Alternative Epilogue (Sad)

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{Mark's POV}

      All the members were on stage.

   The NCT Nation concert was almost over. Nearly three hours of performing. But the managers had asked us all to go up on stage again for a surprise. 

       I could see a lot of NCTZens crying in the audience. 

   Jisung passed away last year autumn. Exactly one year ago today.

       He woke up and was awake for about a week, almost as if he knew he was leaving and he wanted to say one last goodbye to us. 

     I felt an arm round my shoulder. Looking towards my right I saw that it was Jeno. He was crying too. 

      The manager suddenly came out on stage.

   "Everyone, today is the anniversary of Jisung's passing, as you all know," The manager began to speak, "A special someone has come today."

      I looked at the others in confusion. 

   The manager disappeared again only to return with a girl, who was about 8 or 9 years old, sitting in a wheelchair and her parents. And not only them, but Jisung's family also walked out onto the stage.

      I recognised her immediately. She was the little girl in the hospital waiting room who had been in the same accident as Jisung. I felt my eyes water.

        "Some of you may know about this, some of you might not," The manager spoke up again, "But, before Jisung passed away, he said he wanted his organs to be donated to those that needed an organ transplant."

      I could feel a lump building up in my throat. Surely...

    "This little girl here, Miss Eunjoo Park, was in the same accident as Jisung," The manager said, "But she had a medical condition long before she got into the accident." He passed the microphone over to the girl's parents.

     "Our daughter had a heart condition," Mrs Park spoke, "Her heart was weak and the doctors said she needed a heart transplant. But it is a very long waiting list, especially for a heart transplant. The doctors suggested we take her to America, but it was too expensive."

      "When Mr Jisung hear about her heart condition while he was awake, he had asked for his heart to be given to our little girl when he died," Mr Park said. 

      I felt myself go numb. This little girl...

   Mrs Park turned around to look at the members of NCT, and Jisung's family.

        "The heart of your dear friend, team member, son and brother is now inside my little girl," Mrs Park had tears in her eyes as she said this. 

      Jisung's mum began to cry. 

   Mr Park handed her a stethoscope. 

       With shaking hands, Jisung's mom took it and sank to her knees beside the wheel chair. She hesitated. Then she placed chest piece onto the little girl's heart. 

      Jisung's mom cried even more. 

   "Oh thank you, thank you for allowing us to hear it," She sobbed. 

        "The heart of your son lives on in our daughter," Mr Park smiled.

     After Jisung's family had their moment of listening, the NCT members went forward one by one to have a listen. 

       Everyone was crying by the time they were done. 

   I went last. 

      Listening to Jisung's heartbeat again made me so happy, yet so sad at the same time.

   "Mark oppa, it's Jisung oppa's heart," The little girl smiled at him.

        I gave a breathy chuckle and nodded, smiling back at her. 

    "Thank you," I whispered. I wrapped her into a warm hug, and it felt like I was hugging Jisung again. 

     There was not a dry eye in the audience.

   I knew Jisung would be looking down at us with a smile on his face. He would want us to carry on and be happy. 

    And we will, but he will always be remembered. 

  Always and forever in our hearts.

* * *

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