Last chances

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13 years later.

An eighteen year old boy with black raven hair flowing passed his ears with wind pushing it all back. His indigo eyes narrowed to focus as his pale hands gripped harder on the handle of his solar surfer to control it. Dust kicking up behind him from the board.

He smirked determined as he activated the boosters when the ground left and he flew over the canyon. The boy stirred up into the clouds as he was able to reach the sky once again. This freedom of nothing around him except his solar board to trust.

He had an eye brow piercing and two cartilage ear piercings on one ear as he wore a red crop jacket with a black tee and loose black pants that ended at the middle of his calf's while he had on thick combat boots with bronze straps. The boy looked behind him as he went straight up vertically into the sky.

He stomped on a button of the board and the solar sail flattened against the board as he waited for gravity to steal him back to the ground.

The boy let out a breath as he closed his eyes, opening his arms, feeling the winds rush past his body.

He pulled his arms in and twisted his body to spin the board while he was up side down until he was so close to the ground but he switched it back with the sail up and let out a screaming cheer when he raced through the canyon smiling more, he pulled down his goggles when he had dust going in his eyes but couldn't stop the smirk at the speed he was going at.

Suddenly the board hit a sign but the boy barely noticed as he kept speeding through the canyon. He knew he was trespassing. But the boy used the area as a challenge while he used some parts as ramps or to dodge. But he saw a metal contraption that almost seemed like a water wheel.

He slammed his foot down on a button as the sail disappeared again.

"Come on!" He grunted and crouched down as he slipped right through at the perfect time and as he exited it he brought the sail back up with a whooping laugh.

But he heard sirens behind him and groaned immediately knowing who it was.



At an inn called the lions inn, a mid twenties man with tan skin and light hair with dark eyes and glasses poured some soup into a bowl on a tray of many other plates.

"Mr Adam~" someone sang from the side as what seemed to be a woman alien waved her cup.

"I know, refill on the purp juice, coming up miss dunwoodie," he smiled at her as he wore a white tee with brown pants and black boots up to his knees with a olive jacket around his waist.

"Okay that's the powdered steroid, two lunar eclipses and a big bowl of  jelly worms for you," Adam smiles handing out the orders to a family of three while the son dove right into his meal.

"Enjoy," he waved at them as he went to the next set of customers.

"Hey babe, sorry it's been a mad house all morning Takashi," Adam walked over to a man reading an astronomical book. He had a under cut black hair with white bangs as well as a scar across his nose with a robotic arm, having the two for about a year.

"No worries Adam," the man smiled up at him and saw the soup now in front of him as Adam walked away again. As Adam finished he looked back at his fiancé and put the tray on his hip walking back.

"Let me finish my papers and I'll help you about," Shiro looked back at Adam as he flipped a page.

"No you have enough on your plate- er bowl..." Adam smiled a little and Shiro rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of which, hows Keith doing?" He asked gently as Shiro set down the book.

"Much better, I mean with us getting engaged he seemed unfazed, I know he's had some rough spots earlier this year but I really think he's turning a corner," Shiro stood up and took the dirty dishes on the trey from Adam to help his lover. Adam smirked proudly with a hand on his hip as Shiro carried the dishes away.

Suddenly the door flung open seeing two robo officers with Keith in front of them.

"Mr. Shirogane,"

"Keith!" Shiro gapped as he dropped all the dishes as they shattered on the floor.

"Oh wrong turn," Adam raised an eye brow.

"Okay thanks for the lift guys," Keith tried to escape them with a forced grin but they grabbed his arm and he lost his enthusiasm and glared at them again.

"We apprehended your brother operating a solar vehicle in a restricted area," one of the officers said in a monotone voice.

"Moving violation 904, section 15, paragram- ugh," the robot hesitated for a moment.

"Six," Keith rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thank you,"

"Don't mention it,"

"As you are aware sir, this constitutes violations against probation," the officer said flatly.

"Yea yea, I mean no I understand, um but can we just-I uh..." Shiro walked to them lost for words.

"Um excuse me, officers, if I can interject here, I am Adam, literally the guy that owns the place, heard of me? No?" Adam walked over hoping to be some sort of help.

"Are you the boys father?"

"That's not how sex works," Adam said flatly.

"He's me fiancé," Shiro smiled friendly at them hoping that'll help.

"Back. Off. Sir," the two officers warned him and Adam stepped back awkwardly.

"Don't ever let me do that again," Adam whispered in shiros ear and the other man smiled a little at him as Adam stood behind him.

"Thank you Adam, I will deal with this," Shiro told him gently.

"Any more slip ups will result in a one way ticket to juvenile hall, possible adult trial," they warned pushing Keith to Shiro.

"Thank you officers," Shiro pulled Keith towards him. "It won't happen again," he looked at Keith seriously.

"We see this behavior all the time sir,"

"Wrong choices,"

"Bad Enders,"

"Losers," that made Keith snap his head towards them with a glare.

"Take care now!" One said with enthusiasm and the two officers left finally, slamming the door behind them.

"Keith are you serious?" Shiro pulled him aside as Adam looked at the brothers concerned.

"Do you want to go to juvenile hall? You just turned eighteen, you will be charged more as an adult," he explained distressed.

"Takashi," Adam put a hand on his shoulder as Keith walked over to a trey to collect dishes, he and Shiro helped Adam with the inn when they are there, they have rooms (even if Shiro shares it with Adam) at the inn, but they have another home than just the inn.

"Keith? Keith look at me," Shiro sighed walking to him as Keith put dirty plate in the tray with no emotion on his face.

"It's been hard enough keeping our own house and with Adam having his inn still I can't see you go through this too, I won't be able to bail you out," Shiro said now concerned at how Keith was. He was legally an adult but this was still his baby brother.

"Shiro it's no big deal," Keith turned to him finally with a simple look as if everything was really going to be fine. "There was no body around, those guy just won't get off my as-"

He stopped seeing the unamused face Shiro and Adam gave him.

"Forget it," he dropped the smile and looked away.

"Mr adaaaaam~ my juice~" miss dunwoodie sang annoyed. Adam sighed annoyed.

"Hey I got it, this discussion isn't over," Shiro looked at Keith but went to handle the customer.

"Keith, I really want the best for you, I've seen you grow up since you where fourteen, Shiro just doesn't want you to throw away your future," Adam smiled softly at Keith but backed off the boy to go keep his inn running.

"Yea? What future," Keith scoffed grabbing the tray of dishes and pushed a door open to the kitchen.

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