Some History Doohickies

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So, in social studoes we hv to do this civil war journal thingymabob.  its actually more fun than u think! you make OCs, and use a spinner to judge their future and stuff.  All during the Civil war times.  So, i decided to be relatives to some close friends which i wont tell u the name of for privacy issues and blahblagh.  One of them is swedish, and i will call her papaya (yes, papaya.  i just thought of something.)

my other friend is gonna b called.... potato.  wonderful.

we just started our ideas today, so not much to say yet. i might tell u awesome readers about wht's happening throughout some chapters.  So far here are some stuff about mai OC.  (i didnt make her looks yet.)

Name: Melody

Relatives: Mom=rebecca dad=i forgot oofie Twin=elizabeth/liz (mishish papaya) and lil sis=sally(Potato)

Goal: writerrrrrrrrr Xd

"career": poor farmer

Where i live: Maryland

Age: Melody=15 elizabeth=15 sally=13 i think

Slaves: 3 slaves.  no names yet but this is wht im thinking... 

Slave one: slave mommy

Slave 2: Slave daddy (Johnathan/John Patterson)

Slave 3: Daughter, 12, Amanda.

We're thinking that the three sisters are close friends with Amanda but their mom doesnt like it entirely.  Welppppp thats all 4 now! thnx for reading :)!

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