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woah... this is going to be heavy! lots and lots of members (i'll include all units) but i'll try my best. let's start: 

taeil -  ravenclaw 

name: moon taeil

blood status: muggle-born

wand: 9½ inches long made of poplar with unicorn hair core. 

patronus: pheasant

why: i see taeil as a very quiet yet individualistic person. he seems to rely more on logic than feelings. i think he is determined and competitive in a good-healthy way which is one of the things that ravenclaw values the most. analythical and commited person. he is the eldest in nct and according to some of them, he is a reliable member. he is a muggle-born. nobody ever knew nor suspected it. that's why when he received his letter, his parents were extremely confused and refused to let him go. they were later convinced by one of the teachers since they could feel taeil had a great opportunity if he chose to attend hogwarts. indeed he was a very talented wizard, one of the top of the class. he wasn't avid with the broomstick but either way loved quidditch. he knew all the rules and stadistics for each and every game. he had a small group of friends of different houses. he was gifted with a brown screech owl who he named after his place of origin, seoul. 

johnny - gryffindor

name: seo youngho 

blood status: pure blood

wand: 14¾ inches long made of laurel with a dragon heartstring core

patronus: doe

why: there's something about foreigner idols that gives me so much gryffindor vibes. it takes a lot of courage to leave your home behind to pursue your dreams. now even if this is something that might be a slytherin trait, for me is more an act of bravery than ambition. johnny for me is 100% gryffindor even if he could literally fit in any of the 4 houses. i've been watching him for a long time and he is one of my favorite people ever. he is super charming, caring and completely brave. he is always on the right side and is very down to earth guy. he comes from a pure blood family of wizards and witches but grew up travelling since his father is an auror. he was homeschooled but once his letter arrived he immediately loved the idea of going to hogwarts to study in an actual school. he had listened stories from his parents and how were their school years there (mom a hufflepuff and dad a gryffindor) and he couldn't wait to attend. he is a straight-a student and his favorite subject is defence against the dark arts. as elective, he chose divination and he was always the best of the class. before going to hogwarts, his parents gifted him with a barn owl who he named airbubble mcmuffin

taeyong - hufflepuff

name: lee taeyong 

blood status: half-blood

wand: 11¾ inches long made of willow with unicorn hair core.

patronus: king cobra

why: well i think it's pretty obvious? even though he might possess a few of the gryffindor traits, i can only place him in hufflepuff. charming, loyal and caring. he's one of the best leaders i've seen. he's hard-working and tries to be better each day. he tries to give good advice and seems to love being around all these other members. values friendship and dedication. he's extremely talented and unique. he comes from a mixed-family. being his mother a witch and his father a muggle. he was raised in the muggle world and attended a regular school. when his letter arrived he was confused about going or not, but his mother left this decision to him. she didn't want to push him to leave his normal life. but taeyong had always been curious and open-minded. at first he wasn't completely sure but later on, he decided to give it a try, after all he could always return to his old life. leaving his friends was heartbreaking, but once he arrived hogwarts, he kept writing letters to them as he made new friends in the castle. he is not exceptionally good at all subjects. surprisingly he's good at transfiguration and at astronomy. he has a tabby cat name taebreeze

yuta - slytherin

name: yuta nakamoto

blood status: pure blood

wand: 11 inches long made of pearwood with an unicorn hair core. 

patronus: eagle 

why: he belongs here, that's it. it's pretty obvious yuta is a quick-witted guy. ambitious and cunning, all traits that slytherin has. he even has that malicious side, not in a bad way of course. he seems the type of guy that always has something else to say and that might not be exactly what you want to hear. he comes from a long-traditional pure blood lineage, one of the most ancients in japan and they were all surprised when he got called from hogwarts instead of  mahoutokoro. but it happened basically because he wasn't living in japan at the time. he was excited to attend hogwarts either way because he wanted to make international friends. he was good a practical more than theorical subjects such as flying and defence against the dark arts. yuta blended in quickly as he learned the language and customes, soon enough he had a large group of friends and he felt just like home. his mother gifted him with a black cat as a gift pet before going to hogwarts. he named him tamotsu. 

