39. Still Not Liking Magic

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1023 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 11 2022
Posted October 18 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on November 1 2022

Lapin was quite impressed with Kaito's deduction skills, more so than he'd expected to be. Kaito's mind was quick and full of wit so he was very efficient with paper cases, however he could also tell that Kaito lacked the experience needed for field work. Not that he blamed the guy, it wasn't laziness that had stopped him. Kaito had been stopped by his own body's limitations and the protectiveness of those around him. Lapin couldn't fault Kaito on that.

"You've got procedures down perfectly, all you really need is to get out and gain experience" Lapin stated, grinning then indigos lit up at the praise. Yeah, it was obvious that Kaito was a big fan of his detective work, but at least he pushed it aside to actually learn and pay attention. Sure Aoko had hinted about Kaito being a fan of his, but the way Kaito's eyes had sparkled as he taught him really gave it away. It was actually quite flattering that someone like Kaito truly did admire his skills as a detective.

Kaito nodded, they'd solved a lot more cases than what he'd normally do on his own "Yeah, hopefully with you hanging around, I'll be given more leeway"

Lapin sighed "That's kind of sad, you needing to be accompanied by a child"

"A child that is able to use their legs" Kaito added "All a criminal needs to do is take my crutches and I'm stuck on the ground" Which was a scary thought. He didn't want to be put in that kind of situation anyways "At least with you, you'd be able to run and get help I guess"

The tiny sleuth ignored the way his insides seemed to chill at the thought, without his crutches, Kaito was really vulnerable, easy to kill. Okay, now he understood the other's protectiveness over Kaito "Right, plus I'm now kitted out" He flexed his fingers, allowing the claws in his gloves to push out before retracting them.

Kaito grinned "You are. You're now the most deadly 7 year old in Tokyo" He couldn't say 'in the whole world' but he was pretty sure it was the case for Tokyo at least. The tiny sleuth was a force to be reckoned with.

"Since I've been introduced to at least one member here, are you going to stop dragging me away whenever there's a scream?" Lapin inquired. Kaito had repeatedly stopped him from checking things out whenever they'd heard a scream.

Sighing, Kaito nodded "Yes, but don't forget that I'll be coming too. How can I learn from you if I miss everything?"

"Okay" Lapin agreed, that was fair. The more competent detectives there were in the world, the better. There were already so many bad ones, they needed more good ones to fix it "I'll leave you behind if it means saving a life though"

Kaito smiled, pleased "Of course, revival of the dead isn't something I'd recommend"

"You've seen it happen?" Lapin raised a brow, remembering the other's experience with magic.

"No" Kaito shook his head "But magic is weird and dangerous" He motioned to his legs "Pandora stopped my death, but is finicky with how it keeps healing a specific area of my spine and nothing else" Why was it still in effect? That was also another question that would probably never be answered.

Lapin grimaced "I bet someone tried, and that's how the idea of zombies came to be" It was possible, and scary. Thankfully it had been contained or they wouldn't exist right now.

"Bleh" Kaito shivered at the thought "Let's stop talking about magic, it makes my skin crawl"

"Okay" Kaito was the one with bad experiences with magic, not him "Since we've solved 20 or so cases, should we hand them in to be processed, or wait until the end?" Either way was fine since they were cold cases, but the station might have a preference.

"We can just leave them here, someone will collect the notes and process them later" His stomach growled, making his cheeks tint "Let's go get something to eat" They hadn't packed anything since they'd been planning on eating out together.

"When I'm around you, people seem to drop dead less often" Lapin mused. He was actually able to eat out with Kaito without them being interrupted by a murder. It was strange, but nice.

Kaito grimaced "You have jinxed us, let's order in food instead" Lapin wasn't the luckiest of people after all, and neither was himself. Though, one could also say he was lucky with how everything had turned out so far.

Rolling his eyes, Lapin shook his head "It'll be fine, plus eating out is funner than it used to be"

"How so?"

"Well it used to be rare for me to actually finish eating out before being interrupted by a murder or something in that very same restaurant or cafe" Now he actually got to enjoy his meals.

"If you put it like that" Kaito got up from his seat, crutches holding him up steadily "Then I guess we've got to go" Indigos gleamed "Even if you did end up jinxing us today, it's been a while since you've worked on a case in person anyways"

Azure gleamed with excitement "There's this pancake cafe that just opened up recently" Normally he didn't look out for new cafes and such, but eating out with Kaito was fun.

"Oh?" Kaito grinned "Pancakes, not crepes?"

Lapin nodded "This cafe was labelled correctly unlike the last one" The last 'pancake' cafe they'd gone to was actually a crepe one. Both foods were good, but the false advertising had been annoying.

"Okay, let's go there then" Kaito agreed. It was bound to have lots of sweet stuff for him to try. Pancakes could really be just a dessert depending on what one put on top of them. A dessert made from fluffy goodness.

The tiny sleuth smiled, Kaito's excitement was nice "I think the cafe is only a few blocks away so it shouldn't be too long of a walk" Just because Kaito could go on for a good long while, it didn't mean that he should have to. After they went to the cafe, they could go to the bookshop that was just a block from there.

Me: They get along well~

Comment? ^-^

^-^ sour candy or sweet candy? I like both but I prefer sweet

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