Chapter Five

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Rapunzel and I decided to go to a little Italian restaurant just two blocks away from Arendelle Industries. I could tell she was trying to contain her excitement, trying to be mature and not look too anxious. I made sure not to tell her she was failing miserably.

We were seated by the window, able to see all the cars that passed by. We ordered our drinks. I settled on peach tea, Rapunzel stuck to water but asked for lemon. As much as I wanted to get some alcohol in my system for the conversation I knew was coming, I generally opted to not drink at lunch, it wouldn't be professional once I got back to work to have my breath reeking of alcohol.

The waiter left us to look at the menus.

Rapunzel cleared her throat. "Would you mind if I got all the awkward stuff out of the way right now?" She suggested. "I actually want to enjoy this, I haven't seen you in so long, I've really missed you." I glanced up from the menus, seeing the sincerity in her eyes, I nodded. "You can ask whatever you want, or I could just start from the beginning."

"The beginning is good." Not actually good, but she understood what I meant.

She took a deep breath. "Okay. I want to start off by saying it was my fault that even happened in the first place. I was lonely and depressed about not getting into that art college in Nevada, and I know that's no excuse, it's just the truth." She waved her hands around a little bit, reminding me of Anna's frantic gestures. "Anyway, I decided to go over to Jack's house, because even though we weren't together anymore, and I was happy for the two of you, I knew he'd always be there to cheer me up."

I nodded, Jack always had that effect on people. No matter what mood a person was in he could always cheer them up and make them smile. 

Rapunzel continued, "At first it was just mindless talking, and a lot of crying on my part. But when the initial wave of tears ended, we decided to start drinking." She looked down in shame. "We really shouldn't have. One thing lead to another and I ended up kissing him because, in my mind I guess I thought we were still together."

I was trying so hard to hold back the tears. Maybe it wasn't such a a good idea to do this. I'm emotional because of the anniversary of my parents deaths.

Right then waiter came back to take our orders. I ordered fettuccine alfredo and Rapunzel decided on some sort of tortellini dish. He left so Rapunzel finished her story.

"It was stupid. We were drunk. Neither of us ever meant to hurt you. As soon as you got there and we realized what we'd done, we felt so guilty, Elsa. Jack was heartbroken, but he thought it'd be best to give you a few months...then your parents died and you and Anna moved here. He--we--never got the chance to talk with you, and I'm sorry for that."

I saw the desperation in the way she was holding herself, her eyes were pleading.

I took a deep breath, "I should apologize as well."

Rapunzel looked confused, "What do you..."

"I felt betrayed, but that still doesn't mean I should've acted the way I did. I said some very hurtful things to you, and Jack, and I'm sorry for that."

Rapunzel smiled, "Trust me I understand why. Let's just put it behind us." She made an offer I couldn't refuse. No matter how mad I was at her in the past, I really missed my cousin.

"I'd like that."

The waiter came back with our food. We talked about what we'd been doing the last five years. Apparently Rapunzel married a thief after she helped him turn his life around. They were happy and lived in a large appartment not to far from mine in Manhattan.

We split the check and she walked with me back to Arendelle Industries. She then had to get home but I would see her on Monday.

Gerda greeted me before I stepped back into my office. "How was your lunch?"

"Wonderful, thank you." I smiled, "are there any updates on charity benefit? Any issues with the venue? Miss Ramsey mentioned something about not having enough tables, I believe."

"No.  She called back and said they'd figured out the issue."

"Brilliant. I'll be in my office then, Mister Benitez said there were some glitches in the programming for their systems."

"Good luck," Gerda nodded at me then seemed to remember something. "Oh! Mister Haddock dropped by while you were out."

I paused with my hand on the doorknob to my office, "Oh? What did he say?"

"Not much, he just left something on your desk." She smirked. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, she seemed to know something I didn't. Whatever it was about, I decided to ignore it for now; I had more important business to attend to.

Stepping into my office, I immediately realized what her expression was about. A large vase of pale blue lilies sat to the right of my chrome desk. I rolled my eyes and smiled at his antics. I didn't even know there were blue lilies. Leave it to Hiccup...

I gently plucked the small ivory envelope from the flowers and read it.


I'll pick you up at eight. Your hair looks better long.


"Your hair looks better long" was our code for going undercover. If the paparazzi saw two CEOs from different companies out and about together, they might start getting ideas.  So he wants to be inconspicuous tonight...I see how it is.

To be honest with myself, I really missed him. Of the few people I've allowed into my life lately, I'm happy he's one of them.

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