C H A P T E R 3 7

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*Three months later*


Jungkook's Pov

I woke up to someone's painless yet annoying punches.

"Wake up wake up wake up!"

"What what what?" My eyes are still slightly blurry and I couldn't quiet grasp who it is except for the blood red hair.

"Hyung? What's going on?" I asked in a hurry as the red haired tiny guy just jumped on the bed and started to crawl under the blancket by my side amd hide himself.

Just as I was about to question his behaviour, an angry Suga hyung came into the room.

"Did you see Jimin?" He asked.

Withour sparing even a glance to where he hid, I simply shook my head. "Nope. Just woke up."

"Ahh." He made his lips into a thin line. His signature move when he is judging his options. Finally he sighed. "Just tell him to go have breakfast if you do see him."

I sighed as well as Jimin hyung stirred and poked his head out. "Did he leave?"


"Without scolding me? Or asking you to bring me over so he could kill me?"

I nodded.

"Strange. Why didn't he say anything?" He asked then with a tilt of the head.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I was playing with Tannie while running around and didn't see Suga hyung coming in and bumped into him. His phone fell and I accidently stepped on it and cracked it. He chased me then."

"We both know Suga hyung can't scold us."

"I know. I wasn't even going to run cause he isn't someone who ever do physical work other than sex. But his look itself could have killed me. I got scared so I ran." He said.

He got down from the bed and I sat up as well.

"Wait. Tannie? Who's that?" I asked registering the unknown name he mentioned.

"Oh right! Go downstairs. You would love the little guest Taehyungie brought."

"Little guest? There's someone little than you. Ahhh hyung~ You have competition." I said with a smirk making him scrowl.

"Shush maknae. And come down to eat before I eat it for you."

Chuckling to myself, I decided to get ready and head down.


There was no one special there except for the usual faces. I scanned around. There was only 6 heads around excluding mine. So who is this Tannie?

I was about to walk forward when a certain fluff entangled in between my legs making me stumble and fall down.

"No!!! Tannie!" V hyung ran towards me and picked up the fluffy puppy and caressed it while chanting "Don't worry. It's okay." in a cute voice.

"I'm fine by the way." I said as I got up and dusted myself.

"You could have hurt him!" He exclaimed angrily.

I smiled at him sheepishly before extending my hands asking to hold Tannie.

He is so tiny and can fit in one of my hands perfectly.

"How are you so cute~? What's your name~?" I asked.

"Yeontan." V hyung answered with a proud smile.

After petting the cute fluff ball, we all decided to go to work.


Our company has grown on a large scale together with the boost we got from our partnership with GOT7 company. It helped our name to go around. We got models on every collection and created many collections of new scents that could be enjoyed by many different age groups, different tastes and styles. But mostly I made many scents for women. It's complicated yet beautiful to make scent that might suit a women.

I took help from Y/n to make scents for men. Y/n and Namjoon hyung's secretory/girlfriend Yoona was a great help. They knew exactly the kind of scent they would love on a man. I told each to write me a small description and from that made a scent. I use the one Y/n made and Namjoon hyung got the one Yoona made. They were also our bestsellers from men's scents.

Namjoon hyung is pretty serious with his secretary that they have been going out for the past 3 months. They are actually the polar opposite of one another. Namjoon hyung is like a monster than breaks stuff, too big for his size as he is buffed who is more used to doing rough work. While Yoona is an angel. Extremely careful, delicate, polite and really really calm. They make the perfect couple which has every aspect there is to have.

Jin hyung has also found a crush around the corner. She is a neighbour who lives around 4 houses down from our place. She lives alone and comes home late at night according to the stalking me and Taehyung hyung did as per Jin hyung's forcing. He took away our dinner unless we did the stalking so we didn't have a choice. We took cookies to her house and tried to gather all information we can get. He likes her but is too shy to actually go talk to her. I wonder if she even knows whether he exist cause it was always the maknaes who spied on her.

Suga hyung has been silent and reserved. No talk about relationships or any crushes. Although Y/n did mention that Suga hyung slept with Mina. I hope something blooms from that. Mina is cute.

Hobi, Jimin and V hyung has been sleeping around as usual.

It was lunch time and I was about to go out to grab myself something to eat when V hyung came in with a bag of takeaway.

"Jjajjamyeon?" He asked.

"Kimbab?" I asked back while pointing at another bag in his hand.

"Obviously." He confirmed grinning.

We settled down on the table and began to eat.

"Where's the other 2?" I asked.

"Jimin is with the model in a photoshoot for that new collection he made while Hobi hyung went to a meeting."

We were eating with small talk when Y/n suddenly appeared next to V hyung making him squeal.

