Chapter Four

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     Percy's POV

     I hated not being able to move. I hated feeling useless. I hated being carried like a child. All of which were present at this very moment. I wasn't able to move, unable to depend on myself, while being carried bridal style by Jason. At least he was comfy.

      I was carried by Jason into the big house, Nico besides me and Chiron trotting in front of us. See, I had invited Nico over and we got close. Not romance close, gods no, but he found out a lot of things. Such as the fact that Gabe abused me, verbally, physically and sexually. Annabeth didn't even know that.

      Jason sat down on the couch and adjusted me so my head was resting on his lap and the rest of my body was on the couch. Nico sat down on the arm of the couch and Chiron fitted into his wheelchair, sitting on front of us. I could feel Jason start to play with my hair.

       "So, would anyone like to explain?" Chiron asked. 

       "So... We went to a bar, right?" Nico asked. Chiron nodded. "Just as we were about to leave, Annabeth took Percy to the back and used a chemical Leo created to paralyze him. Of course, Leo didn't know what it would be used for. Anyway, she dragged Percy in the back and, while he was unable to talk, move or anything, she..." Nico looked over at me sadly. I could feel tears start to fill my eyes and fear and shame took over my emotions. I could feel my body start to tremble uncontrollably.

         Jason, seeing the panic in Nico's eyes, adjusted me so he could see my face. Once he did, his eyes widened and he moved me so I was kind of in a stradling position and hugged me tightly. Unable to do anything, my nose pressed uncomfortably against Jason's shoulder. Nico noticed and tilted my chin so it was resting on top of Jason's shoulder. I stayed there while Nico explained what happened, including why it freaked me out so badly. When he said that, Jason put a hand on the back of my head and hugged me tighter. He explained it in extreme detail, which took quite a while. It could feel my limbs start to get some feeling in them, like when your foot falls asleep. Something similar to that.

       I could feel my eyes start to drift shut, even if I couldn't control by body, and fell asleep to Nico's voice.

Jason's POV

      I can't believe Percy was abused. He's so happy and outgoing, you never would have been able to tell if someone hadn't told you. It sounds pretty bad from what Nico was describing too. It took a minute for me to realize Percy had fallen asleep on my shoulder. His breathing his slowed and his eyes were shut. I frowned slightly, as his face was scrunched up like he was in pain. "I'm going to take him to his cabin." I announced, standing up. Percy's legs automatically wraped around my waist and I chuckled, wrapping one arm around his and the other against his back so he wouldn't fall. His head rested limply against my shoulder.

        "Don't stay in there for too long, you might end up sharing a cabin." Nico warned. "Personal experience." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not joking. If he wakes up he'll beg you to stay there with him and it's literally impossible to say no."

        "We'll see about that. Night, Chiron." I told him. He nodded and I walked out.

       I was walking down the hill towards the cabins when I saw some figured approaching me. Once they got closer I could tell it was the rest of the seven, minus Annabeth of course. "Is he..?" Piper whispered, gesturing towards Percy. I nodded.

        "He fell asleep?" Leo whispered. I nodded again.

        "Poor boy, I feel so bad." Hazel whispered sadly.

       "I know... I feel like it's our job to protect him now, you know?" Piper asked us. "I mean, it's obvious he's going to be down for a while after this, if not depressed. I'm sure being raped isn't fun." 

       I nodded. Just then, Percy let out a soft whimper and shuddered. "No... No stop... Please..." He whimpered. He seemed to tense up in my arms, his chin digging painfully into my shoulder. I let out a soft grunt at the sudden pain.

       I looked at the others worriedly as he seemed to tremble, shaking and randomly tense up. "Oh my gods what's wrong with him?!" Piper exclaimed, drawing her hand to her mouth.

       "Percy? Percy! Percy!" I yelled repeatedly in his ear. Eventually his head jerked back and his eyes shot open. Tear began to well in his eyes and he wrapped his arms around my neck, sobbing into my shoulder. 

       I held a hand to the back of his head, and my other hand supported him by the waist. It must have looked weird because we turned some heads, but Piper told them to push off and they did.

        "J-Jason?" Percy stuttered, still crying into my shoulder slightly. He sniffled.

       "Yeah Percy?" I whispered.

        "Can... Can we go to my cabin?" He asked.

        "Of course. Do you want anyone else?" I asked.

        He shook his head into my shoulder. "Okay. Let's go." I whispered and began walking over to the Poseidon cabin.

       "Wait!" Piper exclaimed.

       I turned around with a confused expression. "Yeah?"

       "Hand Percy to Frank. I need to talk to you for a second." She said.

        Percy simply hung on tighter. "Um... I don't think he..." I muttered.

