Chapter 47

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Next day...

The door bell rings and Mary opens it, and sees Vansh smiling at her...

'Heyy yoo Mary... Wassup... ' He says and Mary looks at him confused

'Vansh Baba, are you okay... ?' she asked and he looks at her confused

'Yeah, I am fine... What will happen to me..?' He asked half lying on the sofa

Mary still looks at him suspiciously and then takes his bag inside his room

Deepika comes out of Ananya's room wearing a white minion's T-shirt, paired with lemon yellow shorts, her hair open, and glasses on, she was wearing Ananya's minion slippers as well, she looked very cute in that attire

'Vansh, Hi...! Where is Annie...? And Vikrant Bhai...?' Deepika asked and Vansh turned to face her

He stood up glancing at Deepika from top to bottom, and she looked at him confused...

'Why are you looking at me like this...?' Deepika asked

'You look cute... ' Vansh said without realizing

'Uh.. Okay... Thanks... ' Deepika replied

'Uh...I mean you look like a minion, and they are cute, so you are cute in that sense... I mean you are not a minion, of course not, you are taller than them, and yeah you are not yellow too, it's just your dress... Oh god what am I blabbering.... ' He said facepalming himself

'Are you okay...?' Deepika asked walking towards him

'Yeah... I am alright, why are you both asking me this...?' he says looking at Mary who kept a glass of water at the table

'You are behaving weirdly.. That's why we thought... ' Deepika said and Vansh was again staring her in awe..

Deepika crossed her arms and looked at him suspiciously...

'Vansh, Why are you behaving like, you are seeing me for the first time...?  We met day before yesterday, remember...?' Deepika raised her brows

'It feels like ages.. ' Vansh muttered

'What...!' Deepika exclaimed

'Umm nothing... How are you...?' He asked

'I am fine... Where are the others...?' she asked sitting on the sofa

He sat opposite to her and stared at her,and then looked away

What the hell am I doing, she will freak out...

'Uh... Annie wanted to stay, she may return after 2-3 days, Vikrant and Sid Uncle will return by today evening... ' he said

'Okay... ' Deepika said and Vansh leaned on the sofa..

'Uh... Did you.... Did you guys stop... I mean is he engaged now...?' Deepika asked looking nervous

Vansh looks at her, and feels bad
'Yes...' he said

Deepika's eyes widened at this, tears filled her eyes...
'Oh... ' She said trying to control her tears

'I mean, Yes... They... Umm... We ! We stopped his engagement... He is not getting married to Shanaya... ' he clarified, panicking...

Deepika's face lit up at this, but then she keeps an even face..
'Good.. Very good... Hopefully he will get a better partner now....' Deepika sighs

'He was so mean with you, still you care for him...?' Vansh asked

Deepika chuckled, 'Why not, afterall I loved him at some point... Of course he thought I was faking it...' she wiped her tears and Vansh looks at her guiltily

'Loved him ? You mean you don't like him now...?' he asked looking scared

'After what he did...? I don't think so.... I would not have felt bad if he just yelled at me Vansh, but he doubted my intentions, accused me for trying to trap both of you.. That's attack on my self respect... I had no such intentions, you know it... ' Deepika says angrily

'What if he asks for another chance...?  Will you give it to him...?' Vansh asked looking hopeful

'What's with you today...? I mean I understand he is your brother, but what about being on the right side thing...?' Deepika asked getting irritated

'I was just saying that everyone deserves a second chance don't they...?' Vansh asked

'Why do they screw up at the first time then... ' Deepika says slowly

'So you won't forgive him...?' Vansh asked again

'Absolutely not... And I don't think that he will even take any efforts to ask for my forgiveness, I mean his big fat ego and rich brat prestige won't allow him to do that.... ' Deepika huffed and Vansh frowned at this

'What if he leaves them behind and genuinely ask for forgiveness...? Will you forgive him then...?' Vansh asked

'It's not a joke Vansh, I won't forgive him at all... ' Deepika sighs

'He has temper issues Deepika, he had no idea what he was doing... Shanaya presented things in front of him in such a way that he believed them... The truth is he always liked you Deepika, he was fighting his feelings for you, but also could not see you with someone else... Please give him sometime to improve... ' Vansh said moving closer to her

'I think I have wasted 7 years of my life waiting for him, but now I will let it go... It's high time anyway... ' Deepika said

'No...! You can't do this... ' Vansh panicked and Deepika looked at him suspiciously..

'I mean... What if he again gets someone like Shanaya...? He said

'He can't get anyone worst than Shanaya, also he is not a kid... ' Deepika says looking at the Vase on the table

'What do you mean...? Did Shanaya do something to you...?' Vansh asked

'She was the one, who pushed me down the stairs at your house...  Asking me to stay away from Ved... ' Deepika said slowly, not removing her gaze from the Vase

'WHAT.....' Vansh angrily gets up

Deepika stares at him for sometimes, and then realises something and gasping she stands up

'You are not Vansh ! You are Ved....!!!' She exclaims horrified

Vansh looked at her shocked..
He indeed was Ved, who was pretending to be Vansh, he thought he acted well, but was now busted..

