Im still here

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Lance sat on the counter of the pantry as he and Keith sat in silence, peaking potato's as lance was half was through one barrel and Keith only got seven done. Lance stole a glance over at keith as he seemed to be in his own mind with a boot up on a barrel and leaning against the wall.

Keith carved into the potato thinking to himself as he looked up through the sky light, seeing a planet above them as they passed under.

I am a question to the world
not and answer to be Heard

A young boy looked through a window as he waited home alone for his father to return. Purple eyes looking past the horizon with the night sky.

He gasped seeing a vehicle driving towards his home and smiled seeing it was his father returning.

or a moment that's held in your arms

Keith looked back as lance was explaining how to try a solid knot as they sat in a small open department that was the very tip of the ship.

and what do you think you'd ever say
I won't listen anyway

Lance showed him the rope and set the example as he made a knot with the rope hanging off the side. He smiled as keith rolled his eyes.

you don't know me

Lance finished the knot with a giant smile as looked back to present it to Keith but the pale boy was gone with the rope hanging over the side. Lance looked over seeing keith walking away with his hands in his pockets.

and I'll never be what you want me to be

He compared keiths knot to his own and smirked a little seeing they were the same. The bastard did listen...


and what do you think you'd understand

Keith was on his hands and knees scrubbing the deck of the ship with a bucket at his side. Lance stood over him making sure keith was doing it right, but when Keith looked up lance only tipped his hat to him and winked.

I'm a boy no,

Keith stood up with a glare but lance didn't back down and got in his face a little looking confident. Neither of them were afraid, nor bothered by the inches they were apart.

I'm a man

Lance shoved a new bucket with clean water into keiths hands and pointed to the deck as keith glared darkly. He huffed blowing some of his bangs out of his face and dumped the water against the ground.

You can't take me and throw me away

A small boy gasped awake hearing screamed from outside his home. His ocean blue eyes with mint green centers went to the window as he frantically crawled to see outside.

And how can you learn what's never shown

He saw fires in the darkest of night, and people fighting other people, he screamed as his door was slammed open. He reached with tears in his eyes for his big sister as she came over to scoop the little boy up with both arms. They ran out of the room as they heard their mother yelling commands to their older brothers. the young boy dropped from his sisters grip and ran to his mother with tears running down his face. His older brothers trying to figure out how to get out as they were trapped.

Yeah you stand here on your own
They don't know me

His mother knelt to his height as she wiped his tears with a smile and held him tightly as the older siblings heard shouts coming closer to their own home. Begging to be let out as the door was stuck.

Her arms tightening around him.

Cause I'm not here


And I want a moment to be real

Keith closed his eyes feeling the wind against his face as he sat in the crowd nest. The feeling of being free, his responsibilities slipping away as he didn't feel the pressure of his brother breathing down his neck. Tension released into the wind as he stayed silent.


Wanna touch things I don't feel

Keith watched from the side stairs as cabin mates gathered around in the dining area as lance told a story of his early adventure, swinging his arms high and using his robotic arm as a prop to guide the story easier.

Everyone burst out laughing as lance clenched his fist high with a giant grin as he and Keith made eye contact and caught Keith smirking a little.

want to hold on and feel I belong

Keith looked back down at his drink and felt heat rise to his cheeks as he hid it behind the mug while he drank.


Keith sat in the kitchen as he had a bucket of water and a small pile of the dishes done and cleaned next to him.

And how can the world want me to change

Lance dropped a bigger pile of dishes next to Keith with an innocent grin and keiths jaw dropped.

They're the ones that stay the same

Lance gave him a look as keith knew he couldn't get out of the work, snatching a plate with a glare and scrubbed it aggressively as lance laughed a little walking away.

They don't know me

Lance smiled walking away hearing keiths cusses and complaints.

Cause I'm not here

Keith passed out later that night with his head against a clean pot as lance walked over with the moonlight against them both, he looked at keith quirking an eye brow seeing him snoring a little.

And you see the things they never see

He looked over seeing stacks of dishes clean and dry and hummed impressed. He sighed running a hand through his hair and took off his jacket and draped it against keiths smaller body to keep him from freezing.

All you wanted I could be

Lance blushed softly seeing Keith sleeping soundlessly with his green jacket on and covered his bottom half of his face as red sat on his shoulder. He gulped a little and turned around to go to his own cabin.

Now you know me

Keith blinked his eyes open softly as he saw familiar boots walking up the stairs and a familiar smell around his body that kept him warm. He groaned softly sitting up and setting the pot down.

