didn't look clean either. He had some glint in his eyes that showed he was mischievous for adventure.

"May I introduce Doctor Takashi Shirogane and Keith Kogane," Lotor motioned to both of them.

"Please, call me Shiro," he walked forward holding out his hand. "Please,"

"Lance," the boy grabbed shiros human hand with his prosthetic one and shook.

"Nice arm," Lance smirked.

"You too," Shiro pursed his lips and pulled his hand back. "This is my little brother,"

"Keef," lance offered his hand but Keith crosses his arms and stared darkly at him. He seemed around his own age.

"It's Keith," the shorter boy said flatly.

"Don't worry, this old thing won't bite, might shock ya but no biting," Lance laughed softly pulling his hand away before it got weird.

"It's a good tool for cooking, ma may of have her ways of cooking up some love but at least I can cook up enough food for a crew," lance joked as he grabbed a knife and sliced some sort of food from a main source that made them individuals.

"Pretty handy right?" Lance winked back at him and Keith gave no reaction. He shrugged not paying any mind to the younger boy as he twirled he knife in his hand as he chopped up some veggies to put in a pan.

"Aye takes a few years getting use to but good precautions when it comes to knifes and carrots, am I right Lotor?" Lance smiled back at them as he used his human hand to chop but his prothetic got nicked on the finger tips but he didn't seem to care or maybe notice?

He poured the pan of meats and veggies into a pot as he seasoned the stew humming softly with joy in his smile, lance poured a ladle full of stew in two bowls and spun to Keith and Shiro.

"Mamas own recipe, bonzabeast stew," he winked at Keith as they looked at the bowls confused.

Shiro dipped his finger in the stew as lance forgot a spoon for him as he tasted the stew. He hummed impressed.

"Not bad, I like the tangy," Shiro mused at him.

"Old family recipe," lance snickered and Shiro looked at the stew again as he saw a finger pop up from the stew. He gasp dropping the bowl but lance caught it quickly and burst out laughing.

"In fact that was part of the old familia," Lance laughed as he chucked the fake finger out of it and drank some of the soup from the bowl.

"Hilarious," Shiro gulped at the slight heart attack.

Go on keefy, give it a try, I promise you won't find part of abuela in there," Lance nudged him a little as Keith stirred the stew suspiciously.

Suddenly there where eyes on the spoon making Keith frown as the spoon, the fucking spoon turned into a straw? The spoon straw thing ate the rest of his stew!

"What the hell?!" Keith gapped in horror as the straw or spoon or whatever purred at Keith as it turned into a jelly looking red cat that was see through with yellow eyes.

"Red, aw there you are little guy," Lance held out his hand as the little cat morphing thing floated over to him and perched on his shoulders.

"What is that thing?" Keith made a face.

"This guy? He's just a little shapeshifter, a morph, I call him red, he likes to be a lion," lance scratched the lion shapeshifter as red purred against him.

"Most harmless thing you'll meet, but also the hungriest, a little blob of mischief really," Lance laughed at him as red looked at him unamused at the comment making the tan boy clear his throat awkwardly.

They heard bells from above and the men looked back at Lotor who waited patiently.

"We're about to make way, would you like to observe the launch Doctor?" Lotor cleared his throat looking at Shiro.

"Does am active galactic nucleus have super luminal jet?" Shiro beamed brightly but no one said anything.

"Your nerd is escaping," Keith rolled his eyes.

"I'll just... follow you," Shiro sighed looking at Lotor. The two went to leave as Keith wanted to follow but Lotor stopped him.

"Mr. Kogane will stay here with you, in your charge mr. Blue," Lotor said flatly looking at them as lance was drinking from the bowl previously but choked slightly with wide eyes. He coughed wiping his mouth looking at Lotor in horror.

"You can't be serious Lo? He's my age! He's not going to listen-" "captains orders!" Lotor stopped him immediately as lance whined.

"See to it that the new cabin boy is kept busy," Lotor glared at them as the two boy argued with the orders but gave up went Lotor left them.

They both sighed annoyed but lance put a smile on his face, running a hand through his hair.

"So Allura left ya with me? Wonder what gave her that idea," Lance sighed at him as Keith crossed his arms.

"Wouldn't know," Keith mumbled sarcastically.

"Well Keef, Lance Blue, not at your service but as your new cabin mate and as your boss," Lance held out his hand to him. Keith glared again.

"Ray of sunshine aren't you," Lance rolled his eyes.

"Well what would I be to argue with the captain? Just a humble cyborg enjoying his work," he smirked getting back to work.

"Is that all you are? You don't look like an earthling and alteans are only one in a hundred," Keith narrowed his eyes at him.

"Does it matter man? Once you loose two of your limbs I think it's safe to simplify yourself as a cyborg, a lot more of us than some alteans," Lance smiled smuggly at him.

"Right," The paler boy scoffed.

They heard a whistle go off and Lotor yell that they where going to be launching soon as the two stared at each other for a moment.

"Go watch the launch, I've seen enough to know what happens, it's a sailors first moment, go enjoy Keef, there'll be plenty of work waiting for you to come back," Lance waved him off as he grabbed a bottle of oil.

Keith walked to the exit as he kept looking back at lance but just as he left he notice lance drink something from a bottle that seemed to be some type of alcohol.

Lance inhaled deeply as he looked back at Keith suspiciously when he left and red flew over to the cyborg.

"We have to keep an eye on this kid, aye red?" He hummed handing a raw piece of meat to the shapeshifter.

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