Kids Are Awesome

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I just had an AMAZING conversation with a FIVE YEAR OLD. HE'S FIVE. THIS IS HOW IT WENT.

Him: Are you a boy or a girl?

Me: Oh. Um, I'm not either. I'm in between.

Him: What do you mean? 

Me: Well, I don't feel like a girl or a boy. I'm just me. 

Him: Oh. Do you have a peepee? (He was talking about genitals)

Me: No.

Him: Then are you a girl?

Me: No. I'm neither. 

Him: How?

Me: Sometimes who you are doesn't match your body. And that's okay and normal. 

Him: Okay, I get it. You wanna play dinosaurs?

It's that easy, folks. That easy. 

See you later, skittles. 

Fox ^^

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