23. Entranced by Sherlock

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1031 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written February 16 2022
Posted March 5 2022

Many cupcakes were consumed as the Sherlock series played on screen. It still held important parts of the original Sherlock Holmes, but it had many many more cases and character development. The main character wasn't Sherlock Holmes, but apparently the reincarnation of him and a few others. It allowed the show to remain fresh.

Ginzo had ended up joining them partway through, giving Kaito a scolding look that got ignored in favour of the show. He didn't stay for the rest of it though, wanting the kids to bond together. Aoko stayed, occasionally nudging Kaito to make him change his position off and on. Her brother wasn't able to tell when his circulation got cut off so she was often the one who had to remind him, especially when he got really into watching something.

Hours passed. At some point chicken nachos were placed in front of them, but none of the boys really registered the food except for eating it. They were too into the series, putting in the next disk whenever the previous one ended, eager to see what case Sherlock would tackle next. For Lapin, it was surprisingly refreshing to have some of the classic cases switched up a bit, making them inspired by the classics rather than a copy. At some unknown time, the TV suddenly turned off, startling the three males.

Kaito was the first one to snap out of the slight daze, blinking, then looking around until he spotted the inspector. The guy was holding the TV remote "Why'd you turn it off?" Kaito complained. The episode had ended on a cliffhanger! He needed to see what happened next!

Ginzo sighed, an exasperated smile on his lips "It's past midnight and you have a busy day tomorrow" He paused "Today actually"

Saguru pulled out his pocket watch, making a surprised sound in the back of his throat "I did not realize that it had gotten so late" He'd been too into the show. Saguru sighed "I'll have to apologize to Baaya" He hadn't warned her that he'd be staying late.

"I already had your father contact her" Ginzo stated.

"How can I possibly sleep after ending it like that?" Lapin complained, he felt wired with anticipation. He turned towards the inspector "Can we just watch one more episode?"

"It can never be just one, so no" Ginzo crossed his arms. Today was already going to suck, being tired would just make it worse for everyone. Well... Saguru would probably have it the easiest since he wouldn't be around to deal with the aftermath of Kaito's surgical procedure.

Lapin wilted, disappointed. He wouldn't be sleeping well it seems. Thank the gods he wasn't being denied access to coffee anymore. With coffee, he should be fine.

Saguru stood up, body stiff for sitting so still for such a long period of time"If you would excuse me, I'll go and call myself a cab" He didn't want to wake Baaya up. His caretaker had recently started to allow him to take a cab if he stayed out too late. The blond was grateful for the allowance, it stopped him from feeling guilty for keeping her up just to wait for him.

Indigos blinked, then Kaito perked up "Where's Aoko?" He was sure that s he'd been there with them.

"She went to be at a reasonable amount of time" Ginzo smirked.

Kaito pouted, then frowned "I'm going to take a shower before bed so use the washroom if you need it" He was probably all gross. Lapin hopped up and scurried off while Saguru went off in the direction of the other washroom.

Lapin didn't return, but Saguru did "Thank you very much for the food" He offered his thanks to both Kaito and Ginzo "The cupcakes were great, the nachos too" He regretted not paying more attention to the nachos and offering his thanks then as well.

"Baking was fun" Kaito smiled "I wouldn't mind doing this again some time, to finish the series"

"You're supposed to be supervised when baking" Ginzo scolded "You're lucky that you didn't fall into the oven"

Saguru eyed the two curiously "He almost fell into the oven?"

"Only once!" Kaito protested, ears burning with embarrassment "I know how to navigate better" He crossed his arms "You're concerns are no longer valid"

The blond opened his mouth to say something, but got distracted by headlights coming up the driveway "It would seem that my ride's here" He offered a short bow, then turned his attention towards Kaito "I also agree, I would enjoy a repeat of today" Bonding over anything Sherlock Holmes related was always enjoyable. He quickly left out the door, not wanting to make the driver wait too long.

Once Saguru was gone, Ginzo eyed Kaito "It's a good thing your appointment is in the afternoon"

"It's also a good thing that I'll probably sleep in" Kaito pouted. Waking up early would just end with him tiring himself out from the anticipation "We could have watched a few more episodes"

Ginzo just rolled his eyes "Hakuba-kun will be attending school, unlike you" At least Aoko had had the sense to turn in at a reasonable time.

"Yuck, school" Kaito stuck out his tongue.

"Go have your shower and get to bed" The inspector sighed. He had the day off today, so he'll clean up the leftovers. He always took the day off whenever Kaito had a scheduled procedure, thankfully division 2 really liked Kaito so people were willing to cover his shift whenever he couldn't have an official day off. It also helped that Kaito liked to send him off with some baked goods off and on, the teen was a great cook and baker.

"I can help clean first" Kaito offered, feeling a bit bad for leaving Ginzo to clean everything up. They hadn't been too messy, but some stuff had been dropped due to them being distracted.

"Nah" Ginzo shook his head "Go clean yourself up"

Kaito hesitated for a few moments before nodding in agreement "Okay, thanks" He offered Ginzo a small smile before transferring himself from the chair to his wheelchair.

Once Kaito had started towards the stairs, Ginzo started to clean up the small mess. He couldn't stop himself from grinning. His son had friends that were his own age.

Me: Ginzo is proud dad, all he wants is for his kids to be happy~

Comment? ^-^

Gah my cat kept waking me up this morning, with his claws =~=... Attacking my head...

Watched Made in Abyss again... I cried a lot on the last ep of season 1... The show is a treasure

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