'Oh God Ved ! How could you...!! Damn it... ' Deepika cries panicked

'Deepika, I knew that you won't talk to me, If I met you as me... So I had to do this...  I am so sorry... Please listen to me... ' Ved said walking towards her

'You are a liar too...? I thought you were ignorant, idiot, angry stupid brat...! But you are a bluff too...? I don't believe it... ' Deepika said angrily

'Wow, so many honorable titles at once, I am so lucky... ' Ved muttered and Deepika glared at him

'Shut up... ' She growls angrily, and walks towards Ananya's room, but Ved catches her by waist and pulls her towards him

'Deepika... Please for once listen to me, after this I'll do whatever you say, please just listen to me once... ' Ved pleads caging her in his arms, while Deepika was struggling to get out

Deepika stopped struggling and took a deep breath, Ved too sighed but didn't leave her, his hand was resting on her stomach, constricting her in his hold and Deepika's hand was on his arms which were caging her

'Will you leave me now...?' Deepika hissed angrily and Ved leaves her

She turns around, crossing her hands over her chest and glares at him

'What do you want to say...?' She asked and again Ved was speechless

'I am waiting... ' Deepika said impatiently tapping her foot

'Why don't you sit here... ' Ved said pointing towards the sofa and Deepika did as instructed

Ved took a seat opposite her and looked at her straight in the eye

'Deepika, I know that I have hurt you a lot, and I am very very sorry for that day because I was out of control, I agree it's of no use now, because damage has already been done, I have broke your heart... But you must know that I am very remorseful for that...' Ved said

Deepika stared at him briefly, and then sighed
'Are you done..? Can I go...?' she asked

'No wait...! There is one more thing... ' Ved said

'Shoot... ' Deepika crossed her legs and leaned against the sofa

'I know that you won't believe me now, because the moment where I should've told to you this is long gone, and my words may sound pure fake, bluff or lie to you, but I really want to confess that I too liked you, I just thought it was wrong to have feelings for your younger sister's best friend... But still I hated the idea of you being with some another guy, right from Krish, or some Shreyash guy in your college and especially Vansh ! I mean how can I lose you to my own brother, that would be very awkward for me... ' Ved said

'You saw Vansh as your competition..? That guy loves you dearly, do you know that...? He will do anything to make you smile, and you saw him as a threat to your happiness... Unbelievable...!' Deepika exclaimed angrily

'Deepika, I don't know what happens to me when I get angry... I mean, I love my brother too... I can't see him unhappy either...' Ved countered

'Still you did not stop Uncle, from throwing him out of your house...? Very supportive brother you are... ' Deepika said sarcastically

'He left by himself, Papa didn't throw him out...!' Ved said

'But you didn't stop him either... ' Deepika countered

'Can we argue on Vansh some other time, please...?  I really need you to listen to this... I am dying here of guilt Deepika, please please forgive me... ' Ved pleads

'I refuse to accept your apology... ' Deepika said

'I am not asking you to forgive me straight away, I am just asking you to give me another chance, let me win you back... Please...?' Ved said, looking at her hopefully

'Isn't it wrong to hit on your sister's best friend...?' Deepika raised her brows

'I don't care about it anymore...!  I like you, and You used to like me, but now you don't ! Because of my stupidity, let me convince you that I am a changed man... Please Deepika...' Ved pleads again

Deepika looks at him briefly and then frowns
'Good luck with that... ' She challenges him and gets up from the sofa

'Don't think that you will be forgiven, because I may not be a gold digger, but certainly a egoistic brat... You don't know what you have signed up for... ' She says

'I have grown up with Ananya Thapar, whose ego is probably as tall as my own height, I think I will be fine with you... ' Ved smiled

Deepika thought about it and then glared at Ved
'We will see about it... ' She said and walked inside her room

'Yes... ' Ved cheered

New Delhi...
Same time...

Ananya woke up with a piercing headache and then winced as her eyes adjusted to the bright lights of the room...

She slept last night, sobbing on her pillow..

'Good morning Princess... ' Arjun enters her room smiling

'Hey Paa... ' She replied weakly, her voice coarse

Arjun's smile vanished and he rushed towards her...

'Are you Okay...?' He held her arms which were warm and he gets scared

'My head hurts... ' Ananya whines holding her head

'Geez, you have fever... God princess what did you eat...? Let me call the doctor...' Arjun panics

Ananya held his hands, and took his phone away..
'Paa.. I am fine, it's just a mild headache, and you know that I always get unwell after the flight... I'll have Maa's soup and I'll be fine... Trust me...'

'Are you sure beta, I'll call the doctor if you want... ' Arjun said

'No Paa, I am fine... Really... ' she smiled

'Okay... Freshen up, I'll ask Naina to make your soup... ' He kissed her head and walked out of her room

Ananya sighed and controlled her tears..

Yes it's heartbreaking that he is married now and has a daughter...

But it's not like I waited for him...

