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Early mornings were not good for Patton. He could be a happy pappy Patton any other time of day, but early in the morning? Nope. Happiness doesn't live in the morning.

Unfortunately, school. Ugh. School. A mixture of the few things Patton truly hated: early mornings, waking up, not sleeping, and early mornings. And happiness doesn't live in the morning.

If Patton had to choose a motto for the morning, it would probably be that.

The only good thing about mornings was Virgil. Patton's first period on both days was with Virgil. Unfortunately, he had no other classes with him. He counted himself incredibly luck to have even gotten those two.

He glanced at his wrist. Four hours and twenty seven minutes. He tried not to let loose a scream, but a small squeal may or may not have escaped his lips. He was meeting his soulmate today. But Virgil had convinced him not to miss school. Whatever needed to happen would happen.

Because their lockers were right next to each other, they always walked to class together. This morning, Virgil was a bit distracted, and Patton chose not to disturb his thoughts. 

After class was over, Patton and Virgil parted ways to go to their next classes.

As he filed into the lunchroom later Monday, he smiled. Virgil was sitting at their table, but two new people had joined him. Patton grinned, practically skipping over to where Virgil and the mystery friends sat.

He settled himself in one of the chairs, nodding to the newcomers. One was extravagantly telling a story about a tissue, which he had pulled from his back pocket. Virgil looked disgusted.

"Please tell me you haven't been wearing those same pants since I gave you that."

The teen looked delighted to confirm that they he had. The other stranger looked at the scene, amused.

Virgil finally acknowledged Patton, who was giggling at the expression on stranger A's face.

"Hey Pat. How soon is your-"

"Ah, So this is the Patton I have heard so much about. I'm Roman. Mm. Explain to me all of your weaknesses and I will exploit them- I mean- forget them immediately." The man- Roman- extended his arm dramatically to shake Patton's hand. Patton took it, and habitually glanced at his wrist. Roman did as well.

Both of their clocks had stopped ticking.


"Well isn't that ironic," Roman mumbled. Virgil and Logan smirked in unison.

"Of course I would be destined for my arch nemesis," Roman puffed out, exasperated. "Anything less dramatic would not suit me. But really? Arch nemesis?"

His soulmate, Patton, was smiling. "Well, I have absolutely no idea what you guys are talking about, but-" Patton drew in a deep breath. "-I'msoexcitedtofinallymeetyouandI'mjustsohappy!"

Roman grinned. "Finally! Someone who understands the importance of emotion!" Virgil and Logan just grunted at Romans slight. He frowned. "Like I said. No emotion!"

"I've got plenty of emotion, princey. You just bring out the mediocre in me."

Logan had been quietly watching the conversation unfold, and he finally butted in. He turned to Patton. "Hello. I am Logan-"

"Virgil's soulmate," Patton assumed. Logan nodded the affirmative.

"For some very strange reason, Roman finds it distasteful to share best friends." Logan frowned at Roman, who just smiled and shrugged. "He deemed you- too early, I'd say- an arch nemesis, as he figured he would have to fight you for Virgil's affections."

Patton smiled winningly at Roman. "Well, we're kind of soulmates, so...I'm not sure the whole soulmate/arch nemesis thing will work," Patton confessed.

"Nonsense! All we have to do is argue on occasion and kiss, two things that I," the confident prince said, "am very good at."

Logan scowled at his friend, and Roman couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, now that we've figured all... that... out," Virgil said, "can we, like, eat?"

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