I Trust You, Chat Noir

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Ms. Bustier stood up from her desk.

"Everyone, calm down,"

She looked around the class and waited expectantly as her noisy tenth grade students gradually became quiet. "For the next couple of weeks, we're going to be doing something different. As you might know, we are starting to now go into out writing unit a bit more heavily," Groans echoed throughout the room. She held up a hand. "That was not an invitation to start talking," She waited for silence once again.

"I did not sign up for this. Writing too much will damage my nails," Chloe Bourgeois piped up from her desk.

"Chloe..." Ms. Bustier gave her a look. Chloe huffed and pulled out a bottle of nail polish. Monday had everyone tired, especially a certain pair of superheroes. Marinette slumped down on her desk.

'Great, it's only Monday and we're starting a giant writing project.' There had been crazy akumas all weekend. It had kept her and Chat Noir busy pretty much most of the time, and they were both exhausted. Marinette had barely gotten her homework done that morning.

Ms. Bustier continued on. "Now, I am going to hand out a journal to each of you. I know that writing can be tiresome, and you'd rather use your tablets, but it's good practice for the future,"

Chloe muttered something under her breath.

"Each morning, at the very beginning of class, I will give you a prompt. You have to write to the best of your ability for 20 minutes, and I expect more than one page. You're in the middle of your high school years, you should be able to write long!" She waved her hands around animatedly. Obviously Ms. Bustier was passionate about writing.

Marinette didn't mind writing, but she could barely keep her eyes open. How was she supposed to write more than a page if she couldn't even think straight? She stared at the back of a certain blond's head dreamily, her eyelids drooping.

Ms.Bustier strolled behind her desk, not seeming to be affected by the Monday haze. "Now, today's prompt is..." She clicked a button on her computer, and the screen flashed on. "Someone you trust the most! Remember, these journals are completely private. Even I won't see them!" She chuckled. "However, that doesn't mean you can just write whatever. I know how the teenage brain works, so if I suspect anyone of goofing off, I will send you to Mr. Damocles' office,"

She walked along the classroom and handed out the journals to everyone. "Feel free to personalize your journals in your free time!" Marinette perked up at that. She already had the perfect idea for it. There was this fabric that was... "You may begin now!" Never mind that. If she wanted to complete even one paragraph in her brain dead state, she'd have to be completely dedicated. She tapped her pencil against her chin.

Now who did she trust most... Alya? No, Alya was her best friend, but it didn't seem... right. Her parents? No... Tikki? Maybe. Wait! Thinking of her alter ego, Chat Noir immediately came to mind. But... What if someone saw? 'Oh, hush Marinette, they're private! You have the right to refuse to show it to anyone!' Casually guarding her writing with her arm, she put the pencil to paper. She felt inspiration flow through her. Chat Noir always had her back, through thick and thin. Marinette thought of all the times he'd saved her. Without Chat Noir, she might not have been able to defeat all of those akumas.

She finished writing soon before the time limit, with even four pages. Sure, she was exhausted, but Chat Noir simply was... clawsome. 'Ugh' she groaned to herself. The awful cat puns had caught on to her. 'Silly cat.'

Her eyes roamed quickly over her classmates, soon landing on Adrien. 'I wonder who Adrien chose?' She craned her neck, trying to get a better look. 'Probably Nino. They are pretty close, after all.' Marinette didn't realize that Adrien had taken the same route as her and chosen his lady.

"Class, excuse me, I'll be back in a few minutes, but I just have to use the restroom," As soon as the door shut behind Ms. Bustier, the class burst into a noisy chatter.

"So Mari, who'd you pick?" Alya raised her eyebrow curiously at Marinette. Marinette turned a bright shade of pink.

"Oh, ah... Hm, um... Nobod- what I mean is... uh... My mom?" She smiled awkwardly.

"Suuure, of course," Alya's eyes wandered over to Adrien, and Marinette's cheeks darkened.

"Alya!" She squealed. "Hmph. Who'd you write about then, huh?" As the two girls chattered on, they didn't notice the mayor's daughter watching.

"Sabrina, she turned pink. She must've written about someone special," Chloe's mouth curled into a cruel smile. "Find out who, I'm sure the whole class would like to know!" Sabrina nodded loyally.

"Yes Chloe, of course Chloe!" Chloe glared.

"Stop babbling on and get the notebook!" Sabrina nodded and slinked out of her seat and passed Marinette's grabbing the notebook lighting fast.

Nobody noticed. No one except Tikki, looking out from her hiding spot in Marinette's bag. Helplessly banging her body against Marinette's side, Tikki realized it was hopeless. Even if she did get Marinette's attention, someone would notice the little red flying creature. Tikki sighed hopelessly and sunk to the bottom of the bag. Poor Marinette. Oh well, it happened to most Ladybugs eventually.

Sabrina smiled proudly and handed the black composition book to Chloe.

