42. Bread

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1010 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written on November 29 2022

Posted on November 29 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on December 13 2022

Lapin's eyes sparkled a bit as he picked up a slice of the bread that he and Kaito had made together. Kneading the bread with his hands hadn't been something that he'd liked, mainly because of how sticky it'd felt, but it had been worth it in his opinion. They had made a simple loaf of white bread, it smelt delicious "I wish store bought bread always tasted like this" He breathed after eating a bite, it was just coated in some butter and still oven warm.

Kaito smirked "Then it would cost more" The more something was desired, the higher the price it usually got. Well, except for foods where there was a high surplus of it "And then more food would be wasted since it'd go bad quicker" Lots of store bought breads had many preservatives in them.

"I know" The tiny sleuth sighed "That still doesn't stop me from wishing for it" Making bread took up a fair amount of time, time he wouldn't always have.

"Yeah" Kaito agreed "I often wish for unreasonable things too" Even when he knew exactly why things weren't how he wanted them to be. It was just basic human nature to want things that one couldn't have. It was both a boon, and a flaw.

Lapin contemplated putting raspberry jam on his next slice before deciding that butter would be best "About unreasonable things" He trailed off, eyeing Kaito curiously "Would you be okay with me asking why you brought up getting people killed earlier?" He inquired. The day had been going great, so the darker turn in their conversation had surprised him.

Kaito's shoulders slumped, but he still reached for some blueberry jelly "I sent a drone after that girl, she was like you, shrunk" The sweetened jelly didn't do much to counter the bitter feeling he had "She was also a Crow, I sent her a message to stay away... A subtle one"

Frowning Lapin nodded, the interaction had been a bit strange "One that would only be understood if your hunch was correct?" He guessed. There was no way Kaito was dumb enough to risk endangering some random child after all. He knew the guy well enough by now to know that Kaito would rather harm himself than intentionally harm someone who was innocent. Someone who wasn't innocent? Well... Lapin knew that Kaito was mentally capable of killing someone if it meant he could save someone important to him. Kaito had admitted to killing Snake after all.

"Yeah" Kaito agreed "My hunch was correct" He sighed "But I didn't think that she'd take such a radical action" He'd messed up "She killed herself since she apparently had no reason to continue on"

"Ah" Azure dimmed and they ate bread in silence for a bit before he spoke up "We're probably missing a lot of key information regarding her situation" There was probably a lot going on in her mind "There's no way either of us could have known that she'd kill herself" Suicide was such a drastic and permanent 'solution'. There had to have been a whole lot going on behind the scene.

"Very true" Kaito nodded, his next piece was covered in marmalade jam "Life just sucks sometimes" Not everyone got what they deserved, whether it be retribution or reward. Fairness mattered little when it came down to reality.

"It does" Lapin agreed, it wasn't something that he could refute "But it's up to us to make what we can of it"

Kaito nodded once more. They'd both eaten a good amount of bread, most of the loaf was already gone "On a more upbeat note, I've already gone ahead and gotten you some clothes that would fit you once you take the temporary cure" His own clothes would be too small, Ginzo's too big, and he wasn't mean enough to get the sleuth to wear Aoko's clothing.

"Oh!" Azure widened "I'd completely forgotten that I'd need new clothing" All of his old clothes had been in his house when they'd set it on fire. Which, in hindsight, they should have grabbed at least a few sets of clothes at least. Wait. Lapin eyed Kaito warily "They're not weird outfits right?" He couldn't help himself from asking as he remembered Kaito's raincoat.

Snickering, Kaito shook his head "No, they're normal outfits. Not as expensive as what you used to wear, but good all the same" He may be a fan, but he wasn't buying Lapin a bunch of expensive brand name clothes. The sleuth could buy himself a new wardrobe once everything was settled.

"Okay" That was a huge relief.

"I dress perfectly fine you know" Kaito huffed, crossing his arms.

After a moment of thought, Lapin agreed "True, but I was worried that you'd buy something weird like your raincoat" Kaito was usually well dressed, even if he wore the occasional skirt or two. Most of the outfits actually suited the other's build.

"Nah, that would just be a waste of money since you wouldn't wear stuff like that" Kaito grinned, "Unlike you, I grew up with little money" He didn't know how much money his parents had, but they hadn't lived luxuriously since they'd always been on the move.

That made sense, Lapin silently agreed "Thanks for buying me clothes" He wouldn't be stuck wearing clothing that didn't fit him.

Indigos gleamed mischievously "We wouldn't want you going around naked after all"

Lapin's cheeks flushed as he resisted the urge to kick Kaito's leg. It wasn't as if the guy would have felt it anyways "That wouldn't have even been an option" He'd wear the inspector's clothing, baggy clothing was better than no clothing after all.

"I know" Kaito laughed "I'm just messing with you" He wouldn't have let the sleuth go without clothes anyways. Lapin's form as Shinichi was already attractive enough with clothes, he'd embarrass himself if the sleuth was nude.

The tiny sleuth's next bite of bread was slightly more aggressive than it needed to be, cheeks still flushed from the joke. Nonetheless, he was still excited for the cure, he just hoped that it wouldn't hurt as much as shrinking had hurt.

Me: The first cure is soon~

Comment? ^-^

Gah, as I wrote this, I have that light headed and foggy feeling I get when I haven't eaten enough food to cover my energy usage... >~< But I'm waiting on someone to finally take my old bed and don't want to be in the middle of eating when they arrive

Oh, and last minute writing~ yay XD

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