We had our closure, he said that he hates me and on the other side, I also was stupid to have feelings for him, of course he didn't feel anything for me, that's why he got married...

Last night, I cried out all my left over feelings for him....

I think I am ready for a new beginning though...

Atleast I am saved to be with him, he can be a hard person to deal with... No denial on that...

She consoled herself, and walked inside the bathroom

30 minutes later...

Ananya walked out of her room and was walking towards the staircases to go to the dining hall downstairs, when she heard Aayan

'Amayraa please... Wear this beta, see it's very pretty... ' He said cutely

Ananya was shocked to hear this transformation in him

Wow.. Parenthood really changes you

Yes it was heartbreaking for her that he never loved her, but she was glad that he found someone who gave him peace and happiness in his messed up life...

'Naaa.... ' She hears Amayraa whining, she found her voice very cute

Ananya knocked his door and Aayan answered
'It's open... '

Ananya opens the door and smiles at the scene in front of her, Aayan was holding a blue shorts and mickey mouse t shirt and Amayraa was in her cute night dress, which had SpongeBob printed on it

'Hey... ' Aayan smiled at Ananya

'Hey... ' Ananya smiled back

'Aaiiiiiii...(Hiiiii....)' Amayraa grinned at Ananya and she smiled at her too

'Hiii beautiful... ' Ananya says walking towards her

'Nice dress... ' Ananya said holding Amayraa's small hands
'What is your name sweety...?' Ananya asked sweetly

'Amayaaa...' Amayraa grinned and Aayan chuckled

'It's Amayraa... ' he clarified and Ananya smiled at this...

'Nice name... ' she said and turned back to Amayraa

'Hey Amayaaa..  I am Annie... ' She shakes her hands

'Annieeyyy.....?' Amayraa looks at her confused

'Yes... Annieeyyy.... ' Ananya chuckled

Aayan was gazing at them in awe...
He was surprised to see Ananya being this good with children

'What happened...? I heard you trying to convince her for something outside... May I help....?' Ananya asked Aayan

'She wants to wear her night gown for the breakfast, I am trying to make her wear this, but she is very stubborn... ' Aayan sighed

'Just like her father'  Ananya thought

'Let me try...' Ananya takes the dress from his hands

'Why don't you wear this sweety...?' she asks Amayraa

'Mickey yuck...!  Amayraa like Spongebob... ' She whines and Ananya chuckled

'Yeah, Spongebob is very cute, just like you,  but you know ? If you wear this outside, a boogie man will take it away from you... ' Ananya says making her eyes big..

'Boogie Man...?' Amayraa asked widening her eyes

'Yeah...he is as tall as him *Points towards Aayan* has big eyes like him and biiiiiggg teeth, he takes away children's SpongeBob from them.... ' Ananya said and Aayan narrowed his eyes at her

'I know you are referring that to me...' Aayan said glaring at her

'Good... ' Ananya replied not looking at him and he frowned

'You want that boogie man to take your Spongebob away...?' Ananya asks Amayraa

'Nooo... ' Amayraa holds her night gown

'Then quickly wear this, we will hide your sponge bob... ' Ananya said excitedly

Amayara removed her gown and gave it to Aayan and Ananya dressed her in blue shorts and t shirt..

'See you look so pretty... ' Ananya pulled her cheeks

'Aayaa... Hide the SpongeBob... ' Amayra orders Aayan

'Okayy grandma... ' He rolls his eyes and keeps her gown in the cupboard

'She doesn't call you Dad...?' Ananya asked

'I tried a lot, but she doesn't quit calling me Aaya... ' Aayan sighed

'Okayyy... ' she said that's weird.... Ananya thought

'Fine.. See you downstairs... ' Ananya said and then turned around to leave..

'Anniieeyyy.... ' Amayra called

'Yes baby...?' Ananya replied

'Hair...?' Amayraa said pointing towards her own hair

And Aayan was shocked to see this, yes Amayraa is a friendly kid.. But she doesn't let anyone do her hair, not even her pappy... Only Aayan was allowed to touch her hair and in that too he had to bear her tantrums, but here she is asking Ananya, herself to comb her hair...

'You want me to comb your hair baby...?' Ananya asked and Amayraa nodded excitedly

'Okay... Let's do your hair... ' She walked towards her and Aayan gives her the comb

Ananya notes his shocked expression
'What...?' she asked

'No one is allowed to touch her hair, not even Mrs. Kumar... ' Aayan blurted out

'Who combs her hair then...?' She asked untying Amayraa's hair softly

'Me... ' Aayan said

What about her mother then...
Ananya thought

'Okay... ' Ananya said and Aayan stood there watching both of them talking and laughing with each other

She'll be a great mother one day Aayan smiled thinking this

'You go get ready,  I will take her downstairs... ' Ananya said picking Amayraa in her arms

'Okay... ' Aayan said

She walked towards the door, holding Amayraa in her arms

'Ananya....' Aayan called

'Yeah...?' She turned around

'Thank you... ' he smiled

'Yeah... No problem... ' Ananya smiled back and left his room

Aayan facepalmed himself after she left..

What am I doing...


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