"Good job. Now Adrien will see how much of a dweeb she really is," Chloe stomped up to the front of the classroom and climbed up onto Ms. Bustier's desk. "Ahem! Excuse me! Everyone, one of our fellow classmates has put her innermost thoughts and feelings into this tiny, black, notebook. I'd like to share it with you..." She smiled evilly at Marinette, and blew a kiss to Adrien. Laughing, she flipped open the book.

Marinette shook her head. Who was Chloe's poor target now? What a total brat. Marinette didn't notice the absence of her notebook that had been with her not so long before.

"The person I trust the most is definitely Chat Noir," Chloe raised her eyebrow before continuing. "He has always had my back, through thick and thin. Even with his silly cat puns and endless flirting, he has been there for me. It wouldn't be possible to save Paris without him."

Marinette paled in realizing that Chloe was reading her writing. Her identity, her private thoughts.

"No, stop!" She screamed. She jumped out of her seat, but didn't notice Sabrina's foot out as Chloe continued on. Marinette fell flat on her face down the stairs and rubbed her head. her stomach filled with despair, and her eyes filled with tears.

Meanwhile, Adrien was sitting stone still in his seat. His fingers became cold, and he seemed to be disconnected from his body as he heard the praise he was receiving. He barely processed the fact that the one writing this was Ladybug. The one trying so frantically to stop Chloe's ruthless public humiliation. Marinette. The things mixed together so vaguely in his mind, but as he heard a sniffling from the ground, he snapped out of it. Everyone else seemed as frozen as him as Chloe read the last few sentences.

"Chat Noir will always be my one and only partner, best friend, even though he doesn't know who I really am. I plan to keep it that way. I'm pretty sure he'd be disappointed at miraculous Ladybug turning out to be plain old Marinette." She dropped the notebook and laughed nervously. "She's not really... How could she be... She... Marinette is LADYBUG?!" The class had been thrown into chaos, people screaming and yelling at each other as Chloe ended.

Adrien looked down to his side at Marinette, whose tears had overflown from her eyes and poured down her cheeks silently. He scolded himself as he stared. How could he be so blind? He was sure he could see if someone he knew was Ladybug, easily. But he didn't, because shy Marinette was Ladybug. He had been oblivious the whole time. A voice nagged at him. 'If the same thing had happened to you, Ladybug wouldn't be shell shocked in her seat! She'd comfort you, and you have to do the same for her. You are partners, and will forever have a bond, now help her!' Adrien shot up from his seat and over to Marinette's shaking form on the ground.

Her murmured to her quietly. "My Lady, we have to go, now!" Her head shot up.

"Cha- ADRIEN?!" He sighed.

"Yeah, I'm Chat. I'm sorry it had to be this way Princess, but we'd better go be-fur everyone goes mad on us!" He grinned weakly. Her eyes widened as she understood that Adrien was, in fact, Chat Noir. He put out his hand, and as she put hers in his, he pulled her up.

"You and your puns," She grumbled as she wiped her eyes. They ran out the door, away from the bewildered and chaotic classroom.

Once outside the school, they ran, not quite exactly sure where. Marinette blushed as she saw her hand still in Adrien's. She couldn't believe he was Chat. Her silly kitty. All the times Chat had flirted with her and... Oh my god. She had kissed Adrien. Her face turned a darker shade of red as they continued to run.

"Should we find someplace to transform?" He asked. She nodded, still at a loss for words. As they both made it to an empty alleyway, they became the heroes of Paris in a flash of pink and green light. Jumping up onto a rooftop, they stared out at the city.

"So this is how it all turns out, huh?" Marinette finally spoke.

"Yeah... Uh..." Chat laughed nervously. "So you're... Marinette?"

"Mmhmm. And you're Adrien... Agreste,"

They looked at each other but quickly back away.

"So now what?" She shrugged.

"I don't know," He looked over at his partner, her face still slightly red from the crying. His heart filled with sadness, remembering the things she had said in her writing. Suddenly, he leaned over and hugged her. She gasped, but slowly hugged him back.

"Don't you ever feel like Marinette is worth less than Ladybug," He murmured. "You are amazing, and kind, and smart, and creative. You became the class president for a reason. If you ever feel less than you are, remember that you are Ladybug no matter who you look like. Spots or not.... I still... Love you," He came out of the hug and put his hands on her shoulders. "And I've been wanting to say that for a long time,"

Her face was as red as her suit.

"Chat, I..." Her eyes became watery. "I love you too..."

And as green eyes met blue, the whole situation seemed to become very funny to the two teens. They bursted out into laughter.

"Did you see Chloe?" Marinette exclaimed.

"Did you hear Alya?!"

"Oh jeez, am I in for it!"

And if you happened to be out at that moment, you could hear the laughter of Paris' most beloved heroes as they broke into hysterics, embracing again, enjoying each other's warmth and company. Because they knew, no matter where they were, they could always trust the other. It was love, after all.

(Hey, this is my first Miraculous Ladybug fic, I hope you like it, I wrote this instead of doing homework. Oops! I know it might not be purrfect, but enjoy anyways! Bai! :3

-Jelly Doughnut)

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