       She just smiled. "That's fine I guess, we can talk in the Poseidon cabin. I'll leave once I'm done talking to you."

       I nodded and we walked into the Poseidon cabin. "Alright Jason." Piper said, shutting the door behind her. "I'm going to do this quick and painless, I'm breaking up with you."

       "What, why!?" I exclaimed.

       "You know why." She winked at Percy's back and smiled at me. "And if you don't, you will. Trust me."

       With that, she walked out of the cabin. I would have stood thre for the rest of eternity, staring at the door, but Percy nudged my shoulder with his chin. "You okay?" He whispered hoarsely.

       I nodded numbly. It surprisingly didn't hurt as much as I thought. It almost felt right, like it was supposed to happen. I walked over to Percy's bed and gently set him down.

        His eyes were bloodshot and his face was soaked with tears. "Do you want a shirt?" I asked. He looked down at his bare chest and nodded weakly.

       I opened his dresser and found a shirt that looked a bit big and walked back over to Percy, sitting on the edge of the bed. I helped him sit up and adjusted myself so he could lean on my for support then handed him the shirt. I looked up at me with a 'really?' expression.

       "Oh." I muttered sheepishly. "You want help?"

       He managed to nod and I got in front of him, helping him put on his shirt. Once it was over his head his hair was all messed up. I frowned and reached up, running a hand through it and flattening it down a bit. I smiled and got up, standing in front of him. He made a pouty expressions and held his two arms towards me, like a toddler who wanted to be picked up. "Stay." He whispered.

       I chuckled softly. Nico was right. "I'm going to go get my stuff and then I'll be right back. I promise." 

       He pouted but nodded. I left his cabin and ran to mine, wanting to get back as quick as possible. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, even though I usually didn't wear one. I decided I'd change in Percy's cabin and ran back.

         I got back in and Percy was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. "I'm going to change in your bathroom real quick." I told him. I could hear a soft hum of a response, which I took as an 'Okay' so I headed into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

       I started changing when something caught my eye. I finished pulling on my sweatpants and looked at the medicine cabinet on the wall, which was half open. I pulled it open all the way but there was nothing in it. Then I noticed the tiny switch on the side. Curious, I flicked it down. I did not expect what happened next. The shelves began to rotate around before doing a complete 180 spin.

      On the other side, at least a dozen pill bottles were crammed into the shelves messily. I had no idea Percy had medication, so I was quite curious what they were. The first few I picked up were small things, like Dyslexia, ADHD and even some sugar pills. Then I found one that spiked my interest. Depression. Another was Anxiety. PTSD. Anorexia. They just kept on coming and coming, most of them mental conditions. There was one thing that scared me the most though, and it wasn't a pill bottle.

        "Jason?" Percy's weak voice called.

       I quickly flipped the switch and shut the mirror. "Yeah?" I called out, pulling off my shirt and pulling on my night time one. 

       "What's taking you so long?" he asked weakly.

       "Um, just washing my face real quick!" I lied. I turned on the faucet so he couldn't hear it and gently splashed water on my face beofre turning it off.

        I walked out and saw Percy in the same position as he was before I went in. He struggled but eventually rolled over on his side. "Stay?" He asked.

       "Yeah, I'm staying buddy." I chuckled. "Which bunk you want me too sleep in?"

       "Mine." He muttered, his eyes now drooping. "Please."

       "I, um yeah, I'll stay with you." I muttered. He weakly rolled over so there was more space on the bunk. 

       I gently climbed in bed next to him, making sure not to crush him. We lied with our backs facing eachother before I could feel Percy roll over again. "Jason?" He whispered.

       "Yeah Perce?" I asked, still facing away from him.

       "Can I ask a dumb question?" He asked quietly, almost shyly.

       "Of course." I chuckled slightly.

       "Um, can you... Can I... Um, nevermind." He muttered sheepishly.

      "No, you can ask Percy, I wont make fun of you." I promised.

      "No?" He asked.

      "No, I wont. I promise." I assured him, shifting so I was facing him. His sea green eyes, surrounded by red, were inches from mine.

      "Can you..." His face went a slight shade of red. He gave up on talking and just held his arms out to me.

       "What? I don't understand what that means Perce." I whispered. 

       He frowned with his arms still outstreched. "Turn." He said. I raised an eyebrow but turned so my back was facing him again.

        I could feel his face burry itself into my back and one of his arms wrapped around my waist, the other burying itself under me, and pulled me closer. I chuckled lightly and rested a hand on his. "You could have just said you wanted to cuddle." I told him.

       I heard a muffled 'Shut up' and laughed.

      "Night Perce." I whispered, lacing my fingers in between with his. Purely platonic.

      "Night Jase."

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