doyoung - slytherin

name: kim dongyoung

blood status: pure blood

wand: 14 inches long made of vine with a phoenix feather core

patronus: thestral 

why: come on? he invented the house. slytherins tend to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented. now, i know he is not the official leader but we can all agree he acts like one 101% of the time. he definitely has leadership tendencies. slytherins also have highly developed senses of self-preservation. this means that they tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done. they are resourceful and clever, and... i just described doyoung to you. he can also be a bit savage sometimes, another important trait. doyoung is a pure blood just as his parents and older brother. his last name is oftently related with dark magic since his ancestors were famous followers of a dark lord in their times. even though they denied it several times, his family is still feared. they all have attended hogwarts and had been placed in slytherin with no exceptions. naturally when his letter arrived, the family was super proud and expected always the best from him. he felt incredibly relieved when he was placed in slytherin and immediately sent an owl with the news to his parents. doyoung's older brother was there already, two years ahead of him. they share a strong bond and have such a nice relationship despite being both slytherins. he is an avid reader to which he read all the books before even going to hogwarts. he's exceptionally good in all subjects, but his truly favorites are charms and potions. he is very good at potions and can make them with his eyes closed. as electives he chose apparition and the study of ancient runes. he'd always feel passionate about runes. as far as extra-curricular activities, he joined the music club and the frog choir, being the only slytherin there since most of them were either hufflepuff or gryffindors. he chose an owl as his pet. it was his first time ever having an owl or just any pet in general. back in his house they weren't allowed to have pets. the only living creature closest to a looking-like pet was an old embittered elf they had, named raegan. he fell in love with a white owl with deep icy-light-gray eyes. the owl was loyal to him since the first day and he'd send packages with treats from the kim manor, whenever doyoung got great grades which it was usually all the time. he named him owlbert.

ten - slytherin

name: chittaphon leechaiyapornkul

blood status: muggle-born 

wand: 9½ inches long made of dogwood with unicorn hair core.

patronus: leopard

why: i know. there are a lot of slytherins in nct. ten definitely can be in any house but for me, slytherin is the one he fits the most. we all know he is ambitious and clever. he is smart in so many ways and has definitely a healthy-sarcastic-manipulative side. he is a sweetheart and he is very sweet but he has a darker side, dark humor and can make some snarky remarks sometimes, that's why i think he fits here just fine. he is a muggle born wizard. the first time ever. a discrepancy with one of the most ancient values of the house: traditionalism. the sorting hat was extremely confused but he acknowledged his traits belonged to slytherin. ten is well-known worldwide since he is kind of a celebrity. he was a youtube star before going to hogwarts and once he was there, most of the students recognized him and he was quickly accepted despite being a muggle-born. he has lots of friends in slytherin and is very popular among the other houses as well. his handsome looks and bright personality make everyone want to be their friend. but sometimes he can be calculating and selective. he likes to have a small group of friends and acts as their leader most of the times. his favorite subject is potions and even though he's not very avid with the broomstick, he still manages to be one of the best of his class. as elective, he surprised everyone when he chose arithmancy, the art of predicting the future using numbers. and of course, he was one of the best. ironically surpassing other pure-blood students. he has a black cat named gucci. 

jaehyun - hufflepuff

name: jung yoon oh

blood status: half-blood

wand: 12¾ inches long made of fir with phoenix feather core 

patronus: mountain hare 

why: another hard one. jaehyun for me could be either a gryffindor or a hufflepuff but the way he acts around tells me he is more a hufflepuff. charming, silly, meme-ish. loyal and kind, all hufflepuff traits. he loves food and cooking so this already tells a lot about him. friendly and loves that comradery among the members. he comes from a mixed family, being his father the wizard and his mother a muggle. he grew up between the two worlds to which he is quite avid adapting in both places. his father taught him magic since he was little and his mother the muggle ways. when he received the letter he was excited since it had always been a dream of his attending hogwarts. his father had previously been on gryffindor and at first he was a bit disappointed but once he met his fellow hufflepuff students, he loved it there. the common room was his favorite place in the whole castle and he'd spend lots of time there. his parents took him to the emporium of pets and he fell in love with a crested toad who he named valentine.

