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"Okay, let's have you two just sit back here," Sam said softly, his hand gently pressed to your lower back as he guided you to your seat, "and let me handle driving." He watched you secure your safety harness, followed by Tony, who struggled with his just a bit next to you. Sam dug around in a few of the overhead compartments until he found what he was searching for, pulling down a container to set firmly in your lap. "If you're gonna spew, spew into this."

"Aren't you sweet?" you scoffed, taking hold of the small bucket.

"You know it, baby."

Sam gave you a sympathetic nod and a glance to Tony before turning away to take the pilot chair next to Wade, who was giving you the same pitiful look as his newest partner in crime.

"You okay?" he mouthed silently and expectantly.

The best you could offer him was a half-hearted thumbs-up, looking away to avoid him before he tried to dig any further. Tony was mumbling something to himself as he sat next to you, so you decided to focus in on that to keep your mind from wandering too far; any train of thought that it took only ended in the worst options, and what your dad needed now was for you to at least pretend to carry optimism for him.

"Anthony. Grant. Brook..Brooklyn? Like the city?"

"That's right," you smiled. "That's good, Dad."

"And they're really all Capsicle's?"

"Yes, they really are."

"Hmm, alright...well, if you like the guy, then I suppose I can give him a shot. Don't get your hopes up, kiddo. I never could stand him. He's all that Dad ever talked about, and how he was some goddamn miracle. He would've traded me for Rogers in a heartbeat."

"Dad, come on, that can't be true."

"Oh, it sure can. He only mentioned it like, a thousand times. God, I hated him."

"Hey, pops," Wade broke in, "she could've done a hell of a lot worse. She could've ended up with me, and no one deserves that. Cap's a stand-up guy if there ever was one. Hot as fuck, too."

"Wade," you hissed, your teeth clenched tight, "shut up."

"Seriously, who is this guy?" Tony leaned in and whispered, his eyes now trained on Wade as soon as the topic of being with you was mentioned. For all the trouble that he was having right now, one thing was for sure; he hadn't lost an ounce of his protectiveness where you were concerned.

"He's a friend who might end up as a dead friend if he doesn't watch it."

"A friend?" Wade gasped, clutching his chest. "A friend? I'm her best friend, thank you very much."

"I'm her best friend," Sam interrupted.

"Shut your beautiful mouth, Chocolaccino, you'll never win this one. Did you and (Y/N) ever take ol' one eye to the optometrist? Cuz we sure did. A lot."


"No! Of course not!" Sam choked out, trying to stay composed. "We can be best friends and never even think about doing that!"

Tony had quickly unfastened his harness and was now standing, crossing the jet faster than you could release your own, taking long strides to bring himself in front of Wade, who was hurrying to stand as well. "You want to run that by me again?"

"Hey, Mr. Stark, sir, it was way before Cap came into the picture," Wade backpedaled, and then dropped his tone to a whisper, "although, since you can't stand that guy, maybe that's not really an issue to make my case sound any better. Listen, we were only together for like two years, and she didn't want you to know, but I'm hoping that with your current brain scramble, you're gonna forget in like five minutes."

"Don't count on it."

"Okay...well," Wade paused, looking to Sam and over Tony's shoulder to you, keeping his voice low, "would it help to say that we were sort of married for part of it? She insisted on making an honest man of me."

"WHAT?!" Sam exclaimed, jumping up from his seat so hastily that he lost his balance and had to reach out for Wade to grab him to keep him upright. "Hold on just a damn minute! Did I just hear you right?! Holy Mother of God, that's the blackmail, isn't it? You just gave it up! Does Steve know?!"

"Of course Steve knows," you groaned, "don't be stupid, Sam."

"Yeah, we totally pulled a Britney."

Tony grumbled something incoherent and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes in frustration to try to calm the building rage inside of him, trying desperately to keep from punching this jackass in the chin, and finding that it was easier said than done. "Okay, what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It was only for three days, Dad. We had it annulled, so it really doesn't count."

"Wait, if Steve knows, then that isn't the blackmail," Sam realized quietly with a frown. "Crap, I thought I had it." He dropped back into the chair with a loud huff, bringing his hand up to his chin, rubbing it thoughtfully while trying to figure out the mystery of Wade's hold over you when he thought that he finally figured it out. "Is it a sex thing?"


"It is!" he gasped and jumped up again, this time pointing at you. "You have a kink!"

"I can't have this conversation," Tony finally relented, turning away with a disgusted cringe in his expression, sitting next to you again but avoiding your eyes. "I hope that butterface over there is right. I really want to forget this."

"Sam, sit down," you commanded sharply, "and you," you pointed at Wade, "you shut your mouth for the rest of the flight, you got it?"

