The treasure of the old

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Keith sat on the roof as he dropped pebbles as they rolled down the metal roof while clouds rolled around with flashes of lightening and light thunder in the back but there was no rain yet.

He could hear Shiro and Adam talking below as there was a window next to him. Keith loved that Shiro proposed to Adam, Adam was his sanity and a good voice of reason, when Keith was younger they would torment Adam with their childish ways, but some how Adam still loved Shiro for it.

But ever since Keith's dad died... being locked down on a career and school just doesn't seem worth it anymore. He rather be free and have experiences.

"I don't know what I'm doing Adam," Shiro sighed below as the men had no idea that Keith was only above them on the roof.

"I don't know how you do it, but your doing your best, even if there's the risk of being responsible of a felon- I mean fellow," Adam sat down with a sigh as Shiro closed the blinds.

"Don't worry, Keith is smart, oblivious but he's a smart kid," Shiro helped clean up the mess.

"Reminds me of his older brother, stupidest guy I've ever met yet he has a doctorate in astronomics," Adam teased but Shiro kissed him softly as he let him relax.

"But you still worry over him," Adam looked up at him.

"Of course I do, I'm going to be on my death bed and gasp bolting up yelling 'Keith got arrested again!', it's basically a sixth sense," Shiro sighed but Keith smiled a little at the joke, listening.

"But I'm at the end of my rope, we're broke Adam, even with the inn," Shiro rubbed his face. "Ever since Tex died..."

"Hey your doing what you can, Tex was a father to you too," Adam stood up quickly in defense before Shiro could say any more.

"It just seems unfair to Keith, his mother leaving right after his birth, and Tex dying when he was only nine, nine Adam, he was nine when he had to grow up with me, but I was eighteen by then," Shiro rambled as Adam held his hands tightly.

"I don't know what I'm doing," he whispered and sat down as Adam knelt in front of him, rubbing his knee gently to sooth.

Keith sighed as he tore away from the conversation. He smiled at how Shiro still never gave up on him, but Shiro was giving up on himself before even thinking of doing it to Keith. That wasn't fair. The pride in shiros voice but also the guilt.

"I know Takashi," Adam sighed gently.

Keith gulped at the silence as he knew Shiro was trying to have a strategy in his head but nothing would work for their situation, no math equation, no constellations to track, it was Keith, and that was the most unpredictable creature out there. No one else looked like him, or Shiro or adam, but at least they knew they where full earthlings, no ones ever said what his mother was, but it wasn't earthling, so he was left with wondering.

Suddenly a ship was crashing pass the inn and was heading to a boarding deck that Adam had for ships. It skidded across and Keith jumped off the roof as he ran to the ship curiously. Someone must be in there, they could be hurt.

"Hey mister? Hey mister you alright in there?" Keith banger on the entrance with the ship smoking from an attack maybe?

Finally the door flew open and an old man that had tan skin and a dark brown goatee with one squinted eye, his skin had hexagon patterns along his scarred arms as his one good eye was light green with dark brown iris's. He wore a long coat and a captain like hat as he coughed and hacked on the ground with a small chest next to him.

"He's a comin', can ya hear him? Those gears clicking and rolling like the devil himself!" The man grabbed Keith by the shirt and pulled him down.

"Uh hit your head there pretty hard didn't you?" Keith looked at him unamused as the man went back for the chest.

"He's after the chest, the bastard cyborg and his band of marauders," he grunted picking it up. "But they'll have to pry it from old iversons cold dead fingers if-"

The man dropped the chest as he held his stomach and mouth as he began coughing harshly again.

"Jesus... come on, give me your arm," Keith helped him quickly as he got the old mans arm around his shoulders and iversons gripped the handle of the chest to drag along, bringing him back to the inn.

"Thank you, good lad," iversons wheezed as they headed back to the lions inn.

"Shiros going to love this,"


"Thank you for listening Adam," Shiro sighed grabbing his coat as Adam was finished cleaning. "It helps,"

"It's going to be alright, you'll see," Adam put a hand on his shoulder and slipped it down to hold his hand.

"I keep dreaming that one day I'm going to open that door and there he'll be just the way he was, my smiling happy little brother, holding a new pet and begging me to convince his dad to keep it," Shiro pulled away covering his face with a tired sigh.

The door opened as it was storming out but there stood Keith with the tall older man barely grasping onto Keith as they where both soaked.

"Keith Kogane!" Shiro gasped as Adam helped them in quickly and confused.

"Shiro he's hurt, bad," Keith helped the man lay down as he was panting for a breath.

"My chest boy," iverson reached for the chest and Keith pushed it towards his shaking hand.

"He'll he coming soon," iverson opened the chest with a code first.

"Can't let them find this," he wheezed reaching in and picked out a ball shaped object wrapped in cloth.

"Who's coming?" Keith knelt in front of him but iverson grabbed his shirt and pulled him down.

"The cyborg... beware..." iverson wheezed into his ear as Keith's eyes widen. "The cyborg is..."

As he took his last gasping breaths, Keith let him lay on the ground with bewildered eyes when he handed the boy the orb wrapped in cloth. But iversons chest stopped moving and he no longer wheezed.

"Oh Shit," Adam covered his mouth while wrapping an arm around shiros as the other man was just as shocked.

They heard a ship coming along as lightening cracked across the sky and a spot light shined through the window as they landed.

Keith ran over and checked outside in the storm as he saw multiple figures walking towards the house as he could hear a machine getting closer from the outdoors. The cyborg.

But Shiro was a cyborg, missing his arm from a disease, but these was a totally different person, this was a pirate.

"We have to go," Keith stuffed the ball in his pocket as he grabbed both men's wrists and went up the stairs just as the door was kicked down.

"Where is it?!" They heard a voice shout as the three hid upstairs to find an exit. Something went crashing down stairs as the whoosh of fire taking over followed.

Shiro opened the window as there he saw his hover craft with two wings that could hold two people but three would have to be an exception.

"Alright if I calculate this right we'll be fine, on the count of three," Shiro looked down as Adam rolled his eyes and grabbed Keith by the collar.

"Three!" Adam shouted and the three males fell onto the craft but Keith took drivers seat as he started up the hover craft and took off immediately.

Adam looked back with wide eyes seeing his inn, his home, burn to the ground as Shiro held him close watching along sadly while Keith focused on getting them back somewhere safe...

All for some metal ball that laid in Keith's pocket.

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