The 2nd meteor (Alex)

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I forgot to mention this before, but a 2nd meteor did arrive a year after the first. Which is how the others got powers as well.

Alex woke up from the couch. She had just finished working on Homework from school and was ready to sleep in. But her father refused to let her close her eyes for one more second. Her father Barnard Bunny raised her and Ace after there late mother passed away from a car crash. They were little on cash and there place wasn't the best one in the house. Alex always wished she lived in a better life than this.

With her brother leaving for the Loonatics and her staying with her obnoxious father, you'd think she'd be able to escape more. Well no. She hated it here.

Alex looked at the time on her watch and realized that it was almost 8am. "OH CRAP!" Alex exclaimed, quickly getting up to get dressed. Her father was no help, coming into the living room while his daughter was still putting on her favorite tee. He glared at her tapping his foot repeatedly. "I'm assuming you've slept in?" Normally this jester would allow Alex to pause, but right now, she didn't have the time. "Dad you can scowl me later, I gotta go." Alex replied, struggling to put her shoes on. "Damn these big feet."

"Watch your mouth."

"Sorry." Alex apologize grabbing her bag and her earplugs that fell out of her pocket. Barnard looked down to see her iPod as well. "Alex?"

"Can't talk gotta go."

"Alexandria Elise Bunny." Alex froze this time. Looking straight at her father, she gulped. "What have I told you about playing music in the middle of the night."

"I wasn't I swear." Alex said trying to grab her IPod but her father grabbed it first. Barnard looked through all the music she was listening too and frowned. "Britney Spears, Jason Deluro, Kevin Hart,"

"He's a comedian."

"I know that." Barnard said not looking from the iPod. "Wanna explain to me young lady why there is a hundred of inappropriate songs on this device?" Alex smiled nervously. That music was her life blood. She can't NOT go to school without it. "What's wrong with it? All the kids are listening to it."

"Well you shouldn't be. This is coming with me!" Barnard exclaim but Alex wasn't giving up. She snatched it back. "Oh no it's not." Barnard took the challenge and grabbed it back. "Oh yes it is."

"Oh no it's not."

"Oh yes it is."

"Oh yes it is."

"Oh no it's not."


"OH NO ITS NOT!" Alex had the iPod. "Okay dad, you win. Cya." Alex quickly left the house with the iPod. Her father smiled pridefully until he realize what he just fell for. "ALEXANDRIA!!!!"

Alex chuckled to herself as she raced to school. "Works every time." She smirked. She was almost to the school if not for a bright light heading her way. She looked up to the sky to see a giant circle shaped sphere. It was getting bigger. Because it was getting closer!

Not caring if she missed an assignment, Alex turned back and ran. The meteor reminded her of the first time it came. When her brother was on a movie set as a stunt double. Boy did he hate it. Alex couldn't make it very far and tripped on her own 2 feet. "Some lucky feet they are." Alex said but before she could get back up, the meteor came down and she was consumed with darkness.

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