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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕖𝕥𝕒

Percy's PoV

I wake up to a very hyper Leo. 

And when I mean hyper, I mean extremely hyper.

"THIS BOY IS ON FIREEEEEEEEEE!!!" I hear him screaming outside my cabin. I groan, rubbing my eyes. It's too early for this. I quickly chuck on some clothes and go outside.

"LEO VALDEZ SHUT THE HADES!!!" I yell, and Leo falters, looking at me. I take a second to process what I'm seeing. Leo has set himself alight, and is shooting columns of fire into the sky. After taking a second, Leo ignores me and continues his little show.

I sigh. Oh well, I'm up. Time to have breakfast. I walk towards the dining pavilion, where I find Annabeth. "Hey Annabeth, wassup!" I say, running over to her.

"The sky?" She replies jokingly. I roll my eyes, chuckling. 

"See ya Annie," I say, and run off to the Poseidon table.

"Don't call me Annie!" I hear her yell, and I just laugh.

So here is the thing. Annabeth and I recently broke up, as felt as if we grew apart while Hera had kidnapped me. There just wasn't a spark anymore. We stayed friends, of course, and we both moved on.

I eat my usual blue pancakes, which are drenched in syrup. Hey, I can't drown and neither can my pancakes!

After breakfast, I go up to Chiron. "Hey Chiron," I say, and he turns to look at me.

"Percy, m'boy! What can I do for you?" He asks, trotting up to me.

"Well, I was wondering if I could go home to see mom and Paul." I question.

"Of course! You deserve a break, just don't forget to tell Annabeth where you are."

I nod, and thank Chiron. I go to my cabin and pack my bag, ready to go home. I swing by the Athena cabin before I leave. "Hey, is Annabeth here?"

A new camper nods, and shows me to her. She's on her bunk, reading a book. "Hey Annabeth, I'm going home early."

She nods absentmindedly, and I smirk. Athena kids and their dam books. A zombie apocalypse could happen and they wouldn't even notice. Their face would just be in their books.

I go out of the Athena cabin, and head up Half-Blood hill. It's time to go home.

</—Time skip to Sally's house—/>

"Mom!" I yell from the doorway. "I'm home!"

"Percy!" My mom comes into view. She's holding Estelle, and has a bit of blue cookie batter smeared across her face. She hugs me, and I get Estelle from her. "Hey my little starfish!" I say, sitting down in the lounge room and bouncing her up and down on my lap.

"Perfy! Perfy!" She giggles, and I smile faintly. Mom sees this, and sits down next to me. "What is it Percy?"

I sigh, and reluctantly explain. "I-I'm just a bit down. Ever since Annabeth and I broke up, I have just felt...empty."

Mom pulls me in for a hug, sandwiching Estelle. "Mommy! Mommy!" She exclaims, and we go apart. She picks up Estelle, and pokes her on the nose. "It's time for your nap time young lady!" She says, and they go down the hallway.

Then, there is a knock on the door, and I get up, going to get the door. I swing it open, only to be met by a random teenager, about my age. But something seems familiar about him.

Bright blue eyes stare into mine, a mop of curly brown hair on his head...

Then, it clicks.

"Néstor?" I say in disbelief. "I-Is that really you?"

Néstor nods, smiling. "You recognised me!" 

I scoff at this. "Of course I recognise you! You were my first love."

Néstor's eyes soften, and he looks down mumbling something.

"What was that?" I question, and he looks me in the eye.

"I never stopped loving you."

Those words make my heart stop. I can feel a blush creeping it's way up my face.

"I-I never stopped either." I say softly. I look at him hopefully, and he answers my silent question.

He leans in, and captures my lips onto his. I kiss back, softly, and we just stay like that for a few seconds.

He steps back, and I know my blush is now noticeable on my face, as Néstor is chuckling at it.

"Percy? Who's there?" I hear mom call from inside.

"C'mon in," I say to Néstor, "Let's reintroduced you to my mom."

We go into the dining room, where mom is. "Is this one of your friends from school honey?" She asks.

"Well, sort of." I reply. "Néstor, meet my mom. Mom, meet Néstor, my former boyfriend."

Mom looks surprised, but quick regains her bearings. "That's lovely! When did you two happen?"

"We were dating at Yancy, but then I moved away, and well, don't know what happened to Percy," Néstor says.

Mom nods along. "Well, Néstor, I'm going to assume you are here not just for a friendly meet and greet."

I blush again, harder. "Mom!"

She shushes me, and continues. "Well, Percy is single. I would think you are also single. You two have fun!" She leaves the room, and we stare at each other.

"So..." I awkwardly start, "Do you wanna, like, make us official?"

Néstor looks a bit shocked at first, then starts grinning.

"I'd thought you'd never ask." He gives me a quick peck on the lips, and hugs me, engulfing me as he is still taller, annoyingly.

We sit on the couch, and we cuddle, Néstor playing with my hair. I snuggle up against him, his warmth going onto me. Eventually, mom comes back in, and I can hear her chuckling at the sight. I just bury my head into Néstor's neck.

"Hey Néstor," I ask, looking up at him from my spot.

"Hmm?" He mumbles absentmindedly.

"Where do you and your parents live now?"

He stops playing with my hair and sighs. "My parents have kicked me out. I-I did one too many wrong things, and they...they didn't want me anymore. I came here because..." He shrugs. "You were the first person to come to my mind."

I hug Néstor, and he hugs me back. "If you need anything Néstor, ANYTHING, I'm here." I tell him.

"And you can stay here too." Mom suddenly appears at the doorway.

"Really?" Néstor asks. "You would let me do that Mrs Jackson?"

"Sure! On one condition."

"Shoot," He says.

"You have to call me mom."

Néstor seems taken aback, but then grins. "Sure, mom."

"Welcome to the family Néstor!" She gives him a quick hug, and I give him a peck on the check.

"Oh, and dinner's ready boys!" Mom shouts behind her, going out of the room. We both rush to the table, hungry for food.

"Gracias mom, this is delicious!" Néstor says through a mouthful of food.

We talk and laugh, and eventually, I find myself in my bed, cuddling up with Néstor. I drift off into the realm of Morpheus.

Word count-1093

Hope you liked it. 

I'm going to be on holidays for a week so I won't be able to update any of my books. 


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