30. A Father's Woes

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1027 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written June 3 2022
Posted June 14 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on June 28 2022

Kaito smiled, not missing how Lapin's father was looking at them with veiled interest "My name is Kuroba Kaito, and this is my brother Lapin" If he gave the guy their names, then there would be less incentive for him to look into them.

Yusaku startled at the name "I once knew someone named Kuroba" And he'd said that he'd name his son Kaito. Could they be? "Maybe I knew your father"

Frowning, Kaito tilted his head "Who knows? My adoptive father is the one who gave my brother and I our last names before adopting us" He paused "Separately, we were both left at the orphanage at different times and have only actually met recently"

"Kaito-niichan found me and demanded tests since we looked so similar" Lapin piped in, wary of how things could turn out. His dad was smart, he wasn't to be underestimated.

A small smile formed on Yusaku's lips "I bet he would have done the same thing if he came across my son, the two of you look a lot like him"

Kaito's face tinted a slight shade of pink "Nah, I'm actually a big fan of his. I already know that we're not related" He rolled his eyes "Sending one twin off to the orphanage as a baby wouldn't make sense" He motioned towards his legs "Especially since there wasn't anything wrong with me until a few years ago"

Yusaku blinked "You're seventeen?" Kaito looked like he was a lot younger than that.

"I turned seventeen this year" A few days before he snatched up Lapin to be exact.

"Kudo-san, you should go and sign books. It wouldn't be fair if we kept you for too long" Lapin stated, wanting his father to leave them alone as soon as possible.

"Ah, Lapin's right" Kaito sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. He hadn't wanted it to seem like he was trying to get rid of him. Even though they technically were.

"You're very conscientious for your age Lapin-kun" Yusaku nodded, he glanced over at his station, noting the line up "Well you're right, I can't disappoint my fans" The two brothers nodded and he left. He'd have to tell Yukiko about those kids, she'd adore them... Especially with the situation regarding his son, who was either dead or kidnapped.

Yusaku couldn't honestly say which outcome he wanted to be the truth. He didn't want Shinichi to be dead, Shinichi was his son, and he loved him. The problem was that he wasn't oblivious to the horrors that existed within the world... and he doubted that any such organization would care about morals if a clue to renewed youth ended up in their hands. If his son was alive... How long would it take for him to break?

There were absolutely no leads, Shinichi's last known location was a few streets near Beika park before all the cameras started to glitch and malfunction. That was it. Two phone calls were made, one to Ran, and the other to the professor... The professor's had gotten cut off and then nothing, absolutely nothing.

Shinichi would have contacted them by now if he were able to. So that fed into his conclusion of his son being either dead, or wishing he were dead. His lovely wife had been a real help with applying enough makeup to hide the bags under his eyes. He was a mystery writer, he had a good imagination. It was adept at conjuring up horrific dreams that starred his son as a lab rat for an unfeeling organization. It had to be an organization, a big one at that to be capable of the scientific feat of shrinking someone.

The professor was avoiding them, distraught at failing to heed what was most likely Shinichi's final wish by breaking under the pressure. Yusaku absentmindedly continued to sign books. It wasn't like him telling them the truth had done much anyways, they were stuck, and didn't even have any straws to grasp.

Yusaku shook away his thoughts, not liking the spiral that he was bound to go down if he continued thinking along those lines. He spotted the Kurobas, the two brothers were indeed going from author to author, getting many books signed between the two of them. Yusaku couldn't help but have his attention taken by them. They just looked so much like Shinichi. He discreetly snapped a photo of them, sending it to his wife because he knew she'd like it.

Eventually he did lose track of them, and the crowd had thinned enough that there was now a decent amount of walking room so he concluded that the Kurobas had left. Unfortunate, but it was probably for the best. There was no time to be distracted by lookalikes, after this short break, he'd go back to searching. If nothing else, they at least needed to put Shinichi's body to rest... Yusaku was selfish though, so he hoped that they'd be getting Shinichi help after a rescue operation instead of a body recovery mission.

They had lots of money, they'd be able to find the right people to help their son with the trauma that he'd undoubtedly have accumulated. On top of money, their son was also young, Shinichi would have plenty of time to recover... If they found him before it was too late. The organization may become too greedy and take more than Shinichi is capable of giving....

Yusaku pursed his lips as he left the mall. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to check in on the Kurobas... The one who adopted them might be an old friend. The chances were slim, but he could only hope. Toichi had always been better at finding things than him. If anyone could find his son, it would be him. If he was still alive that is, and he might be.

Toichi had become more and more secretive as time had gone by, and then their only exchanges were letters until they too had stopped coming. The guy had left before he'd even had the chance to even start looking into his secrets. All he'd been able to find out was that Toichi had gotten involved in something very dangerous... The thin scar on Yukiko's neck was proof of that.

Me: I still hate Shinichi's parents, but meh

Comment? ^-^

I've started to have things shipped to the post office instead of my apartment, I like it ^-^

Less worry about packages being stolen~ especially since I'm working now

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