"Damn! Next time you do that, I might get a heart attack." He said while holding his chest.

Y/n giggled. "Sorry. Can't control where we spawn."

"I remember how you suddenly appeared on Jiminie's lap." He then pounted out.

"That was hilarious. More when you saw the surprised look on his face with a small blush." I said.

Y/n sat down on the chair next to V and grabbed herself chopsticks. Not extra ones. Just the ones V hyung kept aside.

"Hey, that's mine!" He exclaimed.

"Did you use it?" She asked. Waiting until V hyung shook his head with wide eyes, she then shrugged and started eating.

Ve hyung pouted at her then making her roll her eyes and put a kimbab in his mouth who instantly began eating again.

I watched their small exchange loving how close they are already.

"Are you ready by the way?" I asked Y/n.

"Yup. All packed and ready to go. I took a nap cause we still have a few hours till the vehicles comes to pick us up."

"Make sure you text me when you board the plane and then when you land."

She nodded with a mouthful.

Her visit was brief as she soon went without even getting to say bye. I guess she was woken up.

"That bitch ate my jjajjamyeon." V hyung whined.

"That bitch is my girlfriend so watch your words." I said with a glare.

We were silent as we scanned our table for some food.

"Wanna go grab kimchi fried rice from Jin hyung?" He asked with a raise of eyebrow.

"Yea sure. That bitch ate all our food." I said with a smile.

"I thought that bitch is your girlfriend?"

"But she ate my food."

"I'm gonna tell her you said that."

"Don't you dare!"

"You called her "that bitch"!!"

"Stop saying "that bitch"!"

"That bitch!!"


Going home, I had a quick wash and got ready to head to the airport. As tomorrow was free, almost all the hyungs was working late today except for Hobi hyung so I decided to bring him along with me.

We parked outside and went to the gate to wait for her and her little company of 3.

As soon as her black head of a messy hair came into view, I screamed her name to get her attention.

Her eyes lit up as she ran leaving her luggage behind to get into my arms.

Her legs instantly wrapped around my waist as we hugged tightly.

"Hey baby." I called out as we hugged. "I missed you."

"Me too!"

She unlatched from me and after a quick peck, she went to hug Hobi hyung while we waited for Mark and Mina.

"Thank you for leaving your luggage for me to bring my dear sister." Mark said glaring as he dragged 2 luggages.


Mark then let go out the luggages and ran over to hug me. The same way as Y/n except he didn't wrap his legs around me.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! I love you so much!" Mark kept on chanting as he hugged me.

"You already thanked me a few times buddy." I said as I patted his back.

Y/n came closer to us and dragged Mark away from me by his collar. "Thanks to you, he doesn't study at all. Even dad got mad."

"I only played after studying. It's just too hard to resist. It looks so beautiful and hypnotizing." Mark said as if he is fully engrossed in the concept of a Ps5.

"I told you never to get scolded or I would be doomed as well." I told him.

"I just couldn't resist."

Y/n shook her head. "Julia called and asked me why Mark isn't answering his phone
He was playing a game and didn't even know where his phone was. Julia was sad and decided to kill you for distracting his boyfriend." Y/n said to me. "But if it was me who was ignored, I would kill my boyfriend first. He gotta pay attention to his girl and not some game." She said while glaring at me.

I lifted my hands in defense while Mark stuck his tongue out at her. I didn't even ignore her and I already have 2 death threats.

Chuckling at them, we made our way to the car to head home.

Since our home is already filled to the brim, Mark and Mina would take a hotel close to us while Y/n stayed with me.

Dropping their bags at the hotel, we made our way home.

The guys were all already there.

But the first guest to greet them was Tannie.

He went in the hands of everyone as everyone wanted to cuddle the fluff ball. It was already late at night so Jin hyung quickly made us all dinner and we sat down after introductions.

It was the first time Mark met the hyung. So he was really excited and got babies by all the hyungs for being cute. He instantly warmed up to them just like Y/n did. For Mina, she didn't know Jin and Namjoon hyungs only so they quickly got to know each other as well.

"I wish I could live with my friends too." Mark said while we were eating.

"Trust me you don't want to. They are annoying." Suga hyung said.

"No private space." Jin hyung said.

"No room for yourself." Namjoon hyung pointed out.

"Can't have sex without someone bursting through the door." Jimin hyung then said.

"Can't sleep cause the others snore." V hyung said with a glare to Suga hyung.

"Your stuff is taken by others without even your consent." Hobi hyung said then.

"Your food is taken away right in front of you." I said while glaring at V hyung who obviously grinned happily.

Conversation flowed smoothly during the table although I saw how Suga hyung kept glancing at Mina every now and then while Mina looked between Suga and V hyung. I wonder what's happening there.