winwin - hufflepuff 

name:  dong si cheng

blood status: half-blood

wand: 12 inches long made of applewood with unicorn hair core 

patronus: dragonfly 

why: i think winwin is quite unpredictable. like i don't know him that well but he gives me the hufflepuff vibes. seems loyal, sweet and kind. i can't picture him in houses like ravenclaw or slytherin. i feel he is trust-worthy and loves being accompanied by people who he considers friends. he comes from a mixed family, being his mother a witch and his father a muggle. at first he was bullied at hogwarts because he was always quiet and lonely, but then when he showed up his ability with herbology, he became quite popular, earning tons of friends. he took as elective, care of magical creatures and was gifted by his parents with a tawny owl named nugget.  

jungwoo - hufflepuff

name: kim jungwoo

blood status: pure blood

wand: 13 inches long made of english oak with unicorn hair core

patronus: pine marten

why: it seems nct is divided between slytherins and hufflepuffs. even though i am not really familiar with the new members, jungwoo gives me a jaehyun/winwin-familiar-vibe. reliable and sweet. with his charms makes people around him fall for him. he is a patient person, dedicated and hard working. he posesses traits like loyalty and kindness worthy of a true hufflepuff. he comes from a pure-blood family, most of his relatives being sorted in hufflepuff. they own a chain of greenhouses all around the world, being very avid with herbology. jungwoo grew to love herbology just as much as his parents and he comes from a large family. naturally when he went to hogwarts, he was exceptionally good at herbology and care of magical creatures. soon he was friends with winwin since they had lots of things in common. his parents gifted him with a snowy owl that he named chamomile

lucas - gryffindor 

name: wong yukhei

blood status: pure blood

wand: 14 inches long made of blackthorn with dragon heartstring core

patronus: peacock 

why: like i said, i don't know the new members that well, but he gives me fred and george weasley vibes. one of the most confident idols i've ever seen, seriously, sometimes even comes off as arrogant (thing that some gryffindors can be). seems like a brave person, like nothing can scare him and he acts before thinking. determined and daring, a gryffindor. he is a pure-blood wizard. his family is one of the most ancient families of pure-blood magicians in china. he was supposed to attend their magic school but he moved to europe and by the time he got his letter, it was hogwarts'. he's not exceptionally good in theorical nor practical subjects, he doesn't get good grades but it's definitely popular, especially among the girls (no matter which house). he is a prankster, got punished countless times and eventually got expelled around the 4th year. before going to hogwarts he chose a barn owl that he named deeznuts and was forced to change the name of the owl since teachers thought he was being innapropiate. he later changed it to snickers. 

mark - gryffindor 

name: mark lee

blood status: half-blood

wand: 11½ inches long made of mahogany with dragon heartstring core

patronus: rottweiler 

why: a true gryffindor! reliable, brave and charming. he is like a prince with a lion heart. chivalry and willful are some of his traits. he is passionate and very honest with those around him and he is one of the sweetest guys ever. he if a half-blood wizard, being his father the wizard and his mother the muggle. his father flew the country looking for a different life and moved to europe where he met mark's mom. even though he tried to run away from the magical world, when mark received his letter from hogwarts, he was reluctant to let him go. he didn't want to have any association with the magic world anymore, but for mark, magic was a world he always dreamt of, with the movies and series he watched on tv. he didn't know it really existed so he tried to convince his parents to let him go. finally after several attempts that ended with him running away from home to go to hogwarts, they finally let him go. mark was good with potions and charms and he eventually joined the quidditch team. his father bought him a snowy owl that he named duchess. 

renjun - ravenclaw

name: huang renjun

blood status: pure blood

wand: 10½ inches long made of redwood with unicorn hair core.

patronus: weasel 

why: even though he could easily be a hufflepuff, i picture him as the nerdy classmate who always has his homework done. he plays by the rules and is very correct. even though he seems very sweet and angelic, i think he is individualistic and logical. definitely smart and creative. he is a pure blood wizard. he has been taught magic since he was a kid and family had high expectations of him. when his letter arrived he was thrilled and definitely prepared to attend hogwarts. he was fluent in everything since he had read the books of the first three years and memorized them by heart. he's good at all subjects but one of his favorites is potions. he has a white cat named bubbles. 

jeno - hufflepuff 

name: lee jeno 

blood status: pure blood

wand: 13 inches long made of hazel with phoenix feather core 

patronus: polar bear 

why: jeno is like a puppy to me. he is kind, quiet but very hard working. talented 101% and sometimes understimated, but either way he is sweet to people around him, he always has a smile that is to die for. looks like he'd be a mediator and gives me the vibes of a very patient person. he comes from a wealthy family of pure blood magicians. his parents are both famous aurologists. he considered himself lucky and even happy when his letter arrived. he was gifted with a black cat before going to hogwarts, he named her pandora.

