Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They all belong to either Disney, DreamWorks, or Pixar.

As stated in the summary, This story was originally written by the user @_Why_would_YOU_care77 but they recently deleted their account. I noticed many people were sad about them and their stories disappearing, so I decided (with the support of a few others) to repost and continue this story in their honor. Please don't think I am copying or stealing this story.



"Elsa? Wh—what are you doing here?" He gulped.

I stood there, baffled. "I came to return your Chemistry book. What I'd like to know, though, is: why are you kissing my cousin?"

He looked to Rapunzel at his left. She looked just as frightened as he did. "Elsa, I'm sorry! We can explain."

I shook my head, the tears already threatening to spill. "No, I don't want to hear it. Rapunzel," I focused my attention on her, "How could you do this to me? My boyfriend of three years...and my cousin. I guess blood isn't exactly thicker than water, now is it?" I told her with disgust.

"Elsa, I'm so sorry," Jack begged.

"Do you think some meaningless apology is going to fix the fact that you cheated on me with my cousin?" I shouted. Rapunzel and Jack shrunk away at my anger. I laughed bitterly, "Because you're wrong."

Jack's face was contorted with pain and sorrow. "I'm done, Jack. Whatever we had, it's over. And Rapunzel, I don't want to see you at my house ever again." I threatened.

I stormed out of his house and into my car. I started the engine started driving home. The entire way there I ignored Jack and Rapunzel's calls and texts. Speeding through the gate to my driveway, I parked in the garage and slammed the car door. I ran inside, passed Anna, and up the marble staircase to my bedroom.

Collapsing on the pale blue sheets on my king sized bed, I let all the tears that had built up fall free. My sobs shook my whole body until I heard a knock at the door.

"Elsa?" Anna, my sixteen year old sister, called for me. "Please, I know you're in there... Well, Mom, Dad, and I are really worried about you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. Please let me in?" She waited for a moment then sighed, "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

"Please, Elsa, I just want to help you."

Reluctantly, I crawled off of my bed and open the door. There stood my parents and sister. The second they saw me, they enveloped me in a big hug. The four of us sat on the floor in my room while I cried on my father's chest.

I was always the daddy's girl, while Anna was the momma's girl.

"What happened, Princess?" Mom asked me. Her kind eyes held far too many traces of concern.

"Jack cheated on me with Rapunzel." I choked out as I entered into another fit of sobs.

"When I get my hands on that little Jack-ass, I'm going to—"

"Anna." Dad warned her.

"Sorry..." Anna blushed.

"Don't cry, honey." Mom cooed as she stroked my hair. "You're a beautiful, smart, talented young woman. Jack is too blind to see that. Don't cry over him, he's not worth it. He doesn't even deserve your tears."

I sniffed, "really?"

"Of course, big girl." Dad agreed. "Besides you'll find someone else—someone who appreciates you. And who will love you as much as we do."

"Thank you." I smiled as my tears slowly halted.

"Anytime," Mom squeezed my hand. "We'll always be here."

"Okay, great. We made a triple chocolate cake and it's calling my—I mean your—name." Anna said. We all chuckled at her and made our way downstairs to the kitchen.

As I sat there eating my cake that my family made for me, and watched them smiling and having a good time, I realized something.

I think I'm going to be okay. Yes, I did just break up with my first love, but I'll get over it. I'm an Arendelle. And Arendelles always get through even the toughest of things, especially when we're surrounded by those who truly love us.

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