36. To Brighten a Day

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1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written August 31 2022
Posted September 6 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on September 20 2022

So... Learning that Lapin could be a very effective and scary serial killer if he wanted to was only just a bit unsettling. Lapin's knowledge combined with the almost automatic assumed innocence that came with being a child was a scary combo. Nobody would expect him to be the killer! Hell, that might even be the case even if he weren't shrunken due to the reputation that he's made for himself. It wouldn't be odd for him to be around so many deaths, because that was normal for Kudo Shinichi. The police also trusted his word so framing people would be a cinch.

Though, that could be said for himself as well. He could have been the ultimate assassin if he'd wanted to with how good he was with disguises. Even now, people wouldn't suspect a random elderly person or wheelchair bound person to suddenly kill them. He couldn't disguise as a normally mobile person so his options, while limited, would still be a great boon.

All throughout the rest of the day and evening, Lapin and Kaito worked together on the tail's mobility and chemistry, their only respite was eating Aoko's delicious lasagna before getting back into their studying. At least up until the last two hours of the day, those two hours were sent watching funny and cute cat videos together until they both fell asleep.

Lapin ended up waking up first, face tinting pink with embarrassment when he realized that he'd fallen asleep on Kaito. He was quick to separate himself from the other, giving a quick pet to Sooty as he did so. He glanced at his tail, it was moving more like a cat's tail than it had the other night, which was good.

Checking the time, he noted that it was nearing noon, which was odd. Why has nobody woken them up before now? And how did he manage to sleep for so long? They hadn't stayed up past midnight. Well, he might as well wake Kaito up too. He nudged the teen's arm a few times.

"I'm awake" Kaito yawned after the third nudge, still feeling a bit sleepy.

"It's almost noon" Lapin stated.

Indigos widened "Why didn't they wake me!?" He sat up, arms flailing in his rush.

Lapin took a step back, startled by the unexpected outburst "Did you have something planned?"

Kaito paused, then shook his head with a sigh "No, but my schedule..." He grimaced as he settled himself in his wheelchair "I'm going to go take a very long shower, so eat whatever you want" He paused "Preferably Keibu's coffee and Aoko's pop tarts for revenge"

The tiny sleuth's brows furrowed "Revenge?" Did sleeping in really warrant that?

"It doesn't matter" Kaito waved a hand in dismissal "Something probably came up and they forgot" He rolled over to a dresser drawer and grabbed what he needed before heading towards the washroom.

Lapin, the ever so curious sleuth, checked inside the drawers "Oh" He grimaced in sympathy Kaito had meant his biological schedule. Hopefully the guy hadn't been in a soiled diaper for too long. No wonder he'd been so annoyed... Well, he had no qualms with drinking extra coffee, and a pop tart or two to go with breakfast wouldn't hurt.

As Lapin headed downstairs, he contemplated on what the main part of his breakfast should be, or brunch considering the time. Maybe pancakes, some blueberry ones for himself and chocolate for Kaito. He knew that there were boxes of premixed pancake mixes, and it was a simple food to cook after watching both Kaito and Aoko cook off and on.

He started up the coffee maker before getting everything that he needed out. The pancake mix while still in a box, was actually stuff that Kaito had premixed, excluding the wet ingredients of course. Thankfully there were instructions written on the side so he easily measured and mixed everything together before separating the batch into two separate bowls, mixing small blueberries into one, and tiny chocolate chips into the other.

It felt weird to actually put effort into breakfast, he used to just have toast and coffee or just coffee. Then Ran started making meals, and then the Nakamori household did the same, but they were more cozy since there were no arguments about laziness.

While he'd always known that eating breakfast was generally good in theory, he hadn't bothered until after he'd gotten shrunk. It was odd, feeling better as a whole with the generally constant healthy meals that he was now eating. Before he'd felt fine, but comparing that to now... Well now he felt good and now realized that he'd actually felt bad but had been so used to it that he hadn't even realized that he'd been feeling bad in the first place. When he returned to his proper age, he was going to continue to eat well. It wasn't like he couldn't afford it.

Flipping the pancakes was a bit difficult, but he managed. Even if they were crooked and lopsided, they'd still taste good. He cooked a stack each, then placed them in the fancy food warming box that Kaito had made. It kept food warm without cooking it, and it was literally named 'The fancy food warming box' by its creator. Cooking an omelette wasn't something Lapin thought he'd be able to do, so he just cooked up some scrambled eggs because they didn't require good flipping skills. He contemplated on making bacon, but decided not to since he didn't want to poison anyone by accident.

Eventually Lapin heard the familiar sound of Kaito coming downstairs on his wheelchair "I made us brunch" He said as he walked over to the stairs

Kaito blinked, then smiled warmly "Thanks, you didn't have to, but it smells good" It did, and he appreciated the effort the sleuth must have gone through since Shinichi wasn't used to cooking.

Lapin shrugged, feeling a little embarrassed for some reason "I figured that a good meal would help make the day better for you since the start kinda sucked"

"Well it's already improved and I haven't even tasted it yet" Kaito's smile widened, clean fresh clothes and a nice meal was always nice.

Me: Aww Lapin is learning healthy habits~

Comment? ^-^

I suck at making pancakes... But maybe it's because my pan is so old (10), scratched, and peeling...

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