Chapter Ten

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This is the first chapter that I'll be writing 😬 I hope you guys like my writing

Percy's POV

     Jason absolutely refused to leave my side. He wouldn't even let me leave the room without him, not even the bathroom when I had to shower. He sat in the corner like a child being disciplined, facing the wall at my request. We talked while I showered, got changed, and basically got ready for the day.

     "I could use a new hairstyle," I stated randomly, a towel around my waist as I stood in front the mirror, trying to fix my unruly hair. The steam left over from my shower was making my bathroom a relaxing environment, a place where I felt safe. I felt more powerful too, like I could actually defend myself if something bad were to happen.

     Jason watched me as I got ready, leaning against the door like a bouncer. His icy, sky blue eyes were intense and analytical, but they didn't unnerve me like Annabeths did. She looked like she was planning the best way to take you down in a fight; Jason looked like he was trying to determine what was wrong, and how he could help.

     "Yeah. It's getting long," he eventually agreed, absentmindedly chewing at his bottom lip, which I had to admit was quite attractive.

     I attempted to fix my hair for a bit longer before promptly giving up, turning my head to face Jason, opening my mouth, but my words failed me. He was staring at me so intently it took my breath away, partly out of embarrassment and partly because of pure shock.

     He wasn't staring at my face either. His eyes raked up and down the side profile of my body, like I were a specimen that he had never seen before. My immediate reaction was to suck in my stomach, but his eyes immediately locked onto mine, somehow not having to search around for them. Like our eyes were magnetized; green and stunning blue coming together. I couldn't look away, no matter how hard I tried.


     I couldn't breathe. I tried, but it was like any brain functions that were used to operate my body were failing me. I felt paralyzed again.


     My mouth opened and closed but no sound came out. Due to my attempts to breathe failing, I only ended up sucking in more. Stupid diaphram. (How do you spell that? My autocorrect doesn't work sometimes, I have no idea lmao)

     Jason walked over, placing one hand on my stomach and another in between my shoulder blades. "Breathe," he whispered, his breath fanning over my ear and making me shudder. I could feel his hand in between my shoulders starting to move, rubbing my shoulders gently. "Breathe, Percy. It's okay. Breathe."

     I swallowed hard, and like it had removed an object obstructing my throat, I took a deep, shaky breath.

     "There we go. It's okay. Keep breathing."
     Jason kept whispering into my ear until my breathing had steadied. My stomach remained taunt and skinnier than normal, however, and Jason obviously realized this.

     "Percy, can you let your stomach out?" Jason asked quietly, smoothing his thumb over my pale skin. He was talking so gentle and soothingly and it was hard to not listen, but I managed. I shook my head no.

     "Percy," Jason whispered, his hands smoothing over my stomach. I tensed even more, my shoulders tensing back up as his hand smoothed over my lower stomach, around my hips. He continued, like he didn't realize I had tensed.


      "Shh," he cut me off, his lips right near my ear. "It's okay."

     Something wasn't right, but I couldn't place it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jason lean away slightly, but his hands never left me.

     "Jason-" I tried to talk again, but he leaned in and my voice failed me. Instead of whispered like I had expected, he kissed me. On the jaw.

     His chapped lips scraped against my skin and I tensed even more. His lips parted slightly and I could feel something, hot and wet, slide along my jaw towards my ear. Once again, I was paralyzed.

     His tongue traced along the shell of my ear and chills of terror ran down my spine. His tongue ran down to my earlobe, which he bit and sucked at, purring in a seductive way that made my blood run cold.

     Jason... Stop... Please...

     I knew the words. I just couldn't get them out. Why was he doing this? What was he doing?

     Jason... I trusted you...

     He continued to trail his tongue and rough lips against my skin almost aggressively, and I almost gasped in pain and surprise when he bit at my neck before sucking on the sensitive skin over where he had bitten. I could feel tears welling in my eyes. Tears that felt like acid.

     His hands, which had remained stationary until now, started to travel down. The hand on my lower back straight down, the rough skin of his calloused fingertips scraping against my back, and his other hand towards my hip, where my towel was tied.

     The first tear fell, feeling like fire against my cheeks, hanging on my chin for a moment before falling to the tiled floor. The next tear followed soon after. The first involuntary sob came when Jason's left hand, the one previously at his back, pressed firmly against his ass. Another louder sob when he groped around, squeezing and violating in every way possible through the towel while he continued to leave marks on his neck and collar bone. Soon I was a sobbing wreck, though that seemed to be the only thing I could do.

     Jason... Why...

     Just as I thought Jason was going to take the towel from around my waist, there was a yell and everything changed in a split second flash. I was now laying in an extremely uncomfortable position on the floor on my back, and there were a lot of voices, though I couldn't make any of them out. They seemed a thousand miles away, and I still couldn't move.

     Did I pass out?

     My vision blurred and all the voices got a thousand times louder, accompanied by a ringing that had my tossing my head around in agony. I was overwhelmed my nausea and everything was moving. "Hey, buddy, it's alright, we're going to get you go the infirmary," a sole voice spoke out, ringing and fuzzy, but I was able to understand. I think I was still sobbing, but I couldn't really tell. Nothing made sense.

     I felt a hand rest gently on my cheek, and the only reasons I didn't freak were, a. I physically couldn't and b. It wasn't Jason or Annabeth, as far as I could tell. The hand was cold, with skinny, delicate fingers. Whoever's hand it was pressed their palm into my cheek, smoothing their thumb over my cheekbone.

     "It's okay," the voice whispered. "We're going to lift you on three. Jason is going to carry you, okay?"

     I think my panic somehow got through to whoever it was, because they grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it. "I'll be right here, okay? Jason, ready?"

     I heard more muffled voices. A gunshot. A scream. But nothing seemed to change in the room. "Okay," the voice spoke again, squeezing my hand. "Hang tight, alright Perce? We're gonna lift you. One... Two... Three." I was lifted up, and my face was pressed into Jason's neck.

     Judging by the way Jason jumped, they could hear the scream this time. Then my vision went black.

     Authors Note
    Don't hate my writing? Thanks :) Yeah, so I obviously have a different writing style that FallDown5 BUT I'M TRYING MY BEST ALRIGHT!?!?!?
Thanks :)


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