33. Sketch, Nano

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1032 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written July 18 2022
Posted July 26 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on August 9 2022

Kaito was quick to sketch things out, and Lapin was pleasantly surprised by the outcome of him redesigning things. The gloves were perfectly the same, except that they were now the same colour of his hair, and had pink toe bean patterns on his fingertips and palm. The sunglasses were changed into a headband with brown velvety ears on top, though the inner ear part was made of the actual glasses. It could be flicked down from the top of his head to cover his eyes, leaving the outer ears with holes in them when in use. Lapin had been expecting cat ears, but these ones didn't look like they'd be all cutesy like he'd feared.

The shoes were also redesigned, though not by much, pink toe beans had just been applied to the shoes bottom design, and they'd been made brown instead of black. It was a little too cute for his tastes, cats could have black toe beans... Lapin didn't complain though. The pattern was acceptable and could have seriously been worse.

Azure suddenly widened as he read the explanation of the retractable rope's redesign "That can't be possible..." Nanobots? Seriously? Just what didn't Kaito dabble in? "Couldn't you use this kind of stuff for yourself?"

Kaito shook his head "No, with you, they'd just be sending a signal to the false tail" He sighed a bit "It wouldn't be safe for me to rely on nanobots to move my body, things could tear and I wouldn't even feel it" It was already bad enough with how he had to check himself for injury so often.

Lapin nodded in understanding, he could see the other's point. He squinted at the paper "So you'd inject me with nanobots, and they'd read signals from me in order to move the tail?" It actually sounded really cool, such a thing could also be used as a defensive weapon, or a grappling hook if he was understanding the notes properly. It would be a snake like weapon that clipped onto a belt, or even to a wristwatch.

"Yes, it would take a lot of time, but eventually the nanobots would learn how to move the tail" Kaito agreed. Indigos glinted "I actually have a small prototype that I made a long time ago" He pointed to a small box near the top of one of his bookshelves "Get that for me and I'll show you, not even Keibu or Aoko know about it"

Mildly intrigued, Lapin pushed over a desk chair and stood on it. Still a bit too short, he was forced to stand on the tips of his toes to grab the small black box. Lapin grimaced, wiping away the thick layer of dust. It had to be at least a year's worth of dust "Why do you have such tall shelves?" Lapin huffed "I doubt you'll ever grow to be tall" Because Kaito was so very short for his age.

Kaito accepted the box once it was handed over to him "I already figured that" He sighed. Being tall would be optimal, but his bad decisions prevented that from ever happening. He focused his attention on the box, lips curling into a small smile as he felt the connection come to life.

Lapin could have sworn that Kaito's eyes had lit up slightly, but he didn't have any time to ponder over it since he was forced to dodge something. It was a blur, then retreated into the box "You tested them on yourself..." He breathed, slightly awed. He'd barely seen anything more than a small blur, but it was still cool.

"Yeah" Kaito agreed, allowing a small tendril to slowly rise from the box "Though the thing about the nanobots is that they stay in you until you shed them all out in blood, or at least that's the case with the ones I make"

The tiny sleuth eyed the tendril, tentatively reaching over and poking it "What is it even made of?" It was waving like a cartoon snake that was being tamed by a charmer.

"It's made from a special synthetic material that only I know how to make" Indigos glinted "It's strong, something like this could break your fingers easily" The tendril was thin, a quarter of a centimetre in diameter and changing in length.

"You'd become rich if you made the instructions public" Lapin breathed.

Kaito grimaced "A lot of harm could be done with something like this in the wrong hands..." The tendril made faux striking motions, poised to attack the air "That and I don't want to be kidnapped by the Crows due to how smart I am" He'd sooner die than let that happen. His new family didn't know this, but he had two poison capsules embedded in his mouth, on their own they'd cause mild discomfort, but together they'd give him a swift death.He didn't want to die, which was why he had two that needed to be triggered together instead of a plain old cyanide capsule, but he'd also prefer death over being used by the Crows.

Lapin frowned "Is it really that common for them to kidnap people?" That was a scary thought.

Humming, Kaito nodded "Yeah, they go after the exceptional, but poorer youth. The less money they have, the less their parents can bribe officers to keep looking after a certain amount of time has passed" He eyed Lapin "You being so public and all, I wouldn't doubt that they knew who you were when they poisoned you"

The sleuth shivered "I guess it's a good thing that I was always talking about justice then" And lucky that his family was rich.

"Nah, they would have threatened those close to you if taking you wouldn't have put the whole police force in an uproar" Kaito winced at the thought "Your name is going to be plastered everywhere once you're officially declared dead"

"Oh..." Lapin didn't like that thought at all. He looked down at the sketches "With these, I'll be better able to take them down"

Kaito blinked "You're even consenting to being injected with nanobots?"

"Yeah" Lapin agreed. How could he not? They were so cool, and he trusted Kaito's judgement on whether it was safe or not. Kaito wasn't one to risk other's lives. 

Me: Why wouldn't Lapin agree to such cool tech? XD

Comment? ^-^

Below comments will be upsetting but truthful

Ever since I've been little I've always said I was scared of the US... My opinion has yet to change •3•

Everyone who supports the idea that 10 year old should be forced to give birth to rape babies is a person who supports child abuse, a sociopath, or they're a pedophile who gets off on seeing young girls grow round with child and leak milk from their tiny pre-teen breasts as they're forced to feed said baby 🤮*intentionally trying to make you uncomfortable because the world sucks*

I hope the females who support that idea get raped and impregnated, or if they're male, then that should happen to all females connected to them, the ones who haven scorned the guy that is.

Maybe the trauma would make them more empathetic?

How is it that I, someone who's basically emotionally constipated, have more empathy than them (no I've luckily never been raped nor pregnant, thank god)

Religion has no place when it comes to laws... Residential schools were a bust and one day america will do the same condolences regarding destroying the lives of children as residential schools... Except it will be from all the child suicides, ruined childhoods, and death during childbirth

If they ever learn that is... •-•

Learning about residential schools in history class made me vow to never become Christian. Sure there are good ones, but I just don't wanna risk associating with the psycho ones.

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