haechan -gryffindor

name: lee donghyuck

blood status: muggle-born

wand: 12½ inches long made of cherry with unicorn hair core.

patronus: hyena

why: i think that if yuta and doyoung had a kid, it'd be haechan. he is the savage baby. the most sassy maknae in nct. clever, witty and always has a comeback. he can be sweet but manipulative. but despite all this, he is a gryffindor to me. i know he could easily be a slytherin but for me he isn't. haechan is the type of person that acts first, based on insctincts and then thinks. he's always carried away by his feelings and not his logic and this leads him to make mistakes. he is brave and passionate and practical. haechan is a muggle born, he was clueless about a magic world existing among us. when he got his letter he threw it away, thinking it was probably a joke from his school friends. but when the letters kept coming in very unusual ways, he went to the police, thinking it was a stalker trying to scare him. but once a teacher came to his house to talk to his parents, she showed them how there had been traces of magic in their families before, ages ago. haechan was quickly drawn into the world of magic and accepted going to hogwarts. he is surprisingly good at potions and defence against the dark arts. he took the family pet with him, a tiny western green toad that he had bought for a science project, he had named him edamame.

jaemin - ravenclaw

name: na jaemin

blood status: half-blood

wand: 12 inches long made of hornbeam with unicorn hair core

patronus: capuchin monkey

why: i don't know him very well but he gives me this vibe of tranquility and logical person. he seems very rational and engaged. definitely hard working and accepting. in his family, his mom is the witch and his father a muggle. his mother works as an editor for both a magical magazine and a muggle blog. his father owns a restaurant. he loves learning new things everyday and when he learned his mother was witch, it opened a world of possibilities for him. he dreamed of the day when his letter will arive. of course it worried him if he was going to be a wizard or not. but when the letter did arrive, he cried of happiness. he was placed in ravenclaw, just as his mom previously. he is good in almost all subjects, except for herbology. he hates the smell of the greenhouse and is allergic to several plants. he has a tabby cat named peanut.

chenle - hufflepuff

name: zhong chenle 

blood status: half-blood

wand: 10 inches long made of cherry with dragon heartstring core

patronus: dolphin 

why: well he is very smiley and sweet and kind of reminds me of luna lovegood (even though she is a ravenclaw). seems like a loyal and hard-working person. he gives me that friendly vibe, open minded and accepting kind. the type of friend that always supports you no matter what. he's always there when you need it and he'd always make you laugh even if that means making silly faces. he is a half-blood wizard. none of his parents are magical but both of his grandparents are. the magic blood skipped a generation for both parts. even though his parents knew little about magic, his grandparents taught him basic thinks as soon as his letter arrived. he is good with herbology and loves learning about magical creatures. he is also proficient in the art of divination. he has a chubby ginger cat named paprika. 

jisung - ravenclaw

name: park jisung

blood status: half-blood 

wand: 11¾inches long made of larch with dragon heartstring core

patronus: west highland terrier

why: to be honest, i don't know jisung very well but he have always given me vibes of jungkook, and for me jungkook is a ravenclaw so that's why i am sorting him here. he seems determined and competitive. tries so hard to be good at what he does and is very talented, persistend and sometimes genuine. his mother is a muggle and his father a wizard which which makes him a half-blood. his father is an auror for what they'd be travelling constantly. ar first he felt out of place when he arrived hogwarts but he was so mesmerized by all the things he didn't know existed that he blend quite well, especially when he started making friends. as extra-curricular subjects he chose muggle music since he was a huge fan of kpop and loved dancing. he has a barn owl that sometimes danced with him and was the most loyal pet he ever owned. he named him after one of his favorite dance styles, b-boy.

that's it! i think i didn't miss anyone, did i? what do you think of this sorting guys? i am not completely familiar with some of the dream members but i tried based on the little i've seen. i know kun is not here but it's just... i really can't figure him out! i don't know anything about him and he doesn't give me any vibes yet, that's why he's not featuring here. maybe in the future if i learn more about him, i might include him here. this was long anyways, i've been working on this for the past few days. let me know if you agree with this sorting! 


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