And I'm not afraid

Keith widened his eyes a little recognizing the jacket around him and held it a little tighter around his body as he stared where lance left.


Young Keith waited at the top of the stairs as he heard a new voice speaking with his father, explaining rules and the new one disagreeing with some but keiths father didn't back down. Keith peaked over the side as he saw a young teenager rolling his eyes with a huff as keiths father made him a mid night meal anyways. The two boys made eye contact and the older one smiled a little at keith as the young child gasped and hid behind the stair railing knowing he was suppose to be in bed. But the grey eye boy chuckled a little at him.

That must've been his new little brother from his new foster father.

And I wanna tell you who I am

Lance brought Keith down to the bottom of the ship where emergency boats were loaded, lance flipped a lever as keith watched the flooring of the bottom of the ship being opened for lance to be able to leave in the small boat.


Lance explained to Keith what to do as they grabbed the rope and followed Lances lead. Lance point on the other side of the boat and Keith leaped to that side to untie the rope but held onto it to slowly lower the boat.

Can you help me be a man

Lance got in to test it out as the boat lowered on it own. He gave a wink to Keith and a small salute with his fingers as he watched keiths smile slowly drop.

They can't break me

Keith stayed silent as lance made sure everything was in working condition but lance noticed his disappointment. But he started up the small boat and took it for a spin.

As long as I know who I am

They can't tell me who to be

Young lance panted as he struggled to keep himself from hyperventilating with his mothers arms around him as his brothers tried breaking the door as his sister was trying to get the back door open. The pirates outside held a fire and dropped it on oil that lead to their home.

Cause I'm not what they see

His brothers backed away as his sister came back with tears in her eyes seeing a fire flaming up the side of the house and smoke filling the ceiling.

Yeah, the world is still sleeping

The youngest boy felt his mother leave as she tried to protect her other children as well as the child sniffles with fear in his eyes looking for his own way to escape. He heard his sisters screams when a banister that's held the house up collapsed and fell on the child and their mother who dove to protect her baby.

He felt hot and couldn't breath as he was in shock not feeling his leg but saw his mother in pain with the banister holding her down but her hand was wrapped around his own.

While I keep on dreaming for me

His sister clawed her arm through the burning wood for lance as he reached for her but his small leg was trapped. His brothers trying to releases their mother but she told them to stop and help his sister.

And their words are just whispers and lies

They all saw a fire forming around the house, growing every second, taking their opportunities to all survive away as the boys growled lifting the wood off their baby brother and his sister grinding her teeth through the pain to snatch her brother from the ground and pulling him so hard out that they both fell on the ground.

They went back to save their mother but no one could breathe, their mother telling them all to go and escape as she knew it wasn't any use to free her.

The sister sobbed picking their youngest up as he tried to go reach for their mother but the oldest of them all chucked a chair at the window to shatter the glass, he leaped out coughing as he helped each sibling out. His sister handing lance to their brother as she crawled out of the window as the last.

She took lance back as they all escaped through the back to the woods. Lance sobbing for their mother as he felt his flesh burning on his leg. He watched over his sisters shoulders as everyone ran away but he was the only one that saw their home collapse in flames


That I'll never believe

And I want a moment to be real

Keith felt his heart skip a beat as lance came back and held out his hand for Keith to join him with a smile.

Wanna touch things I don't feel

Keith smiled jumping into the boat as lance quickly explained the controls. Keith looked up at lance with a soft grin watching Lances face in all seriousness as he touched the metal.

I want to hold on and feel I belong

Keith felt the adrenaline spike through him as he took the controls and sped off as lance screamed in surprise.

And how can they say we'd never change

Keith felt his hair pushed back by the wind as he sped as fast as he could with lance smiling wildly now and no longer afraid of the speed.

They're the ones that stay the same

Lance smiled watching keiths face as he chased after a shooting star that they caught up too, keiths face was in full determination of being in control. So focused.

I'm the one now

Keith swerved and dipped into the remains of the star that were cooled down by the chill of space as lance gasped at it but trusted Keith enough not to close his eyes.

Cause I'm still here

They laughed as the glitter like substance on them from the remains as lance ran his hand through his hair again but the substance made it slicked back as keith giggled at it. Both growing red from the neck up.

I'm the one

Keith looked down at the controls with a soft look as he smiled at the new feeling in his chest and pushed forward enjoying the freedom when it was just them.

Cause I'm still here

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