The two men sat down reluctantly, leaving the cabin silent for several minutes as each of you gathered yourselves. Eventually, Sam and Wade seemed to be communicating again, but quiet enough that you couldn't hear them at least, and Tony had gone back to mumbling to himself about things he was trying to remember. The sound of his tired and fearful voice left you eviscerated and frightened, but you couldn't let him see that right now; he would be counting on you to be strong and to tell him that it was going to be okay. He would be counting on you to get him through this and back to himself, and you couldn't let him see that you had no idea how to do that.


Steve stood with Clint, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Bruce and Thor in the hangar bay, waiting for the jet to arrive after Sam had called in that you were only minutes away. He had asked the kids to stay back for now until he could talk to you and to Tony to see how bad his mind really was, as to not cause any of them hurt feelings if he couldn't remember them. Wanda was going to try her best to see into his mind if she could, to try to learn more about what was happening and if she could help, but it was risky and likely that he would know what she was doing within minutes. The group was silent and staring at the doors as they waited, none of them willing to break the quiet first; at least until the alert sounded for them to clear the entry.

"Okay, guys," Steve sighed, "here we go."

"I'd like to take him to the infirmary as soon as possible. Say hello, but don't take too long. Wanda, you can join us right away if you'd like."

"Of course, Doctor," she nodded. "I only hope that we can help him."

"If anyone can, it's you," Vision agreed, casually taking her hand, though his eyes stared straight ahead.

The doors finally opened and the jet turned, landing expertly and powering down before the gate lowered to reveal you and Tony first, and then Sam and Wade slowly following you out. Steve hurried forward and took you in his arms, lifting you slightly from the ground as he held you; he noticed Tony's sideways glance in his direction and set you down gently, clearing his throat and reaching out for his teammate's hand.

"Tony, it's good to see you."


When he didn't accept his hand, Steve dropped it to his side with a pained smile, looking to you for guidance, but you had none to give. "Okay," he sighed, "um, Tony, Bruce and Wanda would like to take you to the infirmary to check you out. I'm sure you're hungry, so we'll bring you something to eat while they work."

"Don't do me any favors."


"Right. Apparently we get along now, or so she says," Tony shrugged. "Claims that we like each other."

"More or less," Steve agreed with a small nod, "we still have our moments, but yeah, overall we're good."

"Well, I'll believe it when I believe it. Banner?" he waved towards the door, making his way out quickly with Bruce and Wanda following behind. "(Y/N), could you stop by after you've settled in?"

"Of course, Dad. Just let them do what they need to do, okay?"

"Sure," he stopped as he remembered a question that he had been meaning to ask since you had found him, standing just shy of the threshold, "but, (Y/N), tell me something before I go. Why can't I get JARVIS to answer me?"


Steve sat quietly on the edge of your bed, watching you unpack slowly, as if each piece of clothing and piece of gear weighed a ton and took every ounce of your strength to move. He had offered to help so many times that you had finally snapped at him to stop, leaving him to sit and watch helplessly, knowing that whatever was happening in your mind was torturing you. One by one, you took a shirt, or pants, or a sock that had somehow lost its partner, and put it in its assigned drawer, turning back and taking another with agonizing attention to its placement.

"Honey, please, at least talk to me."

"I don't know what to say, Steve."

"Then how about you just come sit by me instead? The unpacking can wait."

"I'm just worried," you sighed, closing another drawer of your dresser, but staying turned away from him, "I don't know how to fix this. I don't know how to help him, and I'm scared that maybe there isn't a way, but he's counting on me to figure it out. I think this might be the first time that I really disappoint him."

Steve stood and crossed the room towards you, seeing you watching him in the reflection of your dresser mirror; he put his arms around your waist, standing behind you to allow you to lean back into him as he held you. The two of you stood this way for what felt like an eternity, as you studied how the two of you looked together in the image before you. Steve's arms had always fit around you perfectly, and he was just the right height for you to rest your head against his chest as if it were made for you.

"I heard that the little one was giving you trouble?" he finally whispered, pressing a kiss against your hair. "She's running ahead of schedule."

"She's stubborn," you agreed quietly, "can't imagine where she gets it."

"Wait," he smiled, "is that a slam on you or me?"

"Neither," you hummed contently. The vibration of his deep voice through his chest resonated into you, giving you the first feeling of security that you had enjoyed since before you had left on your search. For just a moment, you allowed yourself to put your fears aside and just be in this moment with him before the next problem could have a chance to arise. "I think we can give this one to her namesake, don't you? She's already living up to the reputation."

"Yeah. You're right," he agreed, "Peg would be so proud."

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