Chapter 1

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*one week later*

"Don't wanna live as an untold story
Rather go out in a blaze of glory
I can't hear you, I don't fear you
I'll live now cause the bad die last
Dodging bullets with your broken past
I can't hear you, I don't fear you now

Wrapped in your regret
What a waste of blood and sweat
Oh oh oh

I wanna taste love and pain
Wanna feel pride and shame
I don't wanna take my time
Don't wanna waste one line
I wanna live better days
Never look back and say
Could have been me
It could have been me

A loud groan came from the lump under the covers of the bed. Could of been me by the struts blasted from the clock radio on the nightstand. The time 5:30 flashed on the clock.
A hand reached out and smacked the button on the radio silencing it.
A pair of tired green eyes slowly closed shut once more hoping for a five minutes more rest when-
Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Get up Dean!" Shouted his 17 year old brother Sam.
Dean groaned even louder then the first, and put a pillow over his face and shouted.
"God fucking dammit Sammy come on!"
Sam chuckled
"Hey the deal you made dad when he died was you would take care of me and that includes taking me to school!"
Dean sat up in bed, dirty blonde hair stood up in spikes and his bare chest showing.
"Yes Sam I know the deal I don't need to be reminded every single time!"
"Then get your lazy ass up!"
And he heard the young Winchester walk away.

Dean sighed and swung his legs out of bed. He ran a hand down his face tiredly, and regretting going to that bar with Benny late last night. He didn't get home till 1:00 in the morning. A huge fault on his part.
Finally he got up and dragged his tired feet over to his dresser. He took out a clean ACDC shirt and a pair of jeans even though it was late spring.

Dean winchester was nothing special. Just a small town guy trying to make a living. The winchesters never had an easy life. Mary Winchester died six months after Sam, the youngest was born, in a house fire. Years later when Sam turned 14, John Winchester got very sick and died six months later as well. Dean being eighteen at the time took custody to his younger brother, graduated early, and was able to make a small business for himself.

If you'd ever been to a mall and gone to a 'Hot Topic', well you could compare 'Winchesters Junk and Things' to that. Except there was a difference. You felt very much at home in the Winchester store. Dean loved having conversations with the customers.
Others might call his shop a hobby shop. But Dean didn't care what people called it, as long as it made enough money to get him and Sam by in this world.

Dean pulled on his leather jacket, he boots then walked out of his room to the kitchen.
Sam Winchester was a straight A student hoping for a scholarship to Stanford as a lawyer. Dean couldn't be more proud of his younger brother. So proud he was even wiling to get up early before work to drive him to school.....

Ok maybe not willingly more like Sam annoying him till he said yes to driving him.

But anyways Dean entered to kitchen to see his moose if a brother hovering over a bowl of Lucky Charms and scooping spoon fulls into his mouth.
Dean also grabbed the box and made a bowl for himself.
"See you decided the join the land of the living." Snorted Sam.
Dean rolled his eyes sitting down across from Sam and muttered a "Bitch" to him.
"Jerk." Sam shot back.


"Be here at 2:30 Dean." Sam said sternly getting out of the 1967 Chevy Impala.
"I will."
"You said that yesterday and you weren't here till like 5."
Dean rolled his eyes
"I'll be here Sam now go before your late."

Dean unlocked his shop and turned the close sign to open. The shop was filled with fandoms, t-shirts, novelties, old comics and more.
Jo walked in and they fist bumped.
"Heya Winchester ready for my shift."
Dean smirked
"Get too it then. I'm waiting for a new shipment of Doctor who themed t-shirts. Might wanna inform your girl friend." He said wiggling his eyebrows
Jo blushes "She's not my girlfriend." She mumbled
"Yet. My dear Hervelle. Yet."
Jo snorted "Ok mister wise guy."

Jo went to the back to start her day. A few minutes later Benny and Garth walked in.
"Sup brother." Benny said patting Deans back
"Hi Dean."
Garth held up a puppet he found in the clearance section of the store. He calls him Mr Frizzles and that's what he was using to talk at the current moment. No body ever buys that puppet. It sits in clearance gathering dust only used for Garth's entertainment.
"But the damn puppet down Garth." Groaned Dean
"Aw you made Mr. Frizzles sad." Garth said in a really squeaky weird voice while moving the puppets mouth
Dean reach across the counter, grabbed the puppet, and chucked it across the store.

"Listen if you two are gonna hang around, go make yourself useful and start getting stuff from the back and stocking things on shelves."

Benny perched his lips and crossed his arms as if thinking about this.

"Do we get paid?"


"Come on Winchester!"




"Delivery for Winchester!" The mailman said carrying a big package in his hands, and walking into the store.

Dean hurried over to the man and took the box an settling it on the counter. He signed a few papers, thanked the man and he left.

"Whatcha get?" asked Garth

"New Doctor Who themed shirts. These fan girls keep coming in and buying so many i had to buy more."

Dean took a knife and opened the box. What he didn't expect was a shinny object. Sitting upon the shirts.

As if its been waiting for him.                                                      

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