15. Soft Item

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1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 4 2021
Posted December 18 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on January 1 2022

Since Dr.Kusama was mainly employed by the Hakubas, the young doctor had a personal clinic of his own. It was more personal than just going to a hospital and seeing a random doctor, it was ideal for consultations. Kaito had just been dropped off at said clinic, Kaito watched the van leave before wheeling himself up the entryway ramp. Ginzo had used to accompany him, but he'd grown more comfortable just going on his own after he'd stopped seeing Dr. Kalos.

The clinic was nice, it was a new building, but had a more 'aged' look to it, making it seem more welcoming. Stairs weren't even a part of the building, ramps took the place of all would-be stairs. It made sense, lots of rehab patients were treated at the clinic.

Kaito smiled at the golden retriever that ran up to the fence to greet him, allowing his wheelchair to move back down the ramp. Goldy was a charming dog, she lived at the clinic since there was always someone working there. She was gentle and knew not to jump on people and was trained to stay out of the way when people were walking. She roamed the property freely, giving her love and affection to anyone who seemed discouraged.

"Hey Goldy" Kaito reached over to pet her, giving her a few good scratches behind the ear. They were very familiar with each other, so the dog hopped over the fence, tail wagging happily as she rested her head in his lap. Indigos softened "Goldy..." Her fur was extra soft, so she must have had a bath recently. Kaito pet Goldy for a few minutes before reluctantly telling her to get off "Off please" Goldy quickly removed her head from his lap "Good girl" Kaito gave her one last scratch behind the ear before heading inside. It was a good thing he always arrived early. He couldn't not pet Goldy when she looked at him with those big brown eyes.

Kaito immediately spotted Dr.Kusama the moment he entered, the doctor was talking with a young girl and her parents. The girl's left leg was slightly crooked, explaining why she had a bright pink cane with her. Kaito wheeled himself to the side to wait, he didn't really need to check in. He was the doctor's special case after all. A lot of his medical files were edited before being registered, only Kusama and himself had the unedited versions.

Eventually the family left and Kusama turned towards Kaito with a smile "You okay?" He inquired, gesturing to Kaito's face mask. Despite Kusama's smile, the doctor's navy gaze was concerned.

"Yeah" Kaito nodded, feeling sheepish "I just got soaked and didn't warm myself afterwards"

Kusama hummed "Well let's go get settled in a private room now shall we?" He started walking, knowing that Kaito would follow him "I've found some neat stuff that you might like to try out" He didn't say much more until they got into a room. For safety reasons, there were cameras in the halls, but all of the private rooms were void of cameras, at least ones that were connected to a system. Footage was only saved locally for a week before being deleted, it was to protect them from people who wanted to make some money by suing them. There were notices on the walls about it. Though nothing was ever recorded when it came to Kaito's appointments.

"I wish we could just do the procedure right after each consultation" Kaito sighed once they were behind closed doors.

"I already skip enough legal stuff when it comes to you Kaito" Kusama smirked, it was more playful than smug. He called Kaito by his first name because Kaito preferred to be addressed as such. That, and they were friends.

Rolling his eyes, Kaito smiled behind his mask "So what's this amazing thing that you want me to see?" With Kusama, he could never really guess.

Kusama grinned, opening a cabinet to pull out a bag "They're for after your procedure" He revealed a bunch of adult diapers, a brand that Kaito wasn't familiar with "They're really comfy, but even if it doesn't work, it should be better for your skin than the kind you've been using" He offered one over "Here, pet it"

Kaito obeyed "It really is soft" It was plush, yet thin, and made of some sort of fabric. It was hard not to smile, knowing that the doctor had undoubtedly tried a few for some test runs. Kusama was considerate like that, going above and beyond for his patients. He made it difficult for him to feel embarrassed at being given diapers because the doctor was just so genuinely hopeful. The prospect of wearing diapers had mortified him, but Kusama had made him feel comfortable. It wasn't his fault that his nerves acted weird, he'd be perfectly capable without them if he allowed himself enough time to just keep his body trained. That wouldn't happen though since he wasn't going to give up on walking again.

"Right?" Kusama's smile was soft "It's very absorbent and you can't smell anything. I wrapped some old and forgotten ham in one, and it took a few days before I started to smell anything in it" He then grimaced "I opened it, and the house needed to be aired out. Any accidents should go unnoticed in the case of a failure" Kusama paused then continued "And if it works, well you'll feel uncomfortable enough to clean yourself up hastily"

"So we're doing the same as always? A quick cut and wait?" Kaito asked, gratefully accepting the diapers, storing them away in his wheelchair. He only really needed them for a few weeks after each procedure. Usually it was only two weeks, but one accident was enough for him to be paranoid of it happening again so he wore them a bit longer just to be safe.

"Yes, I hope we're lucky this time" Kusama handed over the mandatory paperwork for Kaito to fill out. They'd done this all enough times that there wasn't really much to talk about when it came to the procedure.

Me: Messing with nerves... Of course it'll mess up Kaito's system, especially when he can't feel when he needs to go. At least Kaito has accepted it as something he shouldn't be embarrassed about.

Comment? ^-^

°^°... I'm worried about how close Christmas is

I hope I finish the dreadful embroidery project in time. I hate embroidery •3• wanna go back to my cross stitch QAQ

I'm also less likely to prick my finger while cross stitching °3°

I only use bandaids for cuts on my foot. Or if I get a cut and it's close to bed time. Don't like bloody sheets.

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