Chapter 1:

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The warm water beat against his skin in a rythmique pattern. The clam "pitter-patter" of the shower was almost soothing to him. Thankfullu, he was in the shower. No one could tell he was crying, other than the gentle sobs he occasionally let out
It had been 3 years since his brothers death, and he was still grieving.
"Those stupid sons of bitches. I'll kill them all, Sammy. I promise."
Dean had tried selling his soul numerous amounts of times, but failed because no cross roads demon was willing to take his soul. He had tried everything. All he could think to do now was: kill every angel there is out there, or die trying. If it meant seeing his brother again, he'd do it in a blink of an eye.
Dean finally mustered up the courage to get out of the shower. By the time he got out, it was already 9 in the evening. He thought about maybe trying to get some shut eye, but he hadn't slept in weeks, so it wouldn't make a difference to him.
It was about midnight now and his favorite show had stopped, "Now what do I do...?" He said as he got up and went to the fridge for another beer. Before he could crack open a Samuel Adams beer, he saw a shadow, lerking inside of his home.
He didn't think, he didn't even blink. He grabbed his salt filled shot gun and quickly reached for the lights.
"Who the hell are you?" Dean asked with a certain sternes in his voice.
"I've been watching over you, Dean. I've been watching over you since your brother died" the thing replied.
"How the hell do you know what happened to my brother?" Deans voice cracked at the last word.
"Good question, Dean. I'm no man, so you can put the knife down," the thing pointed at Dean, sensing that Dean was reaching for the knife stored in his loop at the back of his pants, "and I'm certainly no creature you've ever hunted so, there's no need for the shot gun filled with salt. Oh no, Dean. You know exactly what I am. I know you do. So think about it for a second."
Dean gave it a blank expression before it finally firmed up s bit and tears began streaming down his face, "What the hell are you doing here. I thought I angel proofed this whole house." Dean said, almost shouting now.
The angel Beethany to walk a little closer to Dean, "You got a few of the proofing wrong." He said, never basking eye contact with Dean.
Dean mentally cursed Bobby for writing it down wrong in the books. Dean finally spoke, "Well what the hell are you doing here?"
"Dean. You have a bounty of angels after you because of the crimes you've committed against Heaven. My name is Castiel, and I'm here to help you."
"I don't need your stupid help, you son of a bitch. I don't want you here. Now get out"
"Dean if-"
"I SAID GET OUT!" Dean's voice boomed throughout the house. Castiel put his hands up in defeat and vanished.
As soon as Castiel left, Dean broke down in tears. He didn't know what was going on. He never wanted to experience this feeling ever again.

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