After dinner since everyone was tired, Mina and Mark was dropped at the hotel and we all went to our rooms.

Y/n was already settled down on the bed when I came out of the bathroom.

Getting in next to her, I pulled her to me and snuggled her while she hugged my body.

We were silent for sometime as we both relished the feeling of being together.

"Even though I saw you twice everyday, why is it that I miss you so much?" She asked.

"I have no idea."

We were silent again until she broke it with. "Jungkook there's something I want to tell you."

I pulled a little out of the grasp and looked at her face, scanning her features while I waited for her to continue.

"I want to pay respect to everyone that you... that you may have... killed. Think of it as a way to free yourself from all that is holding your past."

I scanned her face. I noticed how she avoided my eyes, how she played with her fingers while avoiding my gaze.

"Baby?" I called.

We never talked about my past after that and I thought she might been okay with it. But seeing her now, she isn't okay.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. It's just that, I have been thinking about it for the past 3 months. I have been trying to wrap my head around it. But just... it feels weird knowing that many died by your hands. I don't blame you but for the peace of our mind, can we do that? Please?" She asked me.

Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked up at me. Her voice struggling as she voiced her concerns out.

I felt my heart clench at how my past is effecting her. I can see how she is having a battle.

It took me so many years to finally accept the fact that I have to live with all the things I have done. But I never considered what she will have to go through being with me.

Although something nags me. "Are you scared of me?"

She looked up at me then and held my face. "I was at first. But not anymore. You aren't the same person. I know how sweet you are."

I smiled at her as her thumb caressed my face."We will do everything to make sure their death is served well. Okay?"

"Please let's do it. I don't wait to feel the thought weighing me down everytime we are together. Its annoying." She said with a sigh.

"Okay. We will do it soon baby."

"Let's make the best of the month that I am here." She said then with a wide smile lighting up her face.

I smiled back. "Other than that, what else do you want to do? You are finally in South Korea." I asked her.

Her eyes lit up like a little kid seeing a delicious candy as she turned herself to lie in her stomach with her elbow popping her up.

"Yes! I am finally here! I want to go to the museum Incheon bowl one, adventure part ahh no no theme part Lotte world too. That one that ... that... I can't remember the name. I also want to go to the folk towns and the kingdom of South Korea. Also to the Olympic Stadium. No, World Cup Stadium is it? Oh! Achasan mountain! I also want to go to Busan! Oh! Oh! Oh! Jeju island." She said all together making me chuckle. "I so desperately want to go to Han River and take a walk."

She smiled at me sheepishly then making me giggle more. I pulled her in to kiss her head. "We will do all and everything that you want to do."

She lifted her head to look at me with gleaming eyes. "Promise?"

"Pinky promise." I said while giving her my pinky to seal the deal which she did happily.

I pulled her in for a kiss.

"But don't you have work to do?" She asked then breaking the kiss.

"I do a little. I can take breaks some days but some days I might have to go to work." I said while stroking her hair.

"That's okay. I can also enjoy the city with the other two. They woyld kill me if I abandon them all the way."

"Oh yea. Was your father okay with you coming?" I asked then.

When I asked him for permission to being her here, he was reluctant. He didn't want her to be any closer to Jungsoo than when she is far. I assured him that I will never let anything happen to her. Even the hyungs talked with him. After Namjoon hyung reasoned well about how they can protect me well, her father reluctantly gave permission. Only if Mark comes along too.

"He was more concerned about letting an animal on loose without his supervision." She said making me frown with confusion.




"Mark kept on saying how he will protect me and all. He will be the big brother for once even though he is young and would keep a strict eye on me. Dad nodded and secretly whispered to me to take care of him instead. Mark heard it and was mad afterwards. Mina was so done with Mark complaining. It was all so hilarious."

"You guys are so precious and Mina fit right in with you two." I said to which she flashed me a grin.

"Just like how your hyungs are with you. All of you are so cute and adorable together."

She then snuggled into me again while keeping her head on my chest. Her fingers were trailing careless pattern on my skin.

"Your heart is beating way too fast." She whispered making me chuckle.

"Yea well I have a hot girl pressed to my side. Of course my heart is gonna go bizarre."

She giggled.

I felt her relax against me and snuggled in closer. I wrapped my arms around her too.

Her soft yawn indicated how tired and sleepy she is so after mumbling tiny goodnights, we both fell asleep.



So this chapter is so random with random scenes right?

But Y/n is now finally in South Korea!! Wooohoo!

Let's see how they enjoy the time together shall we?

Hehe. Do comment about anything you feel like letting me know. Even the most random thing.

Don